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Xperia Z5上手视频+配置 2015首款4K屏幕手机 如果没错
送交者: 大漠孤鹰[♂★水煮牛蛙★♂] 于 2015-08-30 23:07 已读 1797 次 2 赞  


Z5 (5,2"), Z5 Compact and Z5 Premium are the 3 flagships.

Specs confirmed for all the Z5s:

Finger print reader
Up to 2 days of battery lifeStill water and dust resistant with a special mirco USB portXperia logo engraved on the aluminium side (because it's more premium)

Specs confirmed for the Z5 Premium:

5.5" 4K Screen
23 Mpx camera (0.03 sec autofocus) | 5x Zoom without quality loss (No more details on this) | (this new camera is apparently on all the Z5s but I'm not sure)

收工睡觉 From reddit

贴主:大漠孤鹰于2015_08_30 23:16:21编辑

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