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crawling back to you
送交者: singarette[♂御史大夫★★★☆♂] 于 2013-03-19 7:38 已读 240 次  


Lessons learned, bridges burned to the ground,
And it's too late now to put out the fire,
Tables turned, and I'm the one who's burning now,
Well I'm doing alright,
'Til I close my eyes
And then I see your face,
And it's no surprise. www.6park.com

Just like that I'm crawling back to you,
Just like you said I would yeah,
I swallow my pride,
I'm crawling back to you,
I'm out of my head,
Can't wait any longer,
Down on my knees, I thought I was stronger,
Just like that, like you said I'd do,
I'm crawling back to you. www.6park.com

Time can heal, but the scars only hide the way you feel,
And it's hard to forget how I left you hanging
On by a thread, when everything is said, I will regret it, yeah,
I was doin' alright, thought I could make it,
Then I see your face and it's hard to fake it. www.6park.com

Just like that I'm crawling back to you,
Just like you said I would yeah,
I swallow my pride,
I'm crawling back to you,
I'm out of my head,
Can't wait any longer,
Down on my knees, I thought I was stronger,
Just like that, like you said I'd do,
I'm crawling back to you. www.6park.com

If you could find a way, to forgive everything, I know you would.
And I would take it all back, give if only I knew that I could. www.6park.com

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