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【Those Sweet Words】Norah Jones 小龟生日快乐!
送交者: 乐坛马甲[♀内阁学士★★★★♀] 于 2014-06-16 14:09 已读 535 次 4 赞  



知道你喜欢Norah Jones的歌,但是她的音色太特别了,我也学不来,只能跟着自己的感觉哼一曲了。这是在我嗓子不太好的情况下凑合录的,但是有投入感情哦,嘿嘿!一首很sweet的歌,送给sweet的小龟,希望你喜欢!祝小龟越来越漂亮,越来越幸福,健康开心每一天!

"Those Sweet Words"

What did you say
I know I saw you singing
My ears won't stop ringing
Long enough to hear
Those sweet words
What did you say

End of the day
The hour hand has spun
Before the night is done
I just have to hear
Those sweet words
Spoken like a melody

All your love
Is a lost balloon
Rising up through the afternoon
'Til it could fit on the head of a pin

Come on in
Did you have a hard time sleeping
'Cause a heavy moon was keeping me awake
And all I know is I'm just glad to see you again

See my love
Like a lost balloon
Rising up through the afternoon
And then you appear

What did you say
I know you were singing
My ears won't stop ringing
Long enough to hear
Those sweet words
And your simple melody

I just have to hear
Your sweet words
Spoken like a melody
I just wanna hear
Those sweet words

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