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最新单曲《Find You Again》
送交者: greenalbany[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2020-11-21 9:41 已读 4021 次 9 赞  



FIND YOU AGAIN 6park.com

[Verse 1] 6park.com

Crowded streets, cold sheets are places I’m looking for you 6park.com

Scanning the faces for eyes that are your shade of blue 6park.com

[Prechorus 1] 6park.com

If I could fall in love with somebody else 6park.com

Then I’d let myself fall for his spell 6park.com

But every time I look at somebody else 6park.com

I still think of you 6park.com

[Chorus] 6park.com

The moment our eyes met through pouring rain 6park.com

The sound of your voice that’s still carved in my brain 6park.com

The promise I made to myself on that day 6park.com

Said I swear I’ll find you again 6park.com

[Verse 2] 6park.com

Laugh and your smile are pictures that I can’t forget 6park.com

Echoes and flashbacks are little but all I have left 6park.com

[Prechorus 2] 6park.com

If I could wipe clean all the memories of you 6park.com

Then I’d let them all go happily 6park.com

But every time I think of someone but you 6park.com

I remember everything 6park.com

[Chorus] 6park.com

The moment our eyes met through pouring rain 6park.com

The sound of your voice that’s still carved in my brain 6park.com

The promise I made to myself on that day 6park.com

Said I swear I’ll find you again 6park.com

[Bridge] 6park.com

But what if you’ve been taken 6park.com

What if you’ve found somebody else 6park.com

You love somebody else oh 6park.com

But I won’t let it shake me 6park.com

Ever since that day I knew we’re meant to be 6park.com

[Drop Chorus] 6park.com

The moment our eyes met through pouring rain 6park.com

The sound of your voice that’s still carved in my brain 6park.com

The promise I made to myself on that day 6park.com

Said I swear I’ll find you 6park.com

[Chorus 2] 6park.com

The moment our hands touched my life fell in place 6park.com

The butterflies flew when you called out my name 6park.com

The promise I make to myself every day 6park.com

Yes I swear I’ll find you again
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