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【天泷弹唱 & Vivian】Someday or One Day
送交者: johnnytlong[♂☆★相信爱的天泷★☆♂] 于 2021-04-11 15:52 已读 3423 次 8 赞  


都来听听歌、留留言吧! 6park.com

孙盛希 - Someday or One Day 6park.com

Sunset fades away Streetlights start to blaze A turntable corner café As evening fades to gray 6park.com

Red brick alleyways Winding like a maze These memories rewind, replay And I am faraway 6park.com

He said to me that one day He’d meet me by the Milky Way Impossible to stay away Impossible to stay But please tell me that someday One day 6park.com

Played this song for days Wandering in a haze Soundtrack turned up all the way A smile to end the day 6park.com

He said to me that one day He’d meet me by the Milky Way Impossible to stay away Impossible to stay You’ll be back to me someday One day 6park.com

He said to me that one day He’d meet me by the Milky Way Impossible to stay away Impossible to stay But please tell me that someday Please tell me that someday You’ll be back to me someday One day 6park.com

贴主:johnnytlong于2021_04_11 16:13:13编辑
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