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【异域风】Scarborough fair
送交者: scsi65[♂☆★★骨灰级潜水★★☆♂] 于 2020-01-03 15:00 已读 5687 次 6 赞  



Scarborough Fair 6park.com

歌手:Sarah Brightman 6park.com

词曲:Sarah Brightman 6park.com

Are you going to Scarborough Fair? 6park.com

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 6park.com

Remember me to one who lives there 6park.com

He once was a true love of mine 6park.com

Tell him to make me a cambric shirt 6park.com

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 6park.com

Without no seams nor needle work 6park.com

Then he'll be a true love of mine 6park.com

Tell him to find me an acre of land 6park.com

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 6park.com

Between salt water and the sea strands 6park.com

Then he'll be a true love of mine 6park.com

Tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather 6park.com

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 6park.com

And gather it all in a bunch of heather 6park.com

Then he'll be a true love of mine 6park.com

Are you going to Scarborough Fair? 6park.com

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 6park.com

Remember me to one who lives there 6park.com

He once was a true love of mine 6park.com

Scarborough Fair

Scarborough Fair(斯卡堡集市,也译作“斯卡波罗集市”),是一首旋律优美的经典英文歌曲,曾作为第40届奥斯卡提名影片《毕业生》(The Graduate)的插曲,曲调凄美婉转,给人以心灵深处的触动。Scarborough Fair 原是一首古老的英国民歌,其起源可一直追溯到中世纪,原唱歌手为保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)和阿特·加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)。歌曲历史Scarborough Fair原是一首古老的英国民歌,其起源可一直追溯到中世纪,保罗·西蒙在英国学习期间从英国民歌歌手Martin Carthy(马汀·卡西)处学会了这首民歌,并对其进行改编,加入了自己创作的一首The Side of A Hill 作为副歌。由加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)作曲并演唱的副歌做为歌曲的和音在听觉的感受上不是特别强烈,因此很多人对副歌不太留意,认为副歌只是歌唱的一种处理形式,实际上副歌却是整个歌曲的灵魂,赋予了歌曲以反战的主题。该歌曲还被用作电影《毕业生》的插曲,大受20世纪60年代美国大学生欢迎。 本着活动重在参与的宗旨,第一次尝试唱英文歌,万般别扭。

贴主:scsi65于2020_01_03 15:37:19编辑

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