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🚤密西根州的大红灯塔 排排浪花气势震撼
送交者: yy888[♀★★★★天佑世界★★★★♀] 于 2022-06-09 9:22 已读 10984 次 9 赞  


我在摄版玩的时间不短了,和很多摄版高手都熟识,有一位朋友喜欢拍灯塔,哪里有灯塔他就去哪里拍,他的灯塔作品都像明信片一样非常的漂亮。那年我去密西根州玩,听说这里有座大红灯塔很有名,是密西根湖100多座灯塔里的第12座,这座灯塔在密西根州的中部,还是南部我有点忘了。 6park.com

去的那天风浪很大,天气不好要下暴雨了,脚架是很便宜的那种顶不住湖边的大风,还得用手扶着,因为有这样的大风,我拍到了一排又一排的浪花向岸边涌来,那气势是很震撼的,解说词参照网络资料重新编写。 6park.com



The Holland Harbor Light, known as Big Red, is located in Ottawa County, Michigan at the entrance of a channel onnecting Lake Michigan with Lake Macatawa, and which gives access to the city of Holland, Michigan. 6park.com

因为有Lake Michigan作为湖岸线,美国的Michigan state有不少有名的灯塔。荷兰港灯塔(Holland Harbour lighthouse)就是其中的一座,荷兰港灯塔建于1907年,连接Lake Michigan和Lake Macatawa河道的南部。 6park.com

灯塔旁边是一个面积极大的沙滩,在这里有儿童乐园,可以冲浪,玩游艇,放风筝等等是个一家人都能玩的好地方。 6park.com

因为灯塔外观鲜红,被人们亲切地称为“大红灯塔(Big Red)”。灯塔非常美,来这里拍照的人络绎不绝。这座灯塔经历了修缮,现由荷兰港灯塔历史委员会(Holland Harbor Lighthouse Historical Commission)管理。 6park.com


Let me talk about some history of this lighthouse. 6park.com

The first lighthouse built at this location was a small, square wooden structure erected in 1872. In 1880 the lighthouse service installed a new light atop a metal pole in a protective cage. The oil lantern was lowered by pulleys for service.
At the turn of the century, a steel tower was built for the light and in 1907 the present structure was erected. 6park.com

The lighthouse, popularly referred to as "Big Red," was automated in 1932. When the U. S. Coast Guard wanted to abandon it in 1970, citizens took actions to rescue it. The Holland Harbor Lighthouse Historical Commission was then organized to preserve and restore this landmark. Except for its color, it is a virtual twin of the Kewaunee Pierhead Light on the Wisconsin side of Lake Michigan. In 2007, the United States Department of the Interior announced that the Holland Harbor Light would be protected, Big Red became the 12th Michigan lighthouse. 6park.com

我们那天到的时候快要下大雨了,湖上风呼呼的吹,湖面的浪头一排又一排,很难得的拍下了这么漂亮的浪花和浪排。 6park.com


灯塔是位于海岸、港口或河道,指引船只方向的建筑物。灯塔常用来标志危险的海岸、险要的沙洲以及通往港口的航道。 6park.com


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