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送交者: hgao[♂☆★★★★声望勋衔19★★★★☆♂] 于 2019-03-04 17:48 已读 242 次 9 赞  


有个亲哥哥或者亲姐姐会是什么感觉? 6park.com

至少你能多发很多朋友圈。 6park.com



[ en ] 1.Had My Leg Amputated And My Brother Shows Up To The Hospital Dressed As A Pirate [ /en ] [ cn ] 我的一条腿截肢了,我哥哥来医院看望,打扮成了海盗的样子。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] 'The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem' - Captain Jack Sparrow [ /en ] [ cn ] " 问题的关键不是问题本身, 而是你面对这个问题的态度。" ——杰克船长 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 2.My Brother Never Fails To Disappoint With His Personalised Christmas Gifts - This Year He Made Me A Calendar [ /en ] [ cn ] 我哥哥的私人订制版圣诞礼物从未不让我失望——今年他为我自制了一本日历。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Whoa your brother is a treasure. I'd like him to be mine since my own siblings are too boring to do cool stuff like this for their beloved Eldest. [ /en ] [ cn ] 你哥哥真是个宝贝。真希望他是我的哥哥,因为我自己的弟弟妹妹们都很无聊,从不为我这个大姐姐做出什么很酷的事情。 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 3.We Always Get Each Other Ironic Gifts, My Little Sister Killed It This Year: Batteries Not Included [ /en ] [ cn ] 我和我的小妹妹总是互赠恶搞的礼物。今年她的礼物堪称一绝:玩具礼盒里没有的电池。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] "Uh, both the batteries ( if they have a charge ) and the baggy can be useful. So thanks for allowing me to power my TV remote and store small, easily lost items." [ /en ] [ cn ] " 呃,电池(如果不是废电池)很好用,装电池的袋子也很好用。非常感谢你让我给手机遥控器 " [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 4.This Is How My 2.5-Year-Old Niece Insists On Holding Her New Baby Brother [ /en ] [ cn ] 我 2 岁半的侄女坚持要带着这个面具,才肯抱抱她刚出生的弟弟 [ /cn ]

[ en ] 20 years later: where does my irrational fear of werewolves come from.... [ /en ] [ cn ] 20 年后:我的狼人恐惧症是怎么来的呢? [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 5.My Emt Brother Got Me A Very Important Medical [ w ] Bracelet [ /w ] This Year [ /en ] [ cn ] 我的哥哥是内科急诊专家。今年他送给我一个医护手环,上面写着一行非常重要的话。(请删除我的浏览器记录) [ /cn ]

[ en ] Yes, I already have given my brother a few instructions if i die before my time, delete browser history, smash my external hard drive and please, please, please check under the chest of drawers in the shed and [ w ] dispose [ /w ] of whatever you find. [ /en ] [ cn ] 没错,我也对我弟弟交代了几句话,告诉他如果我早早离世,他必须为我做的事:删除我的网页浏览记录,毁掉我的移动硬盘,而且一定、一定要查看一下五斗柜底下,无论找到什么,一律处理掉。 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 6.I Texted My Younger Brother During Graduation To Remind Him That Full Time Employment Is Right Around The Corner [ /en ] [ cn ] 我在弟弟的毕业典礼上给他发了个短信,提醒他即将成为全职坐班狗。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Forty plus years to go. [ /en ] [ cn ] 还有四十多年要奋斗呢。 [ /cn ] 6park.com



[ en ] 7.Girlfriend's Brother Was Very Honest Today [ /en ] [ cn ] 我女朋友的弟弟今天非常诚实。 [ /cn ] 6park.com

[ en ] Ah, the love between siblings... [ /en ] [ cn ] 姐弟间的感情呀 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 8.My Sister And Her Boyfriend Are Heading Up To Our Cabin Tomorrow Night, So I Left Them A Present For When They Turn On The Lights [ /en ] [ cn ] 我姐姐和她的男朋友明天晚上要到我家的小木屋过夜,我给他们准备了一个礼物,当他们打开灯的时候 …… [ /cn ]

[ en ] Just thought I would enjoy an ice cold beer while robbing your house. [ /en ] [ cn ] 我还以为我可以一边呷着冰镇啤酒,一边在你的房子里实施盗窃。 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 9.Parents' Reaction To My Best Man Speech At My Brother's Wedding: Priceless [ /en ] [ cn ] 在我哥哥的婚礼上,我作为伴郎演讲的时候,爹妈的表情:堪称无价之宝的表情。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] He's not ours. We found him at the side of the road as a baby. [ /en ] [ cn ] 他不是亲生的。他是我们在路边捡到的小婴儿。 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 10.Did Your Siblings Ever Tell You Were Adopted? Did They Ever Make Fake Adoption Papers And Emails? Well Mine Did [ /en ] [ cn ] 你的哥哥姐姐有没有告诉过你,你是被领养的?他们会伪造领养证明和邮件吗?我的哥哥姐姐就这样做了。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] I'm 100% sure youre still as cute as when they found you. [ /en ] [ cn ] 我十分确信,现在的你就和被领养时一样可爱。 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 11.My Appendix Burst And My Brothers Are Wankers [ /en ] [ cn ] 我因阑尾破裂住院,而我的哥哥弟弟们是一群傻叉。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] HAHAHA, I love these guys! Hahaha. [ /en ] [ cn ] 哈哈哈,我喜欢这几个小伙子,哈哈哈! [ /cn ] 6park.com



[ en ] 13.How I Returned My Sister's Computer After Fixing It [ /en ] [ cn ] 我帮妹妹修好电脑后,是这样还给她的 [ /cn ] 6park.com

[ en ] Did you fix it where she can't delete that wallpaper? [ /en ] [ cn ] 你有没有设置成,桌面无法修改? [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 14.About 5 Years Ago, I Put Googly Eyes On A Picture Of My Brother As A Baby. They're Still There To This Day [ /en ] [ cn ] 五年前,我弟弟还是个小婴儿的时候,我在他的照片上放了玩具金鱼眼。直到如今这两只玩具金鱼眼还在那里。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Would be funny if he was literally still wearing the googly eyes everywhere he went. [ /en ] [ cn ] 想想看,他把金鱼眼贴在自己的眼睛上四处走动,也是极搞笑的。 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 15.I Had A Lot Of Explaining To Do When My Parents Found This On Their Camera Roll... In My Defense He Deserved It... [ /en ] [ cn ] 我父母洗胶卷的时候发现了这张照片,我百口莫辩。为了洗白,我只能说,他自找的。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] I believe you. Hope it was worth it. [ /en ] [ cn ] 我相信你。希望你这样做是值得的。 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 16.My Sister Said "Powerwashing Does Nothing". I Retaliated In The Only Way I Know How [ /en ] [ cn ] 我姐姐告诉我," 使用高压清洗机没什么用。" 我用自己唯一擅长的办法对她进行了报复。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] I envy that her penmanship with a powerwasher is better than mine ever will be. [ /en ] [ cn ] 她用高压清洗机写字,字还能这么好看,我永远都比不上,真让人嫉妒。 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 17.When I Was Younger I Used To Like Pulling The Heads Off Of My Sister's Barbie Dolls And Drawing A Face On The Stump Underneath [ /en ] [ cn ] 小时候我经常虐待妹妹的芭比娃娃,把她们的脑袋拔下来,在脖子上凸起的地方画上脸。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Thanks for giving me a preview of my next nightmare! [ /en ] [ cn ] 谢谢你让我预览了一下今晚我会做的噩梦。 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 18.My Brother And His Fiancé Left Me Their House For The Weekend. [ /en ] [ cn ] 我哥哥和他的未婚妻允许我周末借住在他们的房子里。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Nothing wrong with that. [ /en ] [ cn ] 没毛玻 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 19.I Just Turned Thirty Years Old And Have Mixed Feelings About It. My Younger Brother Sent Me This Care Package [ /en ] [ cn ] 我刚满了三十岁,心情比较复杂。我弟弟给我送了这个爱心包裹。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] That's a great care package! Great choices by your bro. [ /en ] [ cn ] 多棒的爱心包裹!你弟弟真会挑礼物! [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 20.My 3-Year-Old Finally Beat Her Brother At Candy Land. He Was Not Okay [ /en ] [ cn ] 我三岁的妹妹和她的小弟弟一起玩游戏盒,她赢了,弟弟很不开心。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] I swear I can hear her [ w ] maniacal [ /w ] laugh of achievement from looking at the picture. [ /en ] [ cn ] 我发誓,光是看着这张照片,我就能听到她在狂笑。 [ /cn ] 6park.com


[ en ] 21.Sister Welcomes Newborn Sibling To The Family [ /en ] [ cn ] 姐姐是这样对刚回家的新生儿弟弟表示欢迎的 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Who can blame her... . [ /en ] [ cn ] 谁能责怪她呢。 [ /cn ]

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