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送交者: 夏天的胡萝卜[☆哦也☆] 于 2019-05-05 16:48 已读 7739 次  


今年的暴雪嘉年华不知道版里有人去吗 6park.com

入场必须要有AXS app才可以 6park.com

You’ll Need the AXS Mobile App to Get Into the Show

To pick up your badge at registration this year, you’ll need to download the AXS Mobile App. The app displays a QR code (one code for all of your tickets), which changes at regular intervals to help guard against dupes and fraud. Because of that, we won’t be able to accept paper tickets, confirmation emails, or screenshots/photos of the QR code at BlizzCon registration.

After you buy your tickets, you should receive an email from AXS with instructions on how to download the app, or you can download it at any time for iPhone and Android.

If for some reason you find yourself at the show with a dead mobile device or some other unexpected issue preventing you from accessing the app, don’t worry. Just head to the Solutions Desk at registration and they’ll help you out. 6park.com

https://blizzcon.com/en-us/news/22938865/5-things-you-need-to-know-before-you-buy-a-blizzcon-pass 6park.com

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