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If you do not know how to finish a conversation without
送交者: SimonLi[布衣] 于 2013-11-08 1:37 已读 74 次  


回答: OMFG, YOU ARE SUCH AN ASS 由 lkari 于 2013-11-07 18:13

sucking so many "fucking ass" in your mouth, you'd better learn it again. Or learn how to speak in general again. 

It is an old topic to compare the performance of PC with modern game console, e.g. playstation, xbox etc. It is widely accepted that PC can easily leave these specially designed game machines (playstation, xbox) behind in graphic, as it is relatively easy for PC to upgrade. Playstation is born to be a game console, it has many builtin functionalities aiming at a better "gaming" experience for the customers. However, you have very little chance to upgrade the CPU or GPU cores of your playstation. It is inappropriate to compare these two systems. Once can spend twice or triple the price of a PS4 to get a decent PC, he then should not ask his PS4 to produce equally excellent graphs as his top PC does.    

If you want to tell that you have a very good PC, you win!
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