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附:金叶子 0.7 可以正确处理将大于4 GB的文件从PC复制到SD
送交者: 采菊东篱下[♂☆★悠然品菊花★☆♂] 于 2019-09-05 18:23 已读 859 次  


回答: 【教程】Switch大气层+TXOS系统安装游戏教程TF篇 由 采菊东篱下 于 2019-09-05 13:20

下载地址: 6park.com

https://www.91wii.com/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MTE5MzkyfDUxYzFhNGRifDE1Njc3MjU1NjB8MjQ0NjgyNHwxNDgxMjM%3D 6park.com

更改日志v0.7 6park.com

- 现在支持Unicode。Switch的标签或文件夹中的特殊字符不再出现问题!
- 播放大小再次降低到8 MB(与之前的16 MB相比),使USB更稳定(16 MB的大小可能会导致不稳定)。/ [0 j" E2 k/ `9 z _6 k5 e& N
- 添加了直接在远程PC工具上选择文件的选项(基本上与<= 0.5 Goldleaf版本相同的系统,适用于那些喜欢经典系统的人)。
- Goldtree的帖子略有修改,更准确。Goldeaf现在显示其版本以避免不同可执行文件之间的混淆。
/ { A4 N( ]+ g; J9 D+ O0 A
- NSP文件名现在显示在上面(而不是在目录中)。* F$ v3 x$ [: m4 K2 p
- 还显示了安装的预计时间。
- 现在,Goldleaf仍然从NSP文件中获取密钥生成(以前仅使用票证),并将其与计算系统进行比较,以阻止具有更高密钥生成的安装(特别是因为内容无法解密)所以绝对无用)。$ e+ A! h o7 M$ R8 o) k* j% ~
- 从现在开始,在NSP文件(目录中的所有NSP文件)的批量安装开始时,只选择一次安装路径。 W$ j$ _# K V) [5 |$ Y
- 多内容安装(目前很少有标题)现在可以工作(它似乎不能在0.6.x下工作)。 6park.com

标题和出口% |4 q0 d' e' R8 _( t, z/ l' K5 O
- 标题总是下载到连接文件(HOS存档位目录,用于支持+ 4GB文件),这意味着可以安全地下载+ 4GB标题在FAT32上直接安装。
- 修正了下载更新和DLC时的错误。他们现在应该工作得很好。) |6 e3 P; k# u9 p
一般% E* H6 f+ F: S6 ~0 U0 T1 m( t/ w4 ^, q 6park.com

- 修正了几个小错误,其中一些不是很小,如下所述。7 J- ]6 ?- `! T# L$ u
- 添加了警告和通过/失败消息以删除目录。; m. A2 _5 e8 M
- Goldleaf不再依赖于它的自定义fork libnx,它唯一的区别在于它的(稍微)自定义USB代码,它已与Goldleaf集成。这不会导致性能发生任何变化,但构建项目的复杂性会降低。
- 现在可以正确处理将大于4 GB的文件从PC复制到SD,从而创建连接文件(参见上文)。# Q: V6 i. D+ u
- 发件人已使用最新版本的hbloader进行了更新。因此,发件人的版本为0.2。 6park.com

- 用户将在Goldleaf中扮演更重要的角色。您现在必须选择一个帐户才能使用与该用户相关的不同功能。
- 增加了对退出帐户的支持(仅限本地),主要针对希望取消帐户关联以取消帐户的被禁止用户。
* V4 U0 B* G5 W; @+ A
内容管理员0 Q( j2 y z0 b- l: H9 f; }/ n8
- 修正了一个总是显示基本标题大小的错误,即使只检查了更新或DLC。
- 增加了对游戏统计数据的支持,仅限用户(必须首先选择用户,见上文),总体而言,这包括最后一个游戏时间和总游戏时间对于两者。
- 修正了基本标题与更新/ DLC位置不同的内容显示不正确的错误。1 ?5 z2 |: A" A5 o; 6park.com

- 上面指出的Unicode修改。
- 由于缺少unicode字符,系统的共享字符不再使用。相反,现在使用一个新角色:Roboto(中),这是标准的Android字体。
- Goldleaf顶部横幅右下方添加了两个新的可点击图标:一个用于用户选择,另一个用于帮助和控制信息。
- 一些小的修正:现在没有连接的大小调整默认情况下不会显示IP或文本。
- 使用新行和文本大小进行钚校正可以更好地测量对话框的尺寸(以前,只有一个新行可以扩展整个屏幕对话框)。
- 对图标进行了一些修改(发件人和amiibo转储的图标),感谢C4Phoenix从0.1开始提供的图形资源的所有帮助!
- Goldleaf现在已经编译了一个实验性的Plutonium分支,该分支使用智能指针而不是不针对内存泄漏的原始指标!: u+ ?6 H A$ ^) `; m/ w5 E# ~ q/ S
- 现在,Goldleaf也支持荷兰语!非常感谢Megapour帮助翻译!5 k8 D3 ~) `" x( A
/ D9 L4 V6 1 z4 U, p
已知的错误# ~+ ?4 e& D0 a8 F# ?
- 导航(快?)在某些文件夹上(空?)有时会有奇怪的行为,随之而来的崩溃。
- g- c9 D) ]: v( |- E2 x) G 6park.com

本帖隐藏的内容 6park.com

Changelog! V% n) d3 [' ]( F
Remote PC
% W. L7 P _; t9 n( a, c4 @7 K
Unicode is now supported. No more complaints with special characters in drive labels or folders!9 ]7 A0 L+ M. ^
9 }; j0 e, m) [/ m
Read size was dropped again to 8MB (from previous 16MB), to make USB more stable (16MB size might cause unstability)
0 j/ z6 W" x% U
Added option to select a file directly on the remote PC tool (basically same system as on <=0.5 Goldleaf versions, for those who like the classic system!)
( d0 F, O5 u6 Q, F7 ^
Goldtree's messages were slightly changed to be more accurate. Now it shows its version to avoid confusion between different executables. 6park.com

NSP installs2 u7 q9 F; F- b( M' s- Q 6park.com

The NSP's name is shown above (instead of the directory).
* j/ d0 W9 c' d- Y2 t
ETA (estimated time for the install to finish) is now shown too.
. z' B9 G2 Z- U0 Z# J) I$
Now Goldleaf always obtains the NSP's key generation (previously only when it had a ticket) and compares it to a computed system one, in order to block installs with higher key generations (mostly since the contents couldn't be decryptable, thus utterly useless) 6park.com

Now install location is just chosen once, at the start of batch NSP installs (all NSPs within a directory)/ o! H+ ` b" ~& B# {% ] 6park.com

Multi-content installations (just a few titles currently) work now (didn't seem to work on 0.6.x)% h/ c" T/ S1 c2 w' E0 [ 6park.com

Title dump / export
+ j$ j- T6 W0 [! z( k
Titles are always dumped inside concatenation files (HOS's archive bit directories, used to support +4GB files), what means +4GB titles can safely be dumped on FAT32, and directly installed. 6park.com

Fixed errors dumping updates and DLCs. They should work fine now. 6park.com

. b1 f' n+ x" 7 w7 V
A big part of the code was reformatted: several small bugs fixed, others not that small mentioned below. 6park.com

Added a warning and success / failure messages for directory deleting." D& Z9 X) o. z( Z% g# h 6park.com

Goldleaf no longer relies on its custom libnx fork, since its only worthy difference was its (slightly) custom USB code, which has been merged in Goldleaf. This doesn't involve any performance changes, but less complexity in order to build the project.
' _9 o' c* A4 L& J
Copying files from PC to SD which are over 4GB is now correctly handled, creating a concatenation file (see above) to correctly handle it.
1 j A2 [& V& z, O: o- {. ]% W
The forwarder was updated with hbloader's latest version, thus now the forwarder's version is 0.2.7 f% j2 i/ H3 n) h! O f% u 6park.com

User / accounts
/ R) W ~8 T" [! A. C+ E/ b) K% |
Users have a more important role in Goldleaf. Now an account has to be selected in order to use several user-related features." `5 T% F- b0 K! v5 D4 L+ e, v 6park.com

Added support for unlinking (locally ONLY) accounts, mainly for banned people who want to unlink their accounts in order to delete them.
! X7 D. d; Z- o1 n* B* K n, n4 T
Content manager. E8 R8 I2 d- n+ g9 P% _+ k 6park.com

Fixed a bug where the base title's size would be shown always, even when checking only updates or DLC. j2 H& ~! ]& w* t
4 [( p5 d7 u% V2 d8 e: H. _' s( c
Added play statistics support, both for user-only (user must be selected first, see above) and global, this includes last played time and total play time for both.
! l% ]& }8 v+ w9 E% N: F
Fixed bugs where contents whose base title is on a different location than updates/DLCs would be shown incorrecly. 6park.com

UI) R; p, ?) q w$ o# v; r4 ~ 6park.com

Unicode changes stated above2 Z. `/ T# }9 c
" d( Y d) I: Z
The system's shared font is no longer used, due to its lack of unicode characters. Instead, a new font is used from now on: Roboto (medium), aka Android's standard font.( |- ], j) z" I
+ R/ V y& n8 |& q4 O7 N
Two new clickable icons have been added to the bottom right side of Goldleaf's top banner: one for user selection, while the other one for help and control information.
. Z9 u! O, Q3 G- i
Some small corrections made: size adjustments, with no connection no IP or default text will be shown from now on.6 S$ x* x- b8 c" ^" G+ B8 B' p
0 x1 M+ I9 Y% X( k! p
Plutonium corrections with newlines and text sizes make dialog sizes more well measured now (previously, a single newline would make the dialog as wide as the entire screen)+ t$ h" K9 }+ m+ s! P
V z7 b) p9 ^- a4 Y1 c; c' ?
Several icon changes (forwarder's icon and amiibo dump), thanks to C4Phoenix for all his help with graphic resources since 0.1!; E5 X% h L* N1 @6 C1 e 6park.com

Goldleaf now has been compiled with an experimental Plutonium branch which uses smart pointers instead of raw pointers aiming no memory leaks!3 X9 L. m/ {2 l# q1 w" ~ 6park.com

Now, Goldleaf also supports dutch language! Thanks a lot to Mega for helping with the translation!7 l7 w$ H8 S, i' C/ P' ^
2 G0 {) Q1 c6 T8 h9 V$ ~' v, a
Known bugs
Browsing (fast?) over certain (empty?) folders can sometimes have weird behavior, resulting into crashes. 6park.com

5 Z. Z2 Y+ {; U7 K1 |
本帖隐藏的内容 6park.com

Goldleaf 0.7.rar (4.73 MB, 下载次数: 622)
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