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附上美国音乐人 Mindi Abair 对《坏翅膀》的评价。刘欢老师评点
送交者: jiehk[布衣] 于 2016-01-24 23:22 已读 188 次  


回答: OMG,这歌超难唱的,更别说是现场,感觉平安真怒了。。。 由 小五~ 于 2016-01-24 21:06


“Ping an, you blew me away! I feel like I met a rock star's concert, don't you? I know that this is not normally what you sang, that you're known more for this beautiful, you know, flowing, lyrical melodies. But you brought, you brought it tonight, you brought this heart, and soul, and felt, so much that you brought me in, you make me feel what you were singing. And that, you're right, that it is the heart of rock and roll but more that is the heart of music, and no matter you do, you're shining thru and that makes you a great partes.  And I think you represent China very well, but you represent all of us, and what you were singing, I heard operatic training but I heard rock and roll abundant. And tonight is about youth, and much of youth is abundant and its letting yourself go thru the music, and you are on the edge heave for that song and I applaud that, that makes me happy and I just start caught upping it, and it‘s Ping An rock concert tonight, and I love every note, that you, very good, I appreciated it.”

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