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送交者: 佛祖心中L[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2024-03-13 15:58 已读 6016 次 3 赞  


Here’s a song I translated from a Chinese song “鸿雁”. This is an Inner Mongolian folk song originally aired in TV in 2010. The translated song was sung by an artificial voice. 6park.com

The complete translation Swan geese, aloft in flight

Graceful lines ‘neath the sky

Over fields of gold, in gentle glide

Dutar notes where longings hide

Southward bound, where twilight gleams

Past reed marshes and mirrored streams

The endless sky, their age old trail

Carries northern tales in their sail

The endless sky, their age old trail

Carries northern tales in their sail

Springtime calls, the geese return

My yearning heart begins to burn

Songs from afar, a trembling string

The plains reborn, with new life they sing

Swan geese, climb to boundless blue

Vast horizons call to you

We'll revel ‘til stars grow dim

Our cups raised high, a joyous hymn

We'll revel ‘til stars grow dim

Our cups raised high, a joyous hymn

贴主:佛祖心中L于2024_03_13 16:03:37编辑

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