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送交者: 大秦帝国111[☆★金嗓仙女柯南★☆] 于 2024-05-17 5:40 已读 2895 次 3 赞  


英文版  演唱  楼主  小彭丽媛

纯享版 中文版  演唱  楼主  小彭丽媛 立体声版 6park.com



今天给大家带来的是一首充满海洋气息的歌曲《How Far I'll Go》--《海洋之心》(电影原声带版本称“能走多远”,"How Far I'll Go")是迪士尼2016年动画电影《海洋奇缘》的一首歌曲。 6park.com

其是由林-曼努尔·米兰达创作词曲和制作。 这首歌是2016年迪士尼电影《海洋奇缘》(《Moana》)的主题曲,美国歌手和演员奥丽依·卡拉瓦霍在饰演电影中的女主角莫阿娜时演唱此曲。 加拿大歌手阿莱西娅·卡拉也同样在《海洋奇缘》原声带专辑中录唱此曲。这首歌曲获得第89届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原创歌曲奖和第74届金球奖最佳原创歌曲的提名。 中国女歌手刘美麟首唱了汉语普通话版本。汉语普通话版本由陈少琪填词,中国台湾阿美族女歌手A-Lin及中国彝族女歌手吉克隽逸分别主唱。 由《疯狂动物城》《冰雪奇缘》原班人马打造的《海洋奇缘Moana》,上映后口碑爆棚,难得地在影评人和观众中获得了一致的好评。迪士尼的第14位新公主--夏威夷公主莫阿娜Moana,因电影《海洋奇缘》红遍了朋友圈。 不当“安静的美公主”,瞒着酋长爸爸出海,学航海,不顾半神“茂宜”反对穿过火山,坚决把塔希提之心归位,拯救岛民。 【灵感来源】“莫阿娜”的名字取自于夏威夷的“迎宾之岛”欧胡岛的一个地名。她不仅继承了欧胡岛阳光海滩、椰林草裙舞的热情和明艳色彩,更继承了仅靠独木舟就征服海洋的原住民的勇敢。 6park.com

少女歌手中文版 少女歌手英文版 6park.com


"How Far I'll Go" 6park.com

(performed by Auli'i Cravalho) 6park.com

(from "Moana" soundtrack) 6park.com

I've been staring at the edge of the water 6park.com

Long as I can remember, never really knowing why 6park.com

I wish I could be the perfect daughter 6park.com

But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try 6park.com

Every turn I take, every trail I track 6park.com

Every path I make, every road leads back 6park.com

To the place I know where I cannot go 6park.com

Where I long to be 6park.com

See the line where the sky meets the sea 6park.com

It calls me 6park.com

And no one knows, how far it goes 6park.com

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me 6park.com

One day I'll know 6park.com

If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go 6park.com

I know everybody on this island seems so happy, on this island 6park.com

Everything is by design 6park.com

I know everybody on this island has a role, on this island 6park.com

So maybe I can roll with mine 6park.com

I can lead with pride, I can make us strong 6park.com

I'll be satisfied if I play along 6park.com

But the voice inside sings a different song 6park.com

What is wrong with me? 6park.com

See the light as it shines on the sea 6park.com

It's blinding 6park.com

But no one knows, how deep it goes 6park.com

And it seems like it's calling out to me, so come find me 6park.com

And let me know 6park.com

What's beyond that line, will I cross that line? 6park.com

See the line where the sky meets the sea 6park.com

It calls me 6park.com

And no one knows, how far it goes 6park.com

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me 6park.com

One day I'll know
How far I'll go 6park.com

海洋之心 [How Far I'll Go (Pop Version)] 我心中有一个无尽的海洋 没有尽头的彼方 那里永远有阳光 不要 完成别人给的梦想 我有自己专属脸庞 错误中学会成长 每一个转弯 每一个路段 每一次希望 每一次失望 不管多困难 有什么地方 是我 不能闯 我听见地平线那一边 呼唤我 不用知道 终点多远 乘着风 迎着浪 扬着帆 不是疯狂 因为信仰 人生是一场考验坚强的流浪 虽然 留在原点 十分安全 天堂里面没有悲伤 但我会失去幻想 虽然 能和别人一模一样 会有相同的赞赏 但我有定制的主张 每一个转弯 每一个路段 每一次希望 每一次失望 不管多困难 有什么地方 是我不能闯 我听见地平线那一边 呼唤我 不用知道 终点多远 乘着风 迎着浪 扬着帆 不是疯狂 因为信仰 越过了黑夜会遇见梦想 我听见地平线那一边 呼唤我 不用知道 终点多远 乘着风 迎着浪 扬着帆 不是疯狂 因为信仰 终点在望 Submitted by Fer ChevalierFer Chevalier on 2017-01-04 Last edited by IceyIcey on 2020-05-22 Translation 6park.com

English Ocean Hearts I have an endless ocean in my heart There is no end to the other side There is always sunshine I don't want to fulfill other people's dreams I have my own face One can learn from mistakes Each turn of each section Every time I hope, with every disappointment That no matter how difficult it is I won't break I hear the horizon calling for me I don't know how far away the end is The wind sails with the wind I'm not crazy Because of faith Life is a test of strong wandering But it is safe to stay at the beginning There is no sorrow in heaven But I will lose my fantasy Although others can be exactly the same They will have the same appreciation of it But I have my own viewpoint Each turn of each section Every time I hope, with every disappointment No matter how difficult it is I won't break I hear the horizon calling for me I don't know how far away the end is The wind sails with the wind I'm not crazy Because the faith which crosses the night will meet the dream I hear the horizon calling for me I don't know how far away the end is I don't know how far away the end is Rising up is not crazy Because the end of my faith is in sight https://lyricstranslate.com 6park.com

贴主:大秦帝国111于2024_05_17 11:45:06编辑

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