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歌词翻译 :《蒙古包》阿鲁阿卓
送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2021-04-04 22:04 已读 1371 次 3 赞  




Mongolian Gers 6park.com

词 : 屈塬 (Lyrics : Qu Yuan)
曲 : 张千一 (Music : Zhang Qianyi)
唱 : 阿鲁阿卓 (Singer : Alu Azhuo)
谱 : •https://m.qinyipu.com/jianpu/jianpudaquan/81829.html 6park.com

(Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : aaaa)————• 6park.com

Waving in the dusk breeze like white lotuses, 6park.com

In the setting sun spread the Mongolian gers. 6park.com

Streaks of chimney smoke ascend skyward, 6park.com

向牧归的儿女把手招 , 啊嗬..
Beckoning the homebound tired herders. Ah Ho.. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 3 ] (Rhyme : aaaa)————• 6park.com

Like auspicious clouds floating on the pastures, 6park.com

In the sea of grass strewn the Mongolian gers. 6park.com

Whiffs of wine drift with scents of flowers, 6park.com

远方的客人停下了脚 , 啊嗬..
Stopping the footsteps of guests from yonder. Ah Ho.. 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 2, 4 ] (Rhyme : aaaa)———• 6park.com

牧人的梦乡.. 啊 , 蒙古包
The dreamland of herdsmen.. oh, Mongolian gers, 6park.com

抵挡着雨 , 抵挡着雪 , 抵挡着风暴
Shielding from rains, shielding from snows, shielding from tempests. 6park.com

妈妈的怀抱.. 啊 , 蒙古包
The bossom of mother.. oh, Mongolian gers, 6park.com

装满了梦 , 装满了爱 , 装满了歌谣
Loaded with dreams, loaded with love, loaded with ballads. 6park.com

•—.. [ Stanza 4 ]—• 6park.com

Loaded with ballads... 6park.com


Translated by
ck 2021-04-04
•==================================• 6park.com

Ger (Mongolian, meaning “home”) or Yurt (from Turkic languages) is a portable, round tent covered with skins or felt and used as a dwelling by several distinct nomadic groups in the steppes of Central Asia.
•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yurt 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 1 ]————————• 6park.com

像朵朵 - 白莲 - 晚风里摇 (9)
Waving in the - dusk breeze like - white lotuses, (11) 6park.com

夕阳下 - 散落着 - 蒙古包 (9)
In the setting - sun spread the - Mongolian gers. (11) 6park.com

一缕缕 - 炊烟 - 扶摇直上 (9)
Streaks of - chimney smoke - ascend skyward, (9) 6park.com

向牧归 - 的儿女 - 把手招 ,- 啊嗬.. (9)
Beckoning - the homebound - tired herders. - Ah Ho.. (9) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 3 ]————————• 6park.com

像片片 - 祥云 - 牧场上飘 (9)
Like auspicious - clouds floating - on the pastures, (11) 6park.com

草海里 - 遍布着 - 蒙古包 (9)
In the sea of - grass strewn the - Mongolian gers. (11) 6park.com

一阵阵 - 酒香 - 伴着花香 (9)
Whiffs of wine - drift with - scents of flowers, (9) 6park.com

远方的客 - 人 - 停下了脚 ,- 啊嗬.. (9)
Stopping the foot - steps of - guests from yonder. - Ah Ho.. (10) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 2, 4 ]———————• 6park.com

牧人- 的梦乡..- 啊 , 蒙古包 (9)
The dreamland - of herdsmen..- oh, Mongolian gers, (11) 6park.com

抵挡着雨 ,- 抵挡着雪 ,- 抵挡着风暴 (13)
Shielding from rains, - shielding from snows, - shielding from tempests. (13) 6park.com

妈妈 - 的怀抱..- 啊 , 蒙古包 (9)
The bossom - of mother..- oh, Mongolian gers, (11) 6park.com

装满了梦 ,- 装满了爱 ,- 装满了歌谣 (13)
Loaded with dreams, - loaded with love, - loaded with ballads. (13) 6park.com

•—.. [ Stanza 4 ]—• 6park.com

装满了歌谣... (5)
Loaded with ballads... (5) 6park.com

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