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送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2022-01-20 21:01 已读 7066 次 2 赞  



雪域高原 辽阔玉树:

玉树地震灾后重建: 《玉树 我的故乡》 Yushu My Homeland 6park.com

词 : 昂旺文章 (Lyrics : Angwang Wenzhang) 曲 : 扎西多杰 (Music : Tashi Dorjie) 唱 : 尼玛拉毛 (Singer : Nima Lamao) 谱 : •http://www.jianpuw.com/htm/g7/175402.htm 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

美丽的玉树 是我的家乡 Yushu my homeland, a land of glory, 6park.com

这里的草原 宽阔无垠 So vast and boundless are her prairies. 6park.com

这里的歌舞 竞相争艳 Here, songs and dances vie for splendors, 6park.com

这里的人民 奋发向上 People aspire for the highest. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 6park.com

我们团结协作 Unite as one, we strive 6park.com

把玉树建设得 更加美丽 To build a more gorgeous Yushu with pride. 6park.com

•———[ Interlude • Stanza 3 ] (Rhyme : aabb)———• 6park.com

富饶的玉树 是我的家乡 Yushu my homeland, a land of plenty, 6park.com

这里的花朵 鲜艳朵朵 Flowers blossom with dazzling beauty. 6park.com

这里的资源 丰富多彩 Here, resources are so abundant, 6park.com

这里的人民 开拓进取 People pioneer with great passion. 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 4, 5 ] (Rhyme : aabb)————• 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 6park.com

我们自立更生 Self-relying, we work 6park.com

把玉树建设得 更加富饶 To build a more thriving Yushu with verve. 6park.com

•—.. [ Stanza 5 ]—• 6park.com

把玉树建设得 更加富饶 To build a more thriving Yushu with verve. 6park.com

Translated by ck 2022-01-19 •==================================• 6park.com

* Yushu : a Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southern Qinghai Province, with an area of 188,794 km² and mainly inhabited by ethnic Tibetans. Whereas Yushu City is a county-level city within the prefecture with a population around 356,000 (2020 census) in the metro area.  6park.com

Located on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and at an average elevation of 3689 m, the prefecture is the source of the three great rivers in Asia and the world : Yangzi River (6300 km), Yellow River (5464 km) and Lancang/Mekong River (4909 km).  6park.com

There are some well-known shrines in and around Yushu City, including the Gyegu Monastery (结古寺), Thrangu Monastery (创古寺), Domkar Monastery (当卡寺), Princess Wencheng Temple (文成公主庙), Gyanak Mani Stone Pile (嘉那玛尼石堆), and King Gesar Museum (格萨尔王庙). There are also a few festivals in Yushu City, one of which is the Yushu Horse Racing Festival (玉树赛马节) held annually in July, famous for its daring and awesome feats of horsemanship. 6park.com

Yushu City was hit by a devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.1 Ms on 2010-04-14, in which 2698 people lost their lives, 270 missing and 12135 injured, 1434 of them severely. It has since been rebuilt. 6park.com

•https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yushu_Tibetan_Autonomous_Prefecture 6park.com

•https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yushu_City,_Qinghai 6park.com

•https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Yushu_earthquake 6park.com

———————————————————— 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

美丽的 - 玉树 - 是我的 - 家乡 (10) Yushu my - homeland, - a land of - glory, (10) 6park.com

这里的 - 草原 - 宽阔无垠 (9) So vast and - boundless - are her prairies. (9) 6park.com

这里的 - 歌舞 - 竞相争艳 (9) Here, songs and - dances - vie for splendors, (9) 6park.com

这里的 - 人民 - 奋发向上 (9) People as - pire - for the highest. (9) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————• 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 6park.com

我们团结 - 协作 (6) Unite as one, - we strive (6) 6park.com

把玉树 - 建设得 - 更加美丽 (10) To build a - more gorgeous - Yushu with pride. (10) 6park.com

•—————[ Interlude • Stanza 3 ]——————• 6park.com

富饶的 - 玉树 - 是我的 - 家乡 (10) Yushu my - homeland, - a land of - plenty, (10) 6park.com

这里的 - 花朵 - 鲜艳朵朵 (9) Flowers blos - som with - dazzling beauty. (9) 6park.com

这里的 - 资源 - 丰富多彩 (9) Here, resour - ces are - so abundant, (9) 6park.com

这里的 - 人民 - 开拓进取 (9) People pi - oneer - with great passion. (9) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 4, 5 ]————————• 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 6park.com

我们自立 - 更生 (6) Self-relying, - we work (6) 6park.com

把玉树 - 建设得 - 更加富饶 (10) To build a - more thriving - Yushu with verve. (10) 6park.com

•—.. [ Stanza 5 ]—• 6park.com

把玉树 - 建设得 - 更加富饶 (10) To build a - more thriving - Yushu with verve. (10) 6park.com

贴主:午夜剑客于2022_01_20 22:17:51编辑

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