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站在歌坛半个世纪的人物-Bruce Springsteen
送交者: zzyzzx2z14[品衔R2☆] 于 2022-10-11 2:57 已读 1593 次 3 赞  


Bruce Springsteen (生于1949) 他出生在纽泽西州的蓝领家庭,父亲性格比较刻板那种"男儿有泪不轻谈"更是"爱在心里口难开"的人.而他在成长过程中非常渴望他父亲对他的认可 (这在他的自传中写描述). 导致他在很长的时间里身陷严重忧郁症. 经过现任妻子和心理医生开导才慢慢的走出阴影. 6park.com

Bruce Springsteen自1973年推出的第1张专辑 “Greetings From Asbury Park, NJ”  到2022年11月即将推出他的第21张专辑“Only The Strong Survive”可以说快有半个世纪的时光(严肃的算也有49个年头),他可是位多产的音乐才子.其中最为经典的是他花2年的时间创作在(1984)推出的“Born In The U.S.A”这张唱片奠基他在美国歌坛里不可撼动的地位. 歌坛里封他为”The Boss”.他的歌词带有描述蓝领工人阶层生活影子及美国本土摇滚的曲风. 还有许多令人回味的抒情歌曲. 至今被别的歌手翻唱. 6park.com

今天为大家推荐的不是他的炙手可热的成名曲(Born In U.S.A, My Home Town, Dancing in the Dark…). 我想让大家听听他写抒情歌曲的魅力. 6park.com

Bruce Springsteen 歌词网站https://www.springsteenlyrics.com/ 6park.com

1.  I’m on Fire (Born In U.S.A, 1984)

2. Street of Philadelphia (电影Philadelphia 主题曲/Tom Hank主演)1993 6park.com

3. Secret Garden (电影Jerry Maguire 主题曲/Tom Cruise主演) 1995

4. Tougher Than the Rest (Tunnel of Love,1987)

歌词: Tougher Than the Rest (Tunnel of Love,1987)
Well it's Saturday night, you're all dressed up in blue
I been watching you a while, maybe you been watching me too
So somebody ran out, left somebody's heart in a mess
Well if you're looking for love, honey I'm tougher than the rest 6park.com

Some girls they want a handsome Dan or some good looking Joe
On their arm, some girls like a sweet talking Romeo
Well 'round here baby, I learned you get what you can get
So if you're rough enough for love, honey I'm tougher than the rest 6park.com

The road is dark and it's a thin thin line
But I want you to know I'll walk it for you any time
Maybe your other boyfriends couldn't pass the test
Well if you're rough and ready for love, honey I'm tougher than the rest 6park.com

Well it ain't no secret I've been around a time or two
Well I don't know baby, maybe you've been around too
Well there's another dance, all you gotta do is say yes
And if you're rough and ready for love, honey I'm tougher than the rest
If you're rough enough for love, baby I'm tougher than the rest 6park.com

Hoo hoo hoo
Hoo-hoo 6park.com

5.  Magic (Magic, 2007)

I got a coin in my palm
I can make it disappear
I got a card up my sleeve
Name it and I'll pull it out your ear
I got a rabbit in my hat
If you wanna come and see
This is what will be
This is what will be 6park.com

I got shackles on my wrists
Soon I'll slip 'em and be gone (slip 'em and be gone)
Chain me in a box in your river
And I'll rise singing this song
Trust none of what you hear (trust none of what you hear)
And less of what you see
This is what will be (this is what will be)
This is what will be 6park.com

[Instrumental] 6park.com

(I'll cut you in half)
I got a shiny saw blade (a shiny saw blade)
All I need's a volunteer
I'll cut you in half
While you're smiling ear to ear
And the freedom that you sought's
Driftin' like a ghost amongst the trees
This is what will be
This is what will be (this is what will be) 6park.com

Now there's a fire down below
But it's coming up here
So leave everything you know
Carry only what you fear
On the road the sun is sinking low
There's bodies hanging in the trees
This is what will be (this is what will be)
This is what will be 6park.com

6. If I Should Fall Behind (Lucky Town,1992)
(执子之手与子偕老)  (Faith Hill 翻唱他这首歌)

We said we'd walk together, baby, come what may
That come the twilight should we lose our way
If as we're walking a hand should slip free
I'll wait for you, should I fall behind wait for me 6park.com

We swore we'd travel, darling, side by side
We'd help each other stay in stride
But each lover's steps fall so differently
But I'll wait for you, and if I should fall behind wait for me 6park.com

Now everyone dreams of love lasting and true
Oh but you and I know what this world can do
So let's make our steps clear that the other may see
And I'll wait for you, and if I should fall behind wait for me 6park.com

Now there's a beautiful river in the valley ahead
There 'neath the oak's bough soon we will be wed
Should we lose each other in the shadow of the evening trees
I'll wait for you, should I fall behind wait for me
Darling, I'll wait for you, and should I fall behind wait for me
Yeah I'll wait for you, and should I fall behind wait for me
I'll wait for you, should I fall behind wait for me
I'll wait for you, should I fall [fades out] 6park.com

7.  Hello Sunshine (Western Stars,2019)

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