听几首演歌 10

送交者: take01 [★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2025-01-09 8:19 已读 3850 次 大字阅读 繁体阅读

千秋直美的声音我喜欢。这首矢切の渡し是她的歌曲中演歌调调比较明显的一首,这首的原唱是细川贵志。(没贴原唱是因为我觉得细川高音的音色没和我有交集) 我个人还是喜欢千秋直美的pop歌曲,演歌特点没那么强的。就是说听演歌听到现在,还是对那种颤音有某种抵触。 (https://club.6parkbbs.com/enter4/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=13553642)


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作詞 川内康範 作曲 猪俣公章 唄  水原 弘
I was actually looking for you Dirty, dirty, and damaged I thought I wouldn't be able to meet you until I die, but But I finally saw a rainbow I saw a rainbow in your eyes You are life, you are life, my life I was actually looking for you I thought I wasn't in this world I had lost the will to believe, but But I see love in you For the first time in my life, I realized You are life, you are life, my life I was actually looking for you It was already late at that time No matter how much I love you you
作詞 小椋 佳 作曲 小椋 佳 唄  美空ひばり
The rain falls on my body A little bit of bad luck I hold a grudge People are sad, it's sad Still, the past Rest gently on your eyelashes Life is a strange thing, isn't it? The wind scatters and roughens my body A dream that doesn't go as planned I lost it People are cute, cute, aren't they? Still, the future Smile while waiting for someone Life is a happy thing, isn't it? Love shines down on me I shed secret tears of joy People are cute, aren't they cute? Ah, the past gently rests on my eyelashes Life is a strange thing, isn't it? Ah, the future is waiting for people and smiling. Life is a happy thing, isn't it?
作詞 石本美由起 作曲 船村徹 唄  ちあきなおみ
"Take me and run away..." "Follow me..." Evening rain falls at Yagiri Ferry Even if I go against my parents' wishes We want to live in love.

"Don't give up on me..." "I won't throw it away..." The north wind cries and blows at Yagiri Ferry Rumor has it that Shibamata has been abandoned. I'll leave it to the boat.

“Where are you going?” "It's an unknown land..." The Yagiri ferry is swaying and crying While holding my breath and huddled together It's farewell as we row towards tomorrow

贴主:take01于2025_01_09 12:33:07编辑

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