Lil’ Grass词 : 何彤, 何兆华 (Lyrics : He Tong, He Zhaohua) 曲 : 王祖皆, 张卓娅 (Music : Wang Zujie, Zhang Zhuoya) 谱 : •http://m.gepuwang.net/jianpu/735.htmlLyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.)•————[ Stanzas 1, 3 ] (Rhyme : abaa)————•没有花香 , 没有树高 Not sweet as flowers, not tall as trees,我是一棵 无人知道的小草 I am just a strand of unbeknown lil’ grass.从不寂寞 , 从不烦恼 Never lonely, never worried,你看我的伙伴 遍及天涯海角 You see my companions spread to every cranny.•———[ Stanzas 2, 4, 5 ] (Rhyme : aabb)———•春风啊春风 , 你把我吹绿 Spring breeze.. oh spring breeze, your breaths blow me green ;阳光啊阳光 , 你把我照耀 Sunshine.. oh sunshine, your rays have me gleamed ;河流啊山川 , 你哺育了我 Rivers and mountains, you have nurtured me ;大地啊母亲 , 把我紧紧拥抱 The Land.. oh Mother, you embrace me tightly. . . . Translated by ck 2020-07-19 •===================================•Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse.Lyrics:•————————[ Stanzas 1, 3 ]————————•没有花香 ,- 没有树高 (8) Not sweet as flowers, - not tall as trees, (9)我是一棵 - 无人知道的 - 小草 (11) I am just a - strand of unbeknown - lil’ grass. (11)从不寂寞 ,- 从不烦恼 (8) Never lonely, - never worried, (8)你看 - 我的伙伴 - 遍及 - 天涯海角 (12) You see - my companions - spread to - every cranny. (12)•———————[ Stanzas 2, 4, 5 ]————————•春风啊春风 ,- 你把我吹绿 (10) Spring breeze.. oh spring breeze, - your breaths blow me green ; (10)阳光啊阳光 ,- 你把我照耀 (10) Sunshine.. oh sunshine, - your rays have me gleamed ; (9)河流啊山川 ,- 你哺育了我 (10) Rivers and mountains, - you have nurtured me ; (10)大地啊母亲 ,- 把我紧紧拥抱 (11) The Land.. oh Mother, - you embrace me tightly. (11)•===================================•
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