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林书豪在火箭看来并不愉快, 一件发生在球场上的事情
送交者: 北国风雪[♂进士☆♂] 于 2013-11-07 12:22 已读 2124 次 4 赞  


在对LAC那天, 一位座位很靠近火箭替补席的球迷描述了一个故事, 很有意思, 向和大家分享一下

 Very interesting : [ Wanted to post my observations from the game last night but will lead the analysis to the pros on the site. My sister and I sat right behind Rockets bench which was great but we had 5 or 6 hecklers sitting right beside us that were super annoying. They were talking trash and screaming literally the whole game. I want to punch them in the face First, Jeremy looked good during warmups. He was making a lot of his jump shots. Not sure if they showed this on TV but Parsons, Harden and Lin have a new pre game ritual. Harden and Parsons facing each other with Lin facing away from them. Harden brushes Parsons hair, Parsons brushes Harden's beard. They do a couple other things that I missed then at the last second Jeremy turns around and they all bow towards each other.

First half was really hard to watch. Looks like dwight and Harden were super lazy on defense. Dwight constantly looks to throw outlet pass to Harden or Parsons. Jeremy was getting really frustrated. There was a play where Coach Mchale was yelling at Jeremy to run a certain play (Index finger and pinky finger raised). Looks like this is a type of "horns" play where they set double screens for Jeremy at the top of the key (one pick on each side). Jeremy calls the play, Harden gets the ball and goes iso and misses.

Mchale then calls time out and yells at Jeremy. Jeremy yells at Mchale back. I heard Jeremy say something like, "I AM trying to run the play." Mchale then yells at Harden and Harden just walks away from him. Mchale then looks at Jeremy and shrugs his shoulders kind of like, "there's nothing i can do."

Jeremy reall looks like he is not having a good time playing. He was constantly being yelled at by Dwight and Parsons between plays. To be honest, I really don't know why they were yelling at him. There were couple time where Jeremy wasn't even involved in the play.
In 4th quarter, Jeremy checks in at 8 minute mark on his own. He looked at Mchale while walking to check in kind of like asking "I'm checking in right now right." Made me think maybe they have set times they check in? At the end of the 4th, AB was set to check in for JEremy during garbage time. Jeremy was playing well. I saw AB walk back to the bench on his own and heard him say to Mchale, "Jeremy's doing his thing. Just let him play." ] #JustSayNo2Hardensiso

看来大胡子显然在耍大牌。。。这样下去 小林子不知道会怎么样。  估计早晚会离开火箭的   虽然媒体还没有报到
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