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Magic Johnson on if he remains confident that he can
送交者: xiaoyao100nian[♀★龖龖龖龖★♀] 于 2018-02-08 15:05 已读 178 次  


回答: 呵呵,那就看看是否真的这么顺利吧,湖人已经4个夏天要签人 由 一派胡言 于 2018-02-08 14:44

Ohm Youngmisuk: Magic Johnson on if he remains confident that he can lure two elite players to the Lakers: “I wouldn’t have made the move if I wasn’t confident. Still the same [confidence]. We have got to take the next step… we are not one of the top eight teams in the west. I don’t want to stay in this position. I want us to be in the playoffs and the only path to that is to add to the roster we already have

magic johnson已经说的很明确 如果没有把握 他是不会这样做的 呵呵
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