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'Fast and Furious' Star Paul Walker Killed in Crash
送交者: おもいよしの[品衔R2☆] 于 2013-11-30 21:41 已读 1454 次  


ABC Breaking

Paul Walker, an actor perhaps best known for his roles in the "Fast and Furious" films died today in a car crash, his rep told ABC News. He was 40 years old.

"Sadly I must confirm that Paul did pass away this afternoon," Ame Van Iden said in an email.

Though the rep gave no more details, entertainment web site TMZ reported that Walker was in a Porsche when the driver lost control and crashed the vehicle into a tree.

The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station confirmed in a statement to Us Weekly that there were two fatalities in a traffic collision at approximately 3:30 p.m. Saturday.

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