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30 degree no preoblem
送交者: hachiroku[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2014-08-07 19:48 已读 115 次  


回答: FM AM还有吗?夏天高温怎么办? 由 zuisha 于 2014-08-07 18:46

I don't think it's a problem unless the screen exposes to sun light for a very long time, which is unlikely to happen because of where it sits.

Heat transmit from the dash is not that much at all, i've experienced a few times that dash is burning hot while the screen is still cool. 

If you really concerned about the heat, you can probably stick a thin cpu fan at the back of the Nexus. 

As for FM AM, i don't listen them. But you can get a dvbt dongle for like $10. 
then use this app

No Chinese input ATM.
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