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送交者: おもいよしの[品衔R2☆] 于 2016-07-31 16:55 已读 254 次  


回答: 下面那个视频就是解释报警音的, 由 diablo924 于 2016-07-31 3:22

直接的意思就是说车辆已退出Crawl Control模式,手动推入N档退出也表明这个提示音会在Crawl Control因为任何原因终止时响起。

然后再来看一下什么情况下车辆会自主退出Crawl Control。这里借用枫叶国Lexus官网提供的16款User Manual:
■ Automatic system cancelation
Crawl Control
In the following situations, the buzzer will sound intermittently and Crawl Control will be
canceled automatically. In this event, the Crawl Control indicator will flash and then go
off, the Turn Assist indicator will go off (if the Turn Assist function is in use), and a message
stating that Crawl Control has been turned off will be displayed on the multi-information
display for several seconds.
● When the shift lever is moved to P or N.
● When the four-wheel drive control switch is in H4.
● When the driver’s door is opened.

■ Function limitations
Crawl Control
● In the following situations, brake control can be used to drive downhill at a constant
speed. However, engine control is not available when driving uphill at a constant speed.
• When switched to second start mode.
● In the following situation, engine control and brake control will stop temporarily. In this
event, the Crawl Control indicator will flash.
• When the vehicle speed exceeds approximately 15 mph (25 km/h).

■ When the Crawl Control system is operated continuously
● If Crawl Control is used continuously for a long time, the buzzer will sound, a malfunction
notification will be displayed on the multi-information display, the Crawl Control
indicator will go off, and Crawl Control will be temporarily inoperable as a result of the
brake system overheating. In this event, stop the vehicle immediately in a safe place,
and allow the brake system to cool down sufficiently until the TRAC OFF indicator
goes off. (In the meantime, normal driving is possible.)
● If Crawl Control is used continuously for a long time, the buzzer will sound, the system
will be temporarily canceled, and a malfunction notification will be displayed on the
multi-information display as a result of the automatic transmission system overheating.
Stop the vehicle in a safe place until the display goes off.

■ Sounds and vibrations caused by the Crawl Control system
● A sound may be heard from the engine compartment when the engine is started or just
after the vehicle begins to move. This sound does not indicate that a malfunction has
occurred in Crawl Control system.
● Either of the following conditions may occur when the Crawl Control system is operating.
None of these are indicators that a malfunction has occurred.
• Vibrations may be felt through the vehicle body and steering.
• A motor sound may be heard after the vehicle comes to a stop.

■ When using Crawl Control and Turn Assist function
Do not rely solely on the Crawl Control and Turn Assist function. This function does not
extend the vehicle’s performance limitations. Always thoroughly check the road conditions,
and drive safely.
■ These conditions may cause the system not to operate properly
When driving on the following surfaces, the system may not be able to maintain a fixed
low speed, which may result in an accident:
● Extremely steep inclines.
● Extremely uneven surfaces.
● Snow-covered roads, or other slippery surfaces

长期使用Crawl Control,电子限滑会导致刹车过热,自动变速箱也同样可能过热,这两个都是物理上的限制。此时车辆都会退出Crawl Control模式。看视频的话,车在那个坡上至少蠕动了有一分钟进退不得;再加上之前测试中各种挑战,过热退出我想是合乎逻辑的。

接着就是关键了,也就是大概很多LX车主根本不会把车催逼到这样极限后的过热保护措施。之前另一台LC80的车主也讲了,在坡上最怕的是熄火,没有了刹车和转向助力是十分危险的。那台LC80是手动,因此车主在开车时会额外注意这一点。然而LX是自动档,我估计一般车主根本都不会去注意转速表,更不会去关心当下的状况是不是会导致车辆被憋熄火。关于LX的8 speed,我没能查到太多资料,但估计结构上不会和普通自动变速箱有多大差异。即使是有液力变矩器这种非刚性连接,挂着D档然后车身后退依然是可能导致引擎熄火的,那样车主就几乎丧失了自救能力。即使不挂N,长期滞留在D档而无法移动对变速箱也是一种摧残。如果因此坏掉,那么车主也会被困在原地无法动弹。几种权衡,也许跳N并不是一种最好的选择,但可能也是一种无奈之选。

不过丰田竟然没有把这一点标注在User Manual的Caution里面,这点是绝对的错误,连警示义务都没有完全尽到。如果车主读了User Manual然后遭遇此类事件,并且因为没有及时反应而发生事故,打起官司来我想丰田是要吃亏的。但我不是学法律的,这仅是一点个人看法。


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