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It did have multiple points
送交者: amphibia[布衣] 于 2016-09-05 18:33 已读 163 次  


回答: 大数据恐怕只有厂家掌握。我4辆奥迪严格按厂家说明保养 由 tough 于 2016-09-05 14:47

1. VWs/Audis/Some models of BMWs do have a percentage of cars burning oils.

2. Some toyotas, i.e. Rav4, also had oil problems. Since then, Toyota has pretty much solved the issue. Part of the solution is the introduction of low cost full synthetic 0w-20 oil, contract manufactured by Mobile 1. It also provided an industry leading high value low cast maintenance standard (some credit should also go to the shale gas revolution)

3. If toyota can solve it, chances are VW/Audi/BMW don't lack the resources to address their burning oil issue. We the consumer should push for it.

4. Meanwhile, those consumers with burning oil issues should use API SN certified oils, such as Mobil 1 0w-40 in China/US or ESP 5w-30 in Europe.

How about this for a clarification:) better logic?
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