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开车逛北京 Wandering Tours 0004 从北京西三环到天通苑华联购物中心
送交者: 木木山高[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2021-07-14 9:01 已读 2655 次 1 赞  


Wandering Tours 0004 从北京西三环到天通苑华联购物中心 From West 3rd Ring Road to BHG Shopping mall TianTongyuan in Beijing



天通苑是1999年由顺天通房地产开发集团建设的大型社区,位于中国北京市立水桥北,行政上隶属于昌平区天通苑北街道和天通苑南街道,建设社区前该地称“太平庄”。 6park.com

社区占地面积约8平方公里,规划建筑面积600多万平方米,是与回龙观地区并称的睡城。2008年常住人口为30多万,2011年初常住人口已近40万。 6park.com

天通苑是北京市经济适用房建设中最大的项目之一,分为本区(或者老区)、天通东苑、天通西苑、天通北苑与天通中苑,每个苑又按照数字分1、2、3区,天通中苑分为东区、西区、南区、北区。 6park.com

Tiantongyuan (Chinese: 天通苑; pinyin: tiān tōng yuàn) is a suburb in northern Beijing's Changping District. As of April 2008, it was said to have over 400,000 residents. As of 2019, the population of Tiantongyuan had jumped to 700,000, making it the largest Xiaoqu (housing community) in China, and the suburb accounts for 3% of the population of Beijing. 6park.com

Tiantongyuan has two shopping malls, namely 龙德广场 (lóng dé guǎng chǎng) and BHG Mall (or 北京华联天通苑购物中心 - beǐ jīng huá lián tiān tōng yuàn gòu wù zhōng xīn). These malls are about a kilometer apart. 龙德 (lóng dé) Plaza contains a branch of Carrefour. 6park.com

Tiantongyuan is divided into Tiantongyuan West (天通西苑), Tiantongyuan East (天通东苑), Tiantongyuan North (天通北苑), Central Tiantongyuan (天通中苑), and Old Tiantongyuan (本区 or 老区); each such neighborhood is further subdivided into sections 1, 2, and 3 (except for Central Tiantongyuan, which is divided into North, South, East, and West and east north). 6park.com

During the early decades of the People's Republic, the area had been the site of a labor camp for class enemies.
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