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开车逛北京 0009 从北四环到通州区北京环球影城
送交者: 木木山高[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2021-09-13 23:31 已读 5762 次  


Wandering Tours 0009 从北四环到通州区北京环球影城 From North 4th Ring Road to Beijing Universal Studios in Tongzhou District


通州区是位于北京市东南部、京杭大运河北起点的一个市辖区。与河北省廊坊市的三河市(燕郊镇)、大厂县、香河县相邻,与北京市的朝阳区、大兴区、顺义区接壤,与天津市的武清区交界。 6park.com

2015年,通州被定位为北京市行政副中心。2017年9月29日,通州升格为北京城市副中心。北京市委、市政府等机构随后迁入,未来北京更多市级机关、央企二、三级总部、市属国企总部和医院也将迁入。 6park.com

Tongzhou District (simplified Chinese: 通州区; traditional Chinese: 通州區; pinyin: Tōngzhōu Qū) is a district of Beijing. It is located in southeast Beijing and is considered the eastern gateway to the nation's capital. 6park.com

Downtown Tongzhou itself lies around 20 km (12 mi) east of central Beijing, at the northern end of the Grand Canal (on the junction between the Tonghui Canal and the Northern Canal) and at the easternmost end of Chang'an Avenue. The entire district covers an area of 906 km2 (350 sq mi), or 6% of Beijing's total area. 6park.com

It had a population of 673,952 at the 2000 Census, and has seen significant growth and development since then, growing to a population of 1,184,000 at the 2010 Census. The district is subdivided into four subdistricts, ten towns, and one ethnic township. 6park.com

北京环球度假区(英语:Universal Beijing Resort),位于中国北京市通州区文景街道,是NBC环球在北京兴建中的综合型度假区,预计于2021年9月1日试营业,2021年9月20日正式向公众开放。 6park.com

北京环球度假区位于北京东六环与京哈高速公路交汇处施园桥的西北方向,北京城市副中心南部的通州文化旅游区。主题公园由北京首寰文化旅游投资有限公司和北京环球影城公司共同出资兴建,投资超过300亿元。度假区包括了环球影城主题公园、度假酒店、商业街等设施。 6park.com

Universal Studios Beijing (Chinese: 北京环球影城) is an upcoming Universal theme park in Beijing that will open on September 20, 2021 as part of Universal Beijing Resort. Invited-only test operation started on September 1, 2021. 6park.com

The park would become the fifth Universal Studios-branded theme park in the world, the seventh Universal-built park overall, and the third in Asia, after Universal Studios Japan and Universal Studios Singapore. However, it would also be the first Universal-built park in Asia to not include Sesame Street as one of its licensed properties. 6park.com

The project was announced on October 13, 2014 with the plan to invest 20 billion RMB (US$3.3 billion) into the new theme park; a groundbreaking ceremony was held on October 31, 2016. 6park.com

It will feature attractions themed primarily to Universal-owned movies, TV shows, animation, and music, as well as licensed properties from other companies (e.g., Warner Bros. etc.)
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