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查了下叫Portable Infotainment Device (PID)
送交者: おもいよしの[品衔R2☆] 于 2013-03-16 13:32 已读 28 次  


回答: 那个PID是什么东西??? (无内容) 由 平度人 于 2013-03-16 5:14

Mobile Information. For the first time in a Volkswagen, the maps + more system is now being offered, a mobile Portable Infotainment Device (PID). In the economically priced up!, this is a system that is equally economical and was developed to organise the navigation, telephone, information and entertainment areas. In cooperation w238;th Navigon, one of the world's leading suppliers of navigation systems, a special solution was tailored to the up! which is affordable for all buyers – maps + more. The user simply snaps the PID into place above the centre console. únlike many other similar systems of this type, maps + more melds w238;th the car's network of systems much better: navigation, telephone and infotainment can now be controlled and viewed via the PID touchscreen, and the touchscreen can also be used to view important vehicle information, such as the visual display of the ParkPilot (controls the car's distance to the next vehicle). Apps specially developed for the up! also let users extend maps + more to meet their specific needs.
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