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送交者: ddttgg[品衔R1] 于 2013-09-25 8:37 已读 938 次  


就是正常加速,大概2500转换挡dsg,开窗会听到金属的声音,2档到4档。据说是wastegate的问题,有懂的朋友吗? 特别是4档,加速然后收油,金属声音就出现了,很明显。
I have a rattle coming from my engine bay when the turbo is boosting and I slightly lift off. I cannot hear it from inside the car while all windows are closed but it is quite clear with the driver's side window is open.

I had my car at the local VW dealer last week Friday to check what is causing the rattle and they found it to be the waste gate actuator arm. VW head office advised them that they are aware of the issue and there is no fix to be done yet.

My 1.4 Tsi 122 Golf had the same rattle and the cure has been to fit a complete new wastegate.

Service Manager assures me that the work wasn't to fit the clip fitted to the actuator arm.
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