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韩国偶像歌手“长得太像”政府要限制 网友:管的太宽!
送交者: oldogzhao[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2019-02-21 10:17 已读 3038 次  



最近,韩国政府发布意见,建议对偶像团体在电视节目中的出镜频率进行限制,但被网友批评说管得太宽。 6park.com


South Korean K-Pop girl group Momoland attend a photo call for the 28th Seoul Music Awards at Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul South Korea on January 15 2019. (Photo by Lee Young-ho/Sipa USA) 6park.com

South Korea’s government has reportedly come under fire for suggesting a cap on K-pop stars appearing on television shows as the singers look too alike. 6park.com

据报道,由于韩国歌手外貌过于相似,政府提议限制偶像歌手在电视节目中的出镜频次,然而此举遭到猛烈抨击。 6park.com

come under fire:受到攻击 6park.com


According to the Korea Times, guidelines issued by the ministry of gender equality and family sparked controversy at the weekend for recommending restrictions on how many singers could be allowed on set at any given time. 6park.com

据《韩国时报》报道,韩国性别平等与家庭部发布的这一准则在上周末引发争议,该准则建议限制在同一时间段内偶像歌手出镜人数。 6park.com

The guidelines complained that K-pop stars looked too alike, saying “the problem of … uniformity among singers is serious”, and noting most idols were thin and wore identical makeup and skimpy outfits. 6park.com

该准则批评韩国流行明星外貌过于相似,称“歌手长得太像,这个问题很严重”,还指出多数偶像歌手过于消瘦,妆容一样,穿着暴露。 6park.com

skimpy ['skɪmpɪ]:adj.不足的;太少的 6park.com


South Korean K-Pop girl group Cherry Bullet performs on the stage during a MBC TV K-Pop music chart program Show Champion at MBC Dream Center in Goyang South Korea on January 30 2019. Photo Credit: Lee Young-ho/Sipa USA 6park.com

“Are the singers on TV music shows twins? They seriously look identical. Most are idol group members,” the guidelines say, according to the Korea Times. “Most of them are skinny and have similar hairstyles and makeup with outfits exposing their bodies.” 6park.com

据《韩国时报》报道,准则中称:“电视音乐节目中的歌手们都是双胞胎吗?他们看起来真的太像了,其中大多数人是偶像团体成员。大多数歌手长得太瘦,发型和妆容相似,衣着也过于暴露。” 6park.com

The paragraphs that caused offence advised restricting the number of K-pop singers who appear on a TV show, for fear that similar appearances may promote unrealistic and narrow standards of beauty. 6park.com

该准则提出,由于担心歌手们相似的外貌会让大众审美标准不切实际、单一化,因此建议限制偶像歌手出镜人数,然而这些内容引发了争议。 6park.com

Critics said the guidelines were an attempt at "censoring" the profitable industry and could deprive its many fans of the chance to watch its stars. 6park.com

批评者指出,该准则试图“审查”这一利润丰厚的行业,可能会剥夺众多粉丝欣赏偶像表演的机会。 6park.com

"Music shows are not supposed to show general people but to show idols," one commentator wrote online. 6park.com

有网友评论说:“音乐节目并不是为了展示素人,而是为了展示偶像。” 6park.com

"It's true that many people look similar but that's not a subject to be solved by regulations," said another. 6park.com

还有人评论说:“有些歌手是长得很像,但这不是要通过某项规定去解决的问题。” 6park.com


South Korean K-Pop boys band ONEUS performs on the stage during a MBC TV K-Pop music chart program 6park.com

But others said they understood the intent behind the guidelines, adding that outfits worn by some girl-group members were too sexual. 6park.com

但也有人对政府发布准则的初衷表示理解,称一些女团成员的穿着的确过于性感。 6park.com

“I agree with the ministry’s efforts to make changes in broadcasting scenes where commercialization of sex is prevalent,” an internet user said. 6park.com

一位网友说:“我赞成性别平等与家庭部为改变广播电视节目中的偶像形象做出的努力,如今性别的商业化太普遍了。” 6park.com

A petition was submitted to the Korean government calling for the ministry’s abolition on the grounds that it was trying to censor “how female pop stars look”, reported the Korea JoongAng Daily. 6park.com

据《韩国中央日报》报道,反对者向政府递交了请愿书,呼吁性别平等与家庭部废除这一准则,认为这是在试图审查“女性流行歌手的外貌”。 6park.com

The government said the guidelines were not mandatory but were aimed at addressing the negative impact of unrealistic beauty standards. 6park.com

韩国政府表示,这一准则并非强制性规定,而是着眼于消除不现实的美貌标准带来的负面影响。 6park.com

The ministry said on Monday that the guidelines were only aimed at raising awareness about the negative effects of “lookism”, adding that the recommendations were not mandatory and TV producers could decide whether to follow them. 6park.com

韩国性别平等与家庭部2月18日解释称,该准则旨在提高人们对于“容貌歧视”负面影响的意识,并补充说建议并非强制,电视节目制作人可自行决定是否采纳。 6park.com

lookism['lukizəm]:n.容貌歧视;以貌取人 6park.com


South Korean K-Pop girl group Black Pink performs on the stage during a 8th Gaon Chart Music Awards at Olympic Gym in Seoul South Korea on January 23 2019. Photo Credit: Lee Young-ho/Sipa USA 6park.com

But after criticism, the ministry said on Tuesday it would withdraw the recommendation after it had “caused unnecessary confusion”. 6park.com

但在遭到批评后,韩国性别平等与家庭部2月19日表示,在“导致了不必要的困惑”之后,将撤销上述建议。 6park.com

It claimed it had neither the intention nor authority to control TV production and it had simply tried to “prevent media, which has big influence on people’s daily life, from undermining human rights or fostering discrimination unintentionally”. 6park.com

韩国性别平等与家庭部表示,媒体对人们的日常生活有很大影响。他们无意也没有权力控制电视制作,只是想要“阻止媒体侵犯人权,或无意间促成歧视。” 6park.com

South Korea is famous for its cosmetic surgery industry, with as many as one third of young women in the country believed to have gone under the knife. 6park.com

韩国的整容行业很出名,据信,有三分之一的韩国年轻女性做过整容手术。 6park.com

In 2017 all four members of the K-pop band SixBomb went through extensive plastic surgery, including nose jobs and breast implants, before releasing a single. A series of videos showed the four women visiting a clinic, strutting into an operating theater and lying on the operating table. 6park.com

2017年,韩国流行女团SixBomb在发布单曲之前,所有4名成员都接受了多项整容手术,包括隆鼻和隆胸。多个视频显示这4名成员到访诊所,进入手术室并躺在手术台上。 6park.com

Last year, South Korean women began a social media movement reacting against the country’s culture of exacting beauty standards. They destroyed cosmetics and cut their hair short to fight back against unrealistic beauty ideals in what was being dubbed the "escape corset" movement. 6park.com

去年,韩国女性在社交媒体上掀起了一场运动,反对该国严苛的审美文化。这场运动名为“逃脱束缚”,许多韩国女性毁掉化妆品、剪短头发,以此抗议对美不切实际的追求。 6park.com

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