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送交者: 人心在[★品衔R5★] 于 2016-03-30 20:30 已读 1013 次 2 赞  



Negative interest rates 负利率

negative rate policies  appear to be gaining traction further afield. In effect, they mean that commercial banks are charged to store cash with the central bank and are intended to incentive greater lending by banks to businesses and individuals at times of disinflation, deflation of low growth. (在低增长的地区,用于刺激投资)

Central banks that have gone negative:
已经实行负利率央行: 日本,丹麦,欧洲央行,瑞典,瑞士

Bank of Japan: Rate is minus-0.1 percent for some reserves
Danish National Bank: Deposit rate is minus-0.65 percent
European Central Bank: Deposit rate is minus-0.3 percent
Swedish National Bank: Main interest rate is minus-0.5 percent
Swiss National Bank: Main interest rate is minus-0.75 percent

CNBC takes a look at which bank might be the next to go into negative territory.

Bank of Canada  加拿大- 最有可能下一个
Patrick Doyle | Bloomberg | Getty Images
The Bank of Canada is the most likely of the major central banks to opt for negative rates this year or next. ....

...."I am not saying the Bank of Canada will, but that is the most likely candidate of those that are not there yet… I do not see this as anything but very low risk in the U.S.," he said.

Canada's targeted overnight rate is already low, at 0.5 percent, and the Bank of Canada has prepared markets for the possibility of negative rates by discussing how they might work as a policy tool.

"In the unlikely event that the economy was hit with another major negative shock, the Bank could implement unconventional monetary policy measures. These include forward guidance on the future path of its policy rate, stimulating the economy through large-scale asset purchases (commonly referred to as quantitative easing), funding to ensure that credit is available to key economic sectors and moving its policy rate below zero to encourage spending," the bank said in a statement.

The bank will update its rate target on March 9.

Norges Bank
Tomm W. Christiansen | Bloomberg | Getty Images
Sweden and Denmark's neighbor, Norway, is another candidate to introduce negative rates, Chandler told CNBC. 

"Norway would be the second choice (after Canada). But its problem is growth not deflation," he said.

The bank is due to announce its next rate decision on March 17.


The country has suffered deflation since 2014 and consumer prices fell by 0.1 percent on the previous month in December. 

The Bank of Israel will update its rate decision on February 22.


The Bank of England

As with many advanced economies, the U.K. has had very low interest rates since the global crisis — so a comparatively small cut would take rates to zero or negative.

The U.K. economy is smaller and more open than the U.S., so it might benefit more from the weakening impact of negative interest rates on the exchange rate, said Tinsley.

Czech Republic

Citi says the Czech Republic may introduce negative deposit and repo rates of around minus-0.1 percent or even minus-0.2 percent at some point between April and June this year.

When the Czech National Bank met in the first week of February, it raised the possibility of introducing negative rates.

"The Bank Board again also discussed the possibility of introducing negative interest rates in light of the widening of the interest rate differential vis-à-vis the euro area and developments in domestic financial markets," the bank said in a statement on February 4.

A possible catalyst for negative rates could be a further rate cut by the ECB. Although the Czech Republic is not yet part of the euro zone, its economy is closely tied and two of its main trading partners, Germany and Slovakia, are part of the bloc.

The national bank will publish its next policy decision on March 31.
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