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PharmD。not PhD.
送交者: TheCurator[布政使★★☆] 于 2019-06-24 22:43 已读 1527 次  



The Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy delivers a one-of-a-kind experience to aspiring leaders in pharmacy.

As Canada’s most trusted health professionals, pharmacists occupy a special place in the community and in the healthcare system. To be successful in this multifaceted role, individuals must be effective communicators, hardworking, empathetic and possess strong problem-solving skills.(not real skills)

We are the leading pharmacy educator and pharmaceutical sciences research centre in Canada, and our goal is to develop the healthcare leaders of tomorrow. Students in the PharmD program are driven to excel through a combination of coursework, laboratory instruction and hands-on learning and experiential rotations in community, hospital, and other healthcare settings.

Together, the skills, knowledge, and experience acquired through this four year program prepares our graduates to become successful practitioners and leaders in healthcare.


贴主:TheCurator于2019_06_24 22:44:16编辑
贴主:TheCurator于2019_06_24 22:45:41编辑
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