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送交者: 不真不善难忍[♂★正气★♂] 于 2020-03-05 15:18 已读 239 次  


回答: 美国保险一个月一二百美金全家,单位提供大部分? 由 不真不善难忍 于 2020-03-05 15:08

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/06/23/heres-how-much-the-average-american-spends-on-health-care.html 6park.com

According to eHealthInsurance, for unsubsidized customers in 2016, "premiums for individual coverage averaged $321 per month while premiums for family plans averaged $833 per month. The average annual deductible for individual plans was $4,358 and the average deductible for family plans was $7,983." 6park.com

That means that, last year, the average family paid $9,996 for coverage alone, and, if they met their deductible, a total of just under $18,000. Meanwhile, an average individual spent $3,852 on coverage and, if she spent another $4,358 to meet her deductible, a total of $8,210. 6park.com

These figures do not take into account any additional co-insurance responsibility she might have. In addition to co-pays and deductibles, an increasing number of plans now require co-insurance payments, which require that, even once you meet your deductible, you continue paying some percentage of all costs until you hit your out-of-pocket maximum.
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