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Are you referring to
送交者: 喂食师[布衣] 于 2020-06-28 16:36 已读 254 次  


回答: 朋友,多学点外语,学深点,别老陷在民族主义自我膨胀中。 由 vixmmm 于 2020-06-28 14:10

how Trump educate his people eliminate Corona Virus by injecting disinfectant into body? Or, do you want me to learn how to protest properly by smashing, attacking people, stealing, looting? Yes, I got it. Mr preaident has taught us, when looting starts, shooting starts. By the way, your Papa Uncle Sam wants you to lick his ass again tonight. You really should learn how to properly comfort your papa. It's not fair to end me comment without mentioning it's liberty and democracy that lead to US today, over 120k deaths, and 2.5 Million confirmed Covid19 cases. So proud of your papa America.
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