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送交者: yongwa8[☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2021-08-18 15:11 已读 488 次  


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At least 3000 Afghan refugees will be able to move to Australia in the next 10 months and the federal government is working on plans to bring in more, but Prime Minister Scott Morrison has not followed other countries in outlining a more ambitious long-term humanitarian commitment.


A dangerous rescue mission to evacuate almost 600 stranded Australians and Afghans in Kabul has begun with a Royal Australian Air Force transport aircraft flying in and out of the Afghan capital on Wednesday morning, in what the Prime Minister said was the "first of what will be many flights" in the coming days.

Mr Morrison announced Australia would accept an initial humanitarian intake of 3000 Afghans over the next year - which would come out of Australia's existing 13,750 person annual program - but said "we do believe we'll be able to do more than that".

Britain and Canada have both promised a humanitarian intake of 20,000 people over several years from Afghanistan, but Mr Morrison said "there are no clear plans about that" for Australia to do the same number.

"Australia is not going into that territory. What we're focused on is right here and right now."

Mr Morrison also said Australia will only be resettling Afghans who come through the "official humanitarian program", in an apparent warning for people not to try to get to Australia on boats.

"We will not be allowing people to enter Australia illegally, even at this time. Our policy has not changed."

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