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送交者: 黑5类[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2021-11-04 14:54 已读 1066 次 1 赞  


华人的孩子改变美国历史 吴弭胜选演讲全文(图)

新闻来源: 纽约时间 于 2021-11-04 14:10:09 大字阅读  手机网页版阅读 手机移动端下载 6park.com

编辑、译:SUN 6park.com


"今天,我们一起向波士顿的承诺进军"。  6park.com

吴弭经常呼吁城市领导层要满足这一时刻的紧迫性。 6park.com


周二晚上,这是她的时刻,她在南区的舞台上面对着欢呼的支持者,在那里她战胜了同为市议员的Annissa Essaibi George,成为波士顿的下任市长。 6park.com


36岁的吴弭是第一位当选领导波士顿市市长的有色人种女性,她创造了历史。 6park.com


这是她当选后发表的演讲全文(中英对照): 6park.com


晚上好。有一天晚上,我的一个儿子问我,男孩是否可以在波士顿当选市长。 6park.com


Good evening. So one of my sons asked methe other night if boys can be elected mayor in Boston. 6park.com


他们曾经做过,而且有一天会再次当选,但不是今晚。在这一天,波士顿选出了你的妈妈,因为从我们城市的每一个角落,波士顿的人们都发出了声音。我们已经准备好迎接这个时刻。我们已经准备好成为每个人的波士顿。我们已经准备好成为一个不会把人赶出去的波士顿,而是欢迎所有把我们的城市当作家的人。我们已经准备好成为一个所有人都能负担得起的波士顿,并在那里茁壮成长。是的,波士顿已经准备好成为一个绿色新政城市。 6park.com


They have been and they will again someday, but not tonight. On this day, Boston elected your mom because from every corner of our city, Boston has spoken. We are ready to meet this moment.We are ready to become a Boston for everyone. We’re ready to be a Boston that doesn’t push people out, but welcomes all who call our city home. We’re ready to be a Boston where all can afford to stay and to thrive. And yes, Boston is ready to become a Green New Deal city. 6park.com


在今天的投票中,在过去的一年中,在这个城市的几代人中,波士顿已经走到一起,重新塑造了什么是可能的。我们是拥有全国第一所公立学校、第一个公共公园、全国第一条地铁隧道的城市。我们是革命、民权、婚姻平等的城市。波士顿一直都是那个举重若轻的城市,我们的行动主义、我们的社区、我们的快乐辐射到了全国各地的进步。而今天,我们一起向波士顿的承诺迈进。 6park.com


Today at the polls, and over this last year, and over generations in this city, Boston has come together to reshape what is possible. We are the city of the first public school in the country,the first public park, the first subway tunnel in the country. We’re the city of revolution, civil rights, marriage equality. Boston has always been that city that punches above our weight, where our activism, our community, our joy radiates out into progress across the country. And today, together, we are marching into Boston’s promise. 6park.com


我们站在西南走廊边缘的南区这里。就在这里,52年前有一条12车道的高速公路计划。他们说这是一笔交易,阻止它是不可能的。有一段时间,情况似乎就是这样,直到来自我们整个社区的活动家联盟站出来,为人们争取。 6park.com


We stand here in the South End on the edge of the Southwest corridor. It is here where 52 years ago, there was a 12-lane highway planned. They said it was a done deal, that stopping it would be impossible. And for a while that’s how it seemed until a coalition of activists from across our neighborhood stood up for people over highways. 6park.com


他们中的一些人就在这个房间里,他们成功地争取到了可负担住房,争取到了橙线而不是州际公路,为当时的家庭以及未来的家庭争取到了利益。 6park.com


Some of them are here in this room and they successfully fought for housing that was affordable, for an Orange Line in stead of an interstate, for families then and for families for generations to come. 6park.com


我们的运动是这种行动主义和社区的延续,向每个人展示了当我们所有人都投入并推动我们真正应得的东西时的可能性。我们应该得到的是一个我们所有人都能看到、听到、珍惜和重视的波士顿——一个所有人的波士顿。 6park.com


Our movement is a continuation of that activism and community, showing everyone what’s possible when we all dig in and push for what we truly deserve. And what we deserve is a Boston where all of usare seen, heard, treasured, and valued — a Boston for everyone. 6park.com


我们已经准备好了,让每一个孩子都能得到我们社区的全部资源,进入与他们的全部潜力相匹配的学校,让从福布斯大厦到乔治敦家园的每一个居民都能得到保护,免受租金飙升和流离失所的影响;让一个繁荣的波士顿商业社区建立在一个繁荣的黑人商业社区的基础上;让每一个在马萨诸塞州的马萨诸塞州大道和Melnea Cass大道上经历无家可归、精神健康和药物使用的波士顿人都能得到保护。在马萨诸塞州大道和Melnea Cass 大道以及整个城市和其他地方,每一个经历无家可归、精神健康和药物使用的波士顿人都得到尊重,得到治疗和住房。 6park.com


We’re ready for every child to go to aschool connected to the full resources of our communities and their full potential, for every resident from the Forbes Building to Georgetown Homes tobe protected from soaring rents and displacement; for a thriving Boston business community grounded in a thriving Black business community; for every Bostonian experiencing homelessness, mental health, substance use at Mass. Ave and Melnea Cass Boulevard and across our city and beyond to have dignity,treatment, and housing. 6park.com


我们已经准备好让每一个波士顿人知道,我们不必在代际变化和维持路灯亮着之间做出选择;不必在用大胆的解决方案解决大问题和填补我们的坑洞之间做出选择;不必在规模和街道层面做出改变。我们需要,我们应该,两者都需要。所有这些都是可能的。...这些事情是可能的。今天,波士顿的选民们说,所有这些事情也是可能的。 6park.com


We are ready for every Bostonian to know that we don’t have to choose between generational change and keeping the streetlights on; between tackling big problems with bold solutions and filling our pot holes; to make change at scale and at street level. We need, we deserve,both. All of this is possible. …These things are possible. And today, the voters of Boston said all these things are possible, too. 6park.com


我想说清楚:选票上不是我的愿景。它是我们共同的。在市政厅工作的10年里,在每一个社区,与我们所有的居民联系,我看到并经历了地方政府对人们的生活产生了多大的影响。我将永远不会停止为使我们的系统为我们所有人服务而奋斗。 6park.com


I want to be clear: It wasn’t my vision on the ballot. It was ours, together. Over 10 years in City Hall, and in every neighborhood, connecting with all of our residents I’ve seen and experienced just how big an impact local government makes in people’s lives. And I’ll never stop fighting to make our systems work for all of us. 6park.com

 我是作为一个想家的大学生来到这个城市的。但当我踏上前往唐人街的红线地铁,手握T代币时,我知道我到家了。谢谢你,波士顿。 6park.com


I came to this city as a home sick college kid. But as soon as I set foot on the Red Line to Chinatown, T token in hand, I knew I was home. Thank you, Boston. 6park.com


致我的家人。感谢我的家人:我的丈夫康纳;我的两个儿子布莱斯和卡斯;我的妈妈;我的姐妹谢丽尔和托里。我的整个家庭......你们是我的支持系统和力量的来源。 6park.com


To my family: Thank you to my family: my husband, Conor; my two boys, Blaise and Cass; my mom; my sisters, Sherelle and Tori. My whole family…you are my support system and a source of strength. 6park.com


市长(金)詹妮,我永远的姐妹。谢谢你的友谊和伙伴关系。谢谢你领导我们的城市,开辟了这条道路。 6park.com


Mayor (Kim) Janey, my forever sister inservice: Thank you for your friendship and partnership. Thank you for leading our city and blazing this trail. 6park.com


参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦:我将永远努力奋斗,因为我从你那里学到了坚持不懈。 6park.com


Sen. Elizabeth Warren: I will always fight hard because I learned persistence from you. 6park.com


国会议员阿亚娜·普雷斯利:你的大胆领导为我和许多人铺平了道路。 6park.com


Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley: Your bold leadership paved the way for me and so many others. 6park.com


致梅尼诺家族,我的前老板汤姆·梅尼诺市长和安吉拉·梅尼诺夫人,他们的支持一直令人难以置信地谦逊。致这个家庭中的许多人——弗兰克叔叔,他为我打开了大门,非常感谢你。 6park.com


To the Menino family, my former boss Mayor (Tom) Menino and Mrs. Angela Menino, whose support has been incredibly humbling. To the many in that family — Uncle Frank, who opened doors for me,thank you so much. 6park.com


致那些与我一起参加这场历史性比赛的勇敢的候选人,埃塞比·乔治议员,他在整个竞选过程中努力奋斗,感谢你的服务。 6park.com


To the courageous candidates who joined me in this historic race, Councilor Essaibi George, who fought hard through out this entire campaign, thank you for your service. 6park.com


安德烈·坎贝尔议员,约翰·巴罗斯,(州)琼·圣地亚哥议员。感谢你们提升了我们街区的许多声音。 6park.com


Councilor Andrea Campbell, John Barros,(state) Rep. Jon Santiago: Thank you for elevating so many voices in our neighborhoods. 6park.com


还有许多社区领袖、民选官员、工会、气候团体、民主区委员会,以及一路支持我们的每个组织。非常感谢你们为这个城市所做的一切,感谢你们为我们的运动提供动力。 6park.com


And to the many community leaders, elected officials, labor unions, climate groups, democratic ward committees,every organization who supported us along the way: Thank you so much for allthat you do for the city and for powering our movement. 6park.com


还有整个“吴氏列车”,......特别是令人难以置信的工作人员,他们日复一日,每小时,直到最后一秒,代表我们所有的社区,确保我们都是塑造这个未来的一部分。在414天里,你们从基层开始建立了一个努力。我们把邻里团队建成了小型(家庭)。我们深入到全市的移民社区和用各种语言的社区。我们让每一代人都参与这项工作。“吴氏列车”:你们拉票、发短信、打电话、敲门,你们在波士顿又一次表明,只要我们一起努力,一切皆有可能。 6park.com


And to the whole Wu train, …especially this incredible staff who have put in so much day after day, hour by hour, up until the last second to represent all of our communities to make sure we were all part of shaping this future: For 414 days, you built an effort from the grassroots up. We built neighborhood teams into small (families). We reached into immigrant communities and communities across the city in every language.We moved every generation into this work. Wu train: You canvassed, you texted, you called, you knocked on doors, and you showed yet again in Boston that anything is possible when we do it together. 6park.com


虽然我们付出了很多努力才走到这一天,但我们的运动并没有就此结束。我们还有很多工作要做。因此,让我们投入进去吧。 6park.com


And although we put in a lot of work toget to this day, our movement does not end here. We have a lot of work to do. So let’s dig in. 6park.com


在接下来的两周及以后的时间里,我们将与詹尼市长的团队合作,以确保我们准备好在11月16日投入运行。这将是一个巨大的团队努力,我们不会通过坐在市政厅的角落办公室来完成这个任务,而是通过将市政厅带到每个街区、每条街道、每个社区。因为如果我们真的想实现变革,我们需要我们每一个人塑造我们的未来。 6park.com


Over the next two weeks and well beyond we will work with Mayor Janey’s team to ensure we’re ready to hit the ground running on Nov. 16. This will be a huge team effort and we’re not going to get this done by sitting in a corner office at City Hall, but by bringing City Hall to every block, every street, every neighborhood. Because if we truly want to deliver change, we need every one of us shaping our future. 6park.com






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感谢你们对我的信任,让我担任波士顿的下一任市长。因此,让我们今晚庆祝一下,明天我们将继续一起工作。谢谢大家。 6park.com


Thank you for placing your trust in meto serve as the next mayor of Boston. So let’s celebrate tonight and tomorrow we’ll continue the work together. Thank you everyone.
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