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送交者: xiaobeng[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2022-07-29 3:54 已读 1963 次  


(转载文章如有冒犯, 版主可以删除, 谢谢。) 6park.com

The global energy storage market is set to reach 500GW by 2031, Woodmac says
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The ducks are lining up for energy storage, according to Benchmark Minerals Intelligence Boss Simon Moores.

[iframe]"[/iframe] 6park.com

And he’s not alone in this opinion, with Wood Mackenzie flagging that the global energy storage market is set to reach 500GW by 2031. 6park.com


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The Global Energy Storage Outlook highlighted that Europe demand lags behind as the region’s grid-scale market struggles to stabilise, with only 159 gigawatt hours (GWh) forecasted for the region by 2031, compared to 422 GWh for China and 600 GWh for the United States (US).

“Growth has stalled in Europe as regulatory barriers fail to improve storage project economics,” WoodMac global head of energy storage Dan Shreve says.

“In addition, limited access to power markets and a lack of revenue stacking opportunities, combined with a lack of capacity market auctions, has lowered investment for grid-scale storage assets in Europe.”

Despite this, Germany’s energy storage market continues to grow and is set to become the third biggest energy storage market by 2030, following US and China – with 32 GWh forecasted for the country, 61% from the residential segment.

© Provided by StockheadGraph: Top ten energy storage markets capacity forecast: 2021-2031 (GWh). Source: Wood Mackenzie. 6park.com


WoodMac did note however that the European Commission’s REPowerEU plan will boost the EU energy storage market further as it pushes for a higher share of renewable supply in EU Member States.

Europe has already seen a 12 GWh increase since the plan was launched in May 2022, which set out a 600GW target for the solar PV market and pledged to ease permitting processes for both storage and PV systems.

“While REPowerEU does not set out a specific target for energy storage, higher renewable supply targets will drive demand for flexible power solutions, including energy storage assets,” Shreve added.

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