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送交者: 欢喜*佛[♂★★毫无存在感★★♂] 于 2023-03-29 19:16 已读 184 次  


回答: 【ZT】这个应该发在经版-ByteDance/Tiktok 究竟是谁扶持起来的 由 欢喜*佛 于 2023-03-29 18:25

ByteDance Board
Rubo Liang
Arthur Dantchik
Bill E. Ford
Philippe Laffont
Neil Shen
added 4 at end of 2022, unknown yet 6park.com

The five-strong board of the Beijing-based company includes its new chief executive, Liang Rubo, who took over as chairman from founder and former chief executive Zhang Yiming.
The other directors are representatives of General Atlantic, Sequoia Capital, Coatue Management, and Susquehanna International Group, Reuters has reported.
Funding and ownership
ByteDance is financially backed by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, SoftBank Group, Sequoia Capital, General Atlantic, and Hillhouse Capital Group. As of March 2021, it was estimated to be valued at $250 billion in private trades 6park.com

TikTok Board
Katie Puris
Doug McMillon
Josh Elman
Hans Tung
1 more unknown 6park.com

Management team
Shou Zi Chew -CEO
Vanessa Pappas -Chief Operating Officer
Anitta Krishan -Chief of Staff & Head of Global Strategy
Anuj Bhatia -Chief Nodal & Grievance Officer
Lindsey Bond -Chief of Staff - US Growth Business (Ads)
Nicole Iacopetti -Chief of Staff
Roland Cloutier -Global Chief Security Officer 6park.com

记住这些名字,在美国有问题,他们跑不了 - 在中国有问题, 上面的board member 也跑不了 -他们是两边都跑不了
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