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中国送大钱给美国 Trump得意洋洋
送交者: salonyudi[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2019-02-17 15:31 已读 1866 次  


中国送大钱给美国 Trump得意洋洋 6park.com


美国总统Trump今天听取美中贸易谈判简报后发推文说,美中谈判"极富成效"。他同时指出,中国透过关税送了数十亿美元给美国。 6park.com

美国与中国上周在北京进行5天磋商后,双方都说获致进展,但白宫表示,要让中国改变贸易作为,还有许多工作尚待完成。 6park.com

Trump今天在佛州海湖俱乐部(Mar-a-Lago)听取贸易团队简报,简报人员包括美国贸易代表莱特海泽(Robert Lighthizer)、商务部长罗斯(Wilbur Ross)和白宫幕僚长穆瓦尼(Mick Mulvaney)、贸易顾问纳瓦洛(Peter Navarro)等人,而财政部长梅努钦(Steven Mnuchin)、美国国家经济会议主席柯德洛(Larry Kudlow)与其他幕僚也透过电话与会。 6park.com

Trump听取简报后发推文说:"贸易谈判团队已自中国返国,这次在北京的谈判极富成效。…在此同时,中国透过关税送了数十亿美元给美国!" 6park.com


美国财政部本月中公布,Trump实施高额贸易关税,在去年10至12月的财政年度第一季带来90亿美元(约新台币2776亿元)进帐。 6park.com

Trump不断吹嘘去年实施的关税替政府带来意外之财,特别是针对从中国进口的价值2500亿美元商品加征10%-25%关税。关税表面上虽由中国企业支付,实际上却是从中国进口商品的美国公司埋单。 6park.com

美国要求中国限缩强制技术转移并且进一步保障智慧财产权,如果美中双方未能在3月1日前达成协议,美国将把2000亿美元由中国进口商品的关税从10%调升至25%。 6park.com

中国首席谈判代表国务院副总理刘鹤以及美国贸易代表莱特海泽,预定本周领衔在华盛顿展开新一回合谈判。 6park.com




President Trump visits golf club, 6park.com

hosts China trade talks at Mar-a-Lago during visit 6park.com

by Chuck Weber 6park.com

Saturday, February 16th 2019

PALM BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) — President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are at Mar-a-Lago for the weekend after he declared a national emergency to get funds for the border wall. 6park.com

A short time ago, CBS12 News learned President Trump spoke with several key players of his administration. 6park.com

The topic? Ongoing talks with China. 6park.com

Reports from the press pool indicate Trump has returned to Mar-a-Lago Saturday afternoon after spending much of the day golfing. 6park.com

Late in the day, Trump huddled with advisers, talking trade with China a day after declaring the national border emergency. 6park.com

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders advised the press pool Trump met with his trade team, receiving an update on talks with China. Sanders said Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, and Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney are among administration officials with Trump in person, while Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and other advisers are joining by phone. 6park.com


A national business writer tweeted a photo Saturday morning of the President at Trump International Golf Club, just outside the city of West Palm Beach. 6park.com

Golf at Trump's local courses has become customary on his visits to Palm Beach. 6park.com

Around mid-afternoon the press pool said Trump returned to Mar-a-Lago. 6park.com

So far, there's no word who Trump golfed with Saturday. 6park.com

No public events were scheduled for Trump until Monday, when he's set to speak on Venezuela at Florida International University at 4 p.m.
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