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CNN 终于讲了句大实话:NBA 在中国陷入了必败的处境
送交者: hgao[♂☆★★★★声望勋衔19★★★★☆♂] 于 2019-10-09 21:47 已读 646 次 1 赞  



由于一支球队总经理的不当言论,整个 NBA 被拖下水。最新消息显示,NBA 总裁连夜来华也无回天之力,上海体育总会已经发布了取消 "2019NBA 球迷之夜 " 活动的通知。





NBA 赛事在中国取消了吗?要真取消了,这个错代价可真是大了去了。





CNN 商业频道的一篇文章可以说回应了这个问题:莫雷大概发了一条今年美国商界最具破坏性的推特。

Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey sent what may be the most problematic and potentially damaging tweet in corporate America this year.

休斯顿火箭总经理达雷尔 · 莫雷发了一条可能是今年美国企业界最成问题也最具潜在破坏性的推文。

▲ The NBA faces a no-win situation in China. Here's what it stands to lose ( via CNN )

是的,就在美国网友力挺莫雷和肖华 " 捍卫言论自由 " 的骨气、政客施压让他们不要向利润低头时,CNN 难得说了句大实话:NBA 在中国面临着必败的处境,以下是它即将失去的东西。



截图 via CNN

作者 Chris Isidore 是有着 36 年从业经历的资深金融新闻撰稿人,加入 CNN 也达 20 年之久。

在简单介绍了前因后果之后,他说莫雷的这条推文让火箭队和 NBA 都陷入两难境地。解雇莫雷并道歉的话,会被美国国内唾沫星淹死,受到利益至上的谴责。而支持莫雷的话,又会失去中国这个巨大的市场。

The Rockets in particular have a lot to lose: They are the most popular NBA team in China, because Yao Ming, the Chinese, seven-foot-six-inch star, played eight seasons with the team before retiring in 2011.

其中火箭队会失去得尤其多。在中国他们是最受欢迎的 NBA 球队,因为身高 2 米 26 的中国球星姚明 2011 年退役之前曾在这支球队打过八个赛季。

The NBA doesn't break out what the Chinese market is worth for professional basketball. But it does make up at least 10% of the league's current revenue, according to David Carter, executive director of the USC Sports Business Institute. And China is expected to contribute even more than that over the next decade, perhaps reaching 20% of the league's revenue by 2030.

NBA 并未透露中国市场对于职业篮球的价值。但据南加州大学体育商业研究所执行董事大卫 · 卡特了解,中国市场为联盟目前的收入至少贡献了 10%。预计其在未来十年的贡献会更大,到 2030 年可能占联盟收入的 20%

"There's no other market where the incremental upside is greater for the NBA," he said.

他说:" 对于 NBA 来说,没有任何市场的增幅能超过中国市场。"

▲ The NBA faces a no-win situation in China. Here's what it stands to lose ( via CNN )

卡特同时表示,如果 NBA 让美国球迷感觉到他们最终向中国 " 屈服 " 了,又会伤害美国球迷的情感,丢失美国的赞助商。



图 via Global Times

至于 NBA 在事件发酵后的一系列表现,作者直言他们这是在 " 走钢丝 "

The NBA is trying to walk a tightrope. After an initial league statement was criticized for being too beholden to the Chinese authorities, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver defended Morey's right to send the tweet in a statement Tuesday in Tokyo. He said that the league would not pursue profits over principles.

NBA 正打算走钢丝。联盟最初的一份声明被批过于依附中国。周二,总裁亚当 · 肖华在东京发表声明,为莫雷发送这条推文的权利进行了辩护。他说,联盟不会为了利润而舍弃原则。

"The NBA will not put itself in a position of regulating what players, employees and team owners say or will not say," Silver said in the statement. "We simply could not operate that way."

肖华在声明中说:"NBA 不会限制球员、员工和球队老板说什么或不说什么的。"" 我们是不能那么运作的。"

But that only escalated the dispute with Chinese authorities. CCTV Sports, a division of China's state broadcaster, said it would not broadcast preseason games set to be played in China, including one between the Brooklyn Nets and the LA Lakers later this week in Shanghai.

但这些话只会火上浇油。中国官方电视台 CCTV 体育频道宣布,将不会播出在中国进行的季前赛,包括本周晚些时候在上海举行的布鲁克林篮网队和洛杉矶湖人队的比赛。

Tencent Sports ( TCEHY ) , which is the NBA's exclusive digital partner in China, said it would suspend live streaming for Houston Rockets games, and stop reporting any news about the team. Nearly 500 million people in China watched NBA programming on Tencent platforms during the last season, according to the companies.

腾讯体育是 NBA 在中国的独家数字合作伙伴,它表示将暂停休斯顿火箭队比赛的直播,并停止报道任何与该球队有关的新闻。据透露,在上个赛季,中国有近 5 亿人在腾讯平台上观看了 NBA 节目。

▲ The NBA faces a no-win situation in China. Here's what it stands to lose ( via CNN )



图 via 网络

美国福克斯新闻的体育记者 Jason Whitlock 也在节目上表示,这一事件让美国球迷们认识到中国对 NBA 赛事的影响有多大。

"You see NBA players constantly over the summer during their offseason running to China to do the bidding of their shoe companies and to sell their shoes in the China market," he said.

他说:" 你会看到 NBA 球员在休赛期不断地跑到中国,为他们代言的球鞋站台,并在中国市场销售。"

"So, the NBA is really being exposed as not nearly as much of an American business than it is a global business with China perhaps having more influence over it than even America."

" 所以,NBA 实际上并不是一个美国企业,它是个全球性企业,而中国对它的影响力可能比美国还大。"

▲ NBA-China controversy exposed how dependent American basketball is on Beijing, FS1's Jason Whitlock says ( via Foxnews ) 6park.com

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