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送交者: 牛员外[♂☆★★★★健身房行走★★★★☆♂] 于 2019-11-08 4:52 已读 2168 次 1 赞  


快到“双十一”了,最近很多人关注的话题就是买什么。今年,淘宝更是放了一个大招,将卡戴珊以及一票欧美大咖请来做直播。 6park.com

周三,卡戴珊本人现身直播间和中国粉丝互动,为个人香氛品牌打call。 6park.com


Via 网络

@KimKardashian’s live-stream for Tmall ahead of China’s #shopping
spree “Double 11” Shopping Festival, attracted at least 189,600 viewers.
She said she definitely thinks her daughters will be into the beauty
business and mentioned her friends’ love for Chinese Mahjong. #Alibaba 6park.com

金卡戴珊在“双十一”前夕的的淘宝直播,吸引了至少189600名观众。她说觉得自己的女儿们一定会涉足美妆行业,还提到了自己的朋友很喜欢中国麻将。 6park.com

@globaltimesnews 6park.com

卡戴珊直播后,海外社交媒体观看的网友们炸锅了:中国的“双十一”太厉害了 6park.com


#arin2610 While I was writing the essay about Alibaba, I was amazed
to see how Alibaba has combined so many business models into one. Unlike
most web-celebrities on Taobao, here, Taobao even got Kim Kardashian to
promote the Double 11 Shopping Festival. 6park.com

#arin2610我在撰写有关阿里巴巴的文章时,很惊讶地发现阿里巴巴可以如此成功地将众多的商业模式整合在一起。和之前淘宝上的网红不同,这次,淘宝甚至想出让金⋅卡戴珊来推广“双十一”购物节。 6park.com


Billions of dollars of sales, @KimKardashian and livestreaming. It can only mean one thing - Singles Day. 6park.com

数十亿美元的销售额,还有卡戴珊和直播。只有一件事能把他们聚在一起——中国的“双十一”。 6park.com

Via Twitter 6park.com


Alibaba usually kicks off Singles Day with a gala event which ends
just before midnight on Nov. 11. Last year, Mariah Carey put on a
performance, and this year, Alibaba signed up U.S. pop superstar Taylor
Swift. 6park.com

阿里巴巴通常会在11月11日的前夜举行庆祝活动,以此来庆祝“双十一”。去年,他们请到玛丽亚⋅凯莉。今年,阿里巴巴又签约了美国流行巨星“霉霉”(泰勒⋅斯威夫特)。 6park.com

Of the 200,000 brands that are expected to participate in the 11.11
festival, 22,000 will be from 78 overseas markets, according to Alibaba. 6park.com

根据阿里巴巴的数据,在预计参加双十一的20万个品牌中,有22000个品牌来自78个海外市场。 6park.com

▲From Kim Kardashian to Disney tickets: Alibaba gears up for Singles Day, a $30 billion shopping event Via CNBC 6park.com

去年“双十一”期间,销售额达到307亿美元,比上一年增长27%。秒杀美国的黑五和网络星期一(“黑色星期五”之后的第一个星期一,是美国一年当中最火爆的购物日之一)。 6park.com


Via Getty Images 6park.com

从2009年到2018年的数据显示,“双十一”在10年的时间里销售额增长了40,000%。 6park.com


Via Dragon Social 6park.com

These numbers completely blow other shopping holidays out of the
water. Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined weren’t even able to reach
USD $15 billion in sales in 2018. This means that Alibaba alone had
more than double the total sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. If we
count the sales of other Chinese E-commerce platforms alongside Alibaba
these two events look rather minuscule in comparison. 6park.com

这些数字完全秒杀其他购物节。 把2018年黑色星期五和网络星期一的销售额加起来,都不到150亿美元。这意味着仅阿里巴巴的销售额,超出黑色星期五和网络星期一的总销售额一倍。 如果我们将中国其他电子商务平台的销售额与阿里巴巴一并计算,这两个美国的购物节更显得微不足道。 6park.com

▲How To Get The Most Out Of Alibaba’s Singles Day (Double 11) Via Dragon Social 6park.com

除了在本土市场,“双十一”的国际影响力也与日俱增。歪果仁也开始参加“双十一”剁手了。 6park.com


今年国际版淘宝——“速卖通”,将和俄罗斯、西班牙、意大利和土耳其 的当地厂家合推广“双十一”的促销活动。 6park.com

Singles Day used to be a phenomenon only open to Chinese consumers,
but Alibaba has been looking to expand its reach in a bid to boost sales
and as the e-commerce giant continues to push its business overseas. 6park.com

“双十一”曾经是中国消费者的“独乐乐”,但是现在阿里巴巴一直扩大业务范围,促进销售,并把业务推向海外。 6park.com

And Alibaba-owned AliExpress, will let local merchants from Russia,
Spain, Italy and Turkey to participate in the 11.11 sales event for the
first time. 6park.com

阿里巴巴旗下的“速卖通”将邀请俄罗斯、西班牙、意大利和土耳其的当地厂家首次参加11.11销售活动。 6park.com

▲From Kim Kardashian to Disney tickets: Alibaba gears up for Singles Day, a $30 billion shopping event Via CNBC 6park.com

而且,随着外国人无需绑定中国银行卡可以使用支付宝(来中国的老外们,最近快被这个消息乐翻了!),相信越来越多外国小伙伴可以在“双十一”那天愉快地剁手啦。 6park.com


(图via网络) 6park.com

图文:CNBC,Dragon Social,Global Times,Twitter

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