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送交者: 牛鬼[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2020-04-02 15:30 已读 128 次  


回答: 海外华人的我,为什么支持中国病毒的说法? 由 牛鬼 于 2020-04-02 13:43

As I said when I was sworn in as a US citizen, I loyal to the United States and give up loyalty to all foreign governments and foreign forces. Be loyal to your country and love your people.
We followed the CCP ’s baton and said that Americans ’poisoning will inevitably cause disgust among the vast majority of the American people and accelerate the exclusion of hatred against the Chinese. And this is exactly
Little pink wants to see.
We must make our position clear that China has nothing to do with us, and we firmly oppose China ’s cultivation of the United States.
This is the only way to survive. It is also the only truth and justice.
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