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送交者: yongwa8[☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2021-06-24 7:00 已读 2060 次  


悉尼现在正在印度变种大爆发的前奏,  墨尔本刚刚结束封城疫情清零。 6park.com

这位华人小老板飞去悉尼和子女聚会参加各种活动后, 乘坐飞机回墨尔本确诊, 新闻说很可能是印度变种。 

除了下面的新闻,还有另外一则新闻说这位华人干洗店老板聚会去的都是人多的地方,所到之处,饭店,飞机, 航站楼,。。。。。。 可能有几千甚至上万的接触者要做检测和14天隔离。。。。。。他感染了病毒从悉尼回墨尔本后还开店营业, 结果顾客又感染,  又是新隔离群。。。。。。 6park.com

疫情期间有必要到处聚会吗?这样的华人和那些到处旅游的印度人区别也不大。 6park.com

由于这很可能是印度DELTA王者病毒,这几千甚至上万的接触者们在14天检测隔离期间不能上班的人和家庭所要面对的经济损失,  会有多少?政府要给这些家庭发放多少补助金? 6park.com

墨尔本刚刚才结束封锁, 如果由于这一粒老鼠屎而引起印度变种大流行,  那又会给全社会带来多少经济损失?  反正治疗也是政府买单。 6park.com

这经济损失都不知该增么计算? 6park.com

本来不用打疫苗的,  现在都难说了。。。。。。
华人觉得自己是抗疫优等生,  为何要学习那些疫情期间全世界旅游。

Coronavirus SPREADS in Melbourne after infected man flew from Sydney 6park.com

Charlotte Karp For Daily Mail Australia  1 hour ago 6park.com






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a group of people standing in front of a building: MailOnline logo© Provided by Daily Mail MailOnline logo

A new locally acquired case of Covid-19 has been detected in Melbourne, the boss of a man who caught the virus in Sydney and flew back to the Victorian capital on a busy Jetstar flight.

Melbourne has only just eased its own coronavirus restrictions after suffering an outbreak last month.

But on Thursday morning, a man in his 60s tested positive to Covid-19 after travelling to Sydney to see his daughter over the weekend.

Officials believe he contracted the virus after he attended a 'supers spreader' birthday party with 30 others in Sydney's West Hoxton on Saturday - which is now linked to 11 cases.
a store inside of a building: (© Provided by Daily Mail (a large passenger jet sitting on top of a runway: (© Provided by Daily Mail (

The father, who works as a dry cleaner in Sandringham, travelled back to Melbourne on Jetstar flight JQ523 between 5.30pm and 7.40pm on Sunday.

Anyone who was in Terminal 4 between 6.55pm and 7.40pm on June 20 has been told to get tested and isolate for 14 days, from the time of exposure.

The man developed symptoms on Tuesday evening and returned a positive test result on Wednesday. 

A second man who visited Sandringham Dry Cleaner, in Melbourne's south, also tested positive on Thursday.
a group of people standing in front of a crowd: (© Provided by Daily Mail (a group of people wearing costumes: (© Provided by Daily Mail (


Get tested and isolate for 14 days from exposure:

Sandringham Dry Cleaners - June 23, from 7.30am to 5.30pm, on June 22, from 10am to 3pm, or on June 21, from 9am to 4pm.

 Jetstar flight JQ523 on June 20, leaving Sydney at 5.30pm and arriving in Melbourne at 7.40pm

Melbourne Airport, Terminal 4: June 20,  between 6.55pm and 7.40pm.


Residents who visited the store throughout the day between June 21 and 23 should also take a Covid test and isolate for two weeks.

The business has since closed for deep cleaning and genomic sequencing is underway to determine the variant, but health officials believe it is the highly infectious Delta strain. 

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