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Russia Is United States’ Top Source Of Imported Gasoline
送交者: wushuijian[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2022-02-28 15:51 已读 151 次  


回答: 俄罗斯成为美国第二大石油供应国 由 wushuijian 于 2022-02-28 15:47

Russia Is United States’ Top Source Of Imported Gasoline
Ken Roberts
Ken RobertsContributor
Two decades analyzing U.S. trade data by port, country, export, import
Russia and Canada have been the largest suppliers of U.S. gasoline imports for years, but increasing U.S. production has lessened the need for imports.
Russia and Canada have been the largest suppliers of U.S. gasoline imports for years, but increasing ... [+] USTRADENUMBERS.COM
The United States imported more gasoline and other refined petroleum products from Russia than any other country in 2021. 6park.com

That will make it tricky for President Biden and the United States to maneuver as it attempts to impose restrictions on U.S. exports to Russia, in the wake of President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. 6park.com

In 2021, Russia accounted for 21% of all U.S. gasoline imports, with Canada second at 17%. By value, Russian imports increased 71.05%, which is slightly less than gasoline imports from the world, which increased 80.53%. The Russian total was $12.78 billion. 6park.com

These are not, however, record years for gasoline imports, thanks to increased U.S. production brought on by hydraulic fracking. 6park.com

Oil and gasoline are complicated markets, so it’s not as simple as flipping a switch, but it’s worth noting that the United States exported $84.94 billion of gasoline and other refined petroleum products in 2021, or about six times as much as those Russian imports. 6park.com

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What will also make it tricky is that our trade with Russia is not particularly balanced, although certainly gasoline and oil imports exacerbate that imbalance. 6park.com

U.S. trade with Russia is less balanced that the overall U.S. average with the world.
U.S. trade with Russia is less balanced that the overall U.S. average with the world. USTRADENUMBERS.COM
All that gasoline distorts the trade balance, of course. 6park.com

In 2021, 82% of all U.S. trade with Russia was an import, with only 12% a U.S. export. The U.S. average with the world is 38% exports and 62% imports. 6park.com

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What the United States did export to Russia in 2021 was civilian aircraft and parts, motor vehicle parts and passenger vehicles. Those three alone accounted for more than 25% of the total. 6park.com

But there were also exports of satellites and related equipment, the category that includes vaccines, tractors, medical instruments and diesel engines. 6park.com

Further complicating the geopolitics is that the United States will be, in essence, in a trade war with both Russia and China, which was inherited from former President Donald Trump and which Biden has chosen to leave in place. 6park.com

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It’s getting harder and harder to act like the world hasn’t returned to the decades-long Cold War after 30 years of basking in the warm glow of globalization, brought on by the concurrent collapse of the Berlin War and Soviet Union as well as the opening of China led by former President Deng Xiaoping. 6park.com

Both Russia and China, under President Xi Jinping, are acting aggressively to expand their territories, whether in Eastern Europe with Crimea, Ukraine and the increasingly puppet-like Belarus, or in the South China Sea, with Hong Kong and territorial disputes, created islands and the ever-present risk of Taiwan’s sovereignty. 6park.com

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