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Good news - SVB UK customers are backed
送交者: OX4U[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2023-03-13 3:41 已读 745 次  


2h ago07.07 GMT

HSBC: SVB UK customers are backed by our 'strength, safety and security'

Noel Quinn, HSBC Group CEO, is welcoming Silicon Valley Bank UK customers.

He says they can continue to bank as usual, safe in the knowledge that their deposits are backed by the strength, safety and security of HSBC.

Quinn explains:

This acquisition makes excellent strategic sense for our business in the UK. It strengthens our commercial banking franchise and enhances our ability to serve innovative and fast-growing firms, including in the technology and life-science sectors, in the UK and internationally.

We welcome SVB UK’s customers to HSBC and look forward to helping them grow in the UK and around the world. SVB UK customers can continue to bank as usual, safe in the knowledge that their deposits are backed by the strength, safety and security of HSBC. We warmly welcome SVB UK colleagues to HSBC, we are excited to start working with them.” 6park.com

https://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2023/mar/13/silicon-valley-bank-uk-tech-sector-rescue-help-jeremy-hunt-rishi-sunak-business-live?filterKeyEvents=false&page=with:block-640ec92a8f080fff7c2bcb61#block-640ec92a8f080fff7c2bcb61 6park.com

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