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【美国新闻周刊 47分钟前】俄哈市核辐射及中方情况追踪报道
送交者: 李大麻子alfa[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2024-04-10 14:06 已读 1246 次  


China's Nuclear Safety Agency Responds to Russia Radiation Levels 6park.com

Published Apr 10, 2024 at 2:12 PM EDT 6park.com

00:48 China News

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China's nuclear safety authority says no abnormalities have been detected in the border province just 20 miles from a Russian city that saw background radiation levels shoot up 1,600-fold last week. 6park.com

The radiation spike prompted local officials to declare a state of emergency in Khabarovsk, Russia's largest far-eastern city with a population of about 630,000. 6park.com

Khabarovsk's mayor lifted the state of emergency on Tuesday, and the source of radioactive contamination was transferred to competent authorities, China's consulate in the city announced on WeChat. 6park.com

The news made waves online, leading some netizens to compare it to the disaster that occurred in 1986 when a reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine exploded, releasing a massive amount of radioactive material into the environment. 6park.com

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China's National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) said Wednesday on WeChat that the environmental department in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang had been paying close attention to the situation. 6park.com

Meanwhile, the Heilongjiang Provincial Atmospheric Radiation Environment Automatic Monitoring Station measured the local gamma radiation and collected aerosol samples 24 hours a day over the past few days. 6park.com

The monitoring showed radiation to be within normal parameters, and no abnormalities had been detected, the agency said. 6park.com

According to the Moscow Times, a local resident reported the potentially dangerous situation after noticing elevated radiation levels near a metal depot. Officials then cordoned off an area of about 9,700 square feet. 6park.com



Khabarovsk, Russia, on May 20, 2020. On April 9, Russian media reported radiation levels 1,600 higher than normal had been detected the previous week, prompting a state of emergency in Khabarovsk.WIKIMEDIA COMMONS 6park.com

Russian state news outlet Tass reported that the source of the radiation was a capsule from a flawed detector and that it had been disposed of by a company that handles nuclear waste. 6park.com

On Tuesday, the disaster relief authorities in Khabarovsk detected radiation levels of between 0.09 and 0.13 microsieverts per hour—within normal parameters, the Chinese consulate cited them as saying. 6park.com

The microsievert (µSv) is a unit of measurement used to measure the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation in human tissue, or radiation that has enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, potentially damaging cells and DNA. 6park.com

The effects of exposure depend on factors like the type of radiation, the dose received, and the duration of exposure. 6park.com

The Latvia-based newspaper Novaya Gazeta said volunteers belonging to a radiation control group had detected 800 microsieverts per hour at the peak of radioactivity. 6park.com

A level of 0.5 microsieverts per hour is considered safe for the general public, meaning the radiation detected was 1,600 times higher. 6park.com



贴主:李大麻子alfa于2024_04_10 14:08:05编辑
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