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泰国移民 | 泰国可以移民吗?泰国移居宝典和签证大全
送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2021-03-28 22:34 已读 529 次  










https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/companies/top-banks-in-thailand/ 6park.com

https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/banking/best-banks-for-international-travel 6park.com

Schwab Bank customers who use the High Yield Investor Checking Account. The account earns interest and has no minimum balance and no monthly fee. Best of all, the bank reimburses all ATM fees you incur worldwide. There are no foreign transaction fees, either. 6park.com

Capital One 360 is a NerdWallet favorite because its fees are low across the board. The bank doesn’t enforce monthly maintenance or ATM fees. The owner of the ATM might charge you, but Capital One 360 won’t.


All things considered, Capital One 360 is a good option if you want to make purchases in a currency besides the U.S. dollar, either online or on foreign soil. (Read our Capital One 360 review for more details on what the bank has to offer). 6park.com

HSBC helps people relocating to other countries by allowing them to open an account before they arrive, and its mobile app lets depositors monitor and move money between HSBC accounts in multiple countries. That’s especially handy for frequent globetrotters.


The bank has several other traveler-friendly services, including the ability to send money via wire transfer. Premier checking account holders can receive international wire transfers for free. Outgoing international wire transfers may come with a fee if the receiving account is not also an HSBC Premier account.

Unless you use Premier checking, the bank charges a foreign transaction fee on debit card purchases 6park.com

https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/banking/best-banks-for-international-travel 6park.com

If you have relatives or other ties to people in another country, you may need to send them money regularly — and preferably without paying through the nose each time. No matter what method you use, check the fees and currency conversion rates against the World Bank’s remittance database so you don’t overpay.


While many banks offer customers a way to send remittances directly without going through a third-party wire transfer service, few do it as elegantly as Citibank, which offers free international transfers to other Citi accounts through the Citibank Global Transfers service.

There is a major caveat. If you need to wire money internationally to someone who doesn’t have a Citibank account, the fee could be as high as $35. (Read our Citibank review for more details about what the bank has to offer.)


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