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那些感染了 Covid 19 的人具有很强的免疫力,比接种过疫苗的人更强
送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2021-09-21 0:15 已读 449 次  


那些感染了 Covid 19 的人具有很强的免疫力,比接种过疫苗的人更强。事实上,疾病预防控制中心和科学家仍在研究感染病毒的持久性和持续时间。科学家正在研究的人去年初感染了 Covid 19,这些人今天仍然具有免疫力。根据疾病预防控制中心和科学家的说法,如果您感染了 Covid 并接种了疫苗,这些人将具有特殊的免疫力。这个证明在布丁里,我们要发布的这个视频剪辑就是布丁。你也会因为这些信息没有被公开而感到震惊和愤怒。 6park.com

我自己认为美国可能已经通过感染和注射获得了免疫。这里还需要考虑一些事情。 Covid-19 是一种动物宿主病毒,就像普通感冒一样,无法治愈。病毒必须自行其是,或者通过克隆白细胞使用单克隆抗体确实是唯一有效的治疗方法。 6park.com


Covid-19 与天花病毒不同,因为它不是可以用当今的技术治愈的人类宿主病毒。动物宿主病毒无法治愈,所以我们还是感冒了。哦,是的,大多数人不知道的是,1918 年的流感也有变种,这些变种今天仍然存在于我们中间,我们不时都会因这些变种而生病。问题是,在 Covid 19 之前,我们是否为美国历史上最致命的病毒之一(1918 年流感)戴上了口罩,这种病毒今天在我们身边到处都是变种?事实上,我们周围每天都有超过 4000 种病毒。 6park.com


接下来是关于拍摄的事情。我认识很多医学界的人,他们中的很多人都守口如瓶,但我能够得到一些关于这个镜头的信息。我的一位从事医学工作的朋友上周或前一周做了乳房 X 光检查。放射科医生问她是否打过针,她很不情愿地回答没有。技术人员说很好,因为接受这些注射的人的乳房淋巴结在乳房 X 光检查中会发光。现在,我认识的其他做过乳房 X 光检查的人都没有被警告过这一点,所以我觉得有趣的是,医疗专业人士正在谈论这件事,但没有与公众分享。我的理解是,医生告诉女性如果打过针就不要做乳房 X 光检查,因为注射会导致淋巴结肿大,但医生没有提及乳房 X 光检查中发光的淋巴结。 6park.com


最后一件事,住院的人中,有一半以上至少打过一次 Covid 疫苗。媒体再次没有告诉我们真相。有些人在网上报告说,在他们附近的医院里,他们的医院没有病人或病人很少。 6park.com

BREAKING: Those that have had Covid 19 have strong immunity, stronger that those who have had the shot.  In fact, the CDC and scientist are still looking at the durability of being infected with the virus and how long it will last.  The people the scientists are studying were infected early last year with Covid 19 and these people still have immunity today.  If you have had Covid and have had the shot, these people will have exceptional immunity according to CDC and scientist.  This proof is in the pudding and this video clip we are going to post is the pudding.  You will be shocked and mad too that this information is not being made public. I myself think the USA has already likely has reach heard immunity though the infection and shots.  Here something also to consider.  Covid-19 is an animal reservoir virus, like the common cold, there is no cure.  The virus must either run its course or the use of monoclonal antibodies by cloning white blood cells is really the only affective treatment.   Covid-19 is unlike the small pox virus as it’s not a human reservoir virus which can be cured with todays current technology.  Animal reservoir viruses can not be cured, hence that’s why we still have the common cold.  Oh yeah, something that most people don’t know, the 1918 flu has variants too that are still around today among us and we all get sick from time to time from these variants.  Question, did we wear masks before Covid 19 for one of the most deadly viruses in US history (1918 flu), which has variant all around us today?  In fact there are over 4000 viruses around us, each and every day.   Next thing about the shot.  I know a lot of people in the medical profession and lot of them are being tight lipped, but I was able to get some information about the shot.  One of my friends who works in medicine had a mammogram I think last week or the week before.  The radiologist asked her if she had the shot, reluctantly she answered no.  The technician said good, because those who get these shots have their breast lymph nodes glow in the mammogram.  Now no other person who has had a mammogram that I know has been warned about this, so I find it interesting that the medical professionals are talking about this but not sharing this with the public.  My understanding that medical doctors are telling women not to get a mammogram if you have had the shot, because the shot causes the lymph nodes to swell, but the doctors say nothing about the glowing lymph nodes in mammograms.   The Last thing, people who are in the hospital, more than half of them have had at least one Covid shot.  The media again is not telling us the truth.   Some people have reported on the net that in their hospitals near them have no patients or very few patients at their hospitals.   Michael is correct, something doesn’t smell right…     6park.com


贴主:nowhere1于2021_09_21 11:07:16编辑
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