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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2021-11-22 13:34 已读 1314 次  



怎样申请 6park.com

您必须在线申请开放式工签。您不能在入境口岸申请。 6park.com


 如果您在加拿大境外 6park.com

由于当前的旅行限制,即使您获得了开放式工签的批准,您此时也可能无法前往加拿大。要前往加拿大,您必须 6park.com


有你的开放式工签的介绍信 6park.com

有一个有效的工作机会 6park.com

在加拿大完成 14 天隔离后即可工作 6park.com

了解更多关于临时工如何受到旅行限制的影响。 6park.com


第 1 步:确保您拥有所需的物品 6park.com

要在线申请,您需要 6park.com


用于创建文档电子副本的扫描仪或相机 6park.com

有效的信用卡或借记卡 6park.com

第 2 步:支付费用 6park.com

您无需支付开放式工签持有人费用(100 加元)。不要支付这笔费用。 6park.com


您必须支付 6park.com


工作许可证处理费(155 加元) 6park.com

生物识别费用,如果您需要提供生物识别信息 6park.com

由于您无需支付其中一项费用(开放式工签持有人费用),因此您需要在在线申请之前支付费用。 6park.com


转至临时居留申请费用。 6park.com

向下滚动到工人行。 6park.com

选择工作许可证(包括延期)——每人。 6park.com

输入您要支付的应用程序数量。 6park.com

如果您只申请自己的工作许可,请输入“1”。 6park.com

了解您是否需要提供生物识别信息。 6park.com

如果您需要提供生物识别信息,请向下滚动到生物识别信息行。 6park.com

输入您要支付的应用程序数量。 6park.com

如果您只为自己申请,请输入“1”。 6park.com

如果您要申请 2 人或更多人,请选择 Biometrics – per family 并输入“1”。 6park.com

当您点击提交时,系统将计算您需要支付的总金额。 6park.com


保留收据 6park.com

支付费用后,请保留收据的副本。当您在线申请工作许可证时,您需要上传它。 6park.com


第 3 步:创建您的在线帐户或登录 6park.com

您需要一个帐户才能在线申请。您可以使用您的帐户 6park.com


提交申请表 6park.com

检查你的状态 6park.com

如何开始你的申请 6park.com

登录帐户后,您需要 6park.com


转到帐户欢迎页面上的“开始您的申请”部分 6park.com

点击申请来加拿大 6park.com

在下一页,向下滚动到我没有个人参考代码部分 6park.com

点击访客签证、学习和/或工作许可按钮 6park.com

在下一页,选择工作 6park.com

获取您的文件清单 6park.com

您必须回答一些问题才能创建个性化文档清单。 6park.com


确保你正确回答这些问题 6park.com

您想临时工作——超过 6 个月 6park.com

对问题回答“是”您是否会根据 IRCC 宣布的积极公共政策或特殊措施来加拿大? 6park.com

选择“IRCC宣布的积极公共政策或特殊措施下的工作许可”作为您要申请的工作许可类型。 6park.com

对问题回答“是” 您在过去一年中是否连续 6 个月访问或居住在任何一个指定国家?如果以下情况之一适用: 6park.com

你是香港特别行政区的居民。 6park.com

您去年在任何其他指定国家或地区居住了 6 个月。 6park.com

回答“不,我免于为此申请支付费用”这个问题有与此申请相关的费用。您会支付费用还是免除费用? 6park.com

您无需支付开放式工签持有人费用。请参阅第 2 步:支付费用。 6park.com

阅读说明指南并完成申请 6park.com

在完成申请之前,您应该阅读说明指南。获得文件清单后,请填写申请表和支持文件。该指南将解释如何填写表格上的每个字段。 6park.com


本公共政策的特别说明 6park.com

当您填写工作许可申请表时: 6park.com


在加拿大预期工作详情部分,选择“开放式工作许可证”作为您申请的工作许可证类型。 6park.com

输入“HKPPTR”作为职位。 6park.com

在职责简要说明栏中输入“香港公共政策-开放工作许可证”。 6park.com

对于预期就业期限,我们需要知道您的工作许可证的开始和结束日期。 6park.com

输入您希望进入加拿大的日期作为开始日期。 6park.com

您可以要求从开始日期起最多 3 年的结束日期。 6park.com

您不能要求超过护照有效期的日期。 6park.com

上传正确的文件 6park.com

您的文件必须表明您有资格享受公共政策。您必须上传完整的申请表,并在申请中附上以下文件。 6park.com


所需文件 在您的帐户中上传文件的位置 6park.com

费用收据复印件 费用豁免证明 6park.com

教育证书、成绩单或在专上教育机构注册证明的副本 证明您符合所提供工作的要求 6park.com

您的香港特别行政区或英国国民海外护照的复印件(必须包括所有页面) 护照 6park.com

您的工作经历简历/简历的副本 6park.com

数码照片 数码照片 6park.com

家庭信息  6park.com

https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/account.html 6park.com

Sign in to your IRCC secure account


Your account lets you start an application, submit and pay for your application, get messages related to your application, check the status of your application and update your information.

Due to the impacts of COVID-19

we can’t process applications normallyWe’re prioritizing applications from people who are exempt from travel restrictions.depending on your application type, you may not have heard from us or seen changes in your application statusIf you’ve had a medical exam or given biometrics, they won’t show in your account until we process them.We currently have a backlog of medical exams to process, but when we do process them, you’ll see them in your account.

If you’ve already applied, learn how we’re processing applications during the pandemic. Updated weekly

Starting November 30, 2021, you can’t pay with debit cards using INTERAC® Online. We’ll still accept all Debit MasterCard® and Visa® Debit cards.






Option 1: GCKey

Sign in with your GCKey user ID and password. 6park.com

Sign in with GCKey 6park.com


Option 2: Sign-In Partner

Sign in with your online Canadian banking information if you have an existing account with 1 of our partners.

Sign in with Sign-In Partner


Don’t have an account?



Need Help?

How to sign in or apply online


Report a problem or mistake on this page 6park.com

Share this page 6park.com

注册一个IRCC安全账户 6park.com

要访问我们的移民和公民在线服务,您需要创建一个安全帐户。 6park.com


您的帐户可让您开始申请、提交申请并支付费用、获取与您的申请相关的消息、检查您的申请状态并更新您的信息。 6park.com


如何注册一个帐户 6park.com

有2种方式可以注册 6park.com


使用 GCKey 注册 6park.com

这是任何人访问我们在线服务的简单方法。 6park.com

您创建用户名和密码。 6park.com

或者 6park.com


向登录合作伙伴注册 6park.com

使用您的在线加拿大银行信息注册一个帐户。您必须拥有我们的 1 个登录合作伙伴的在线银行帐户。 6park.com

使用 GCKey 注册 6park.com

GCKey 可让您安全地访问加拿大政府的在线服务。 6park.com


它包括您选择的用户名和密码。您还必须创建安全问题。这些步骤可确保您的数据安全并让您恢复帐户。 6park.com


使用 GCKey 注册 6park.com

单击下面的使用 GCKey 注册。 6park.com

单击注册。 6park.com

阅读使用条款和条件,然后单击我接受。 6park.com

创建用户名。单击继续。 6park.com

创建密码。单击继续。 6park.com

创建您的安全问题和回复。单击继续。 6park.com

单击“继续”以进入“注册完成”页面。 6park.com

阅读条款和条件。单击我接受。 6park.com

输入您的信息并按照步骤创建您的帐户。 6park.com

向登录合作伙伴注册 6park.com

这是您使用已有信息登录在线帐户的一种安全方式。 6park.com


登录合作伙伴是银行和信用合作社等与 SecureKey Technologies(一家提供在线身份服务的公司)合作的团体。如果您是银行或信用合作社的客户,您可以使用访问他们的服务所用的相同登录名来访问加拿大政府的服务。 6park.com


向登录合作伙伴注册 6park.com

单击下面的使用合作伙伴登录注册。 6park.com

选择您的金融机构。 6park.com

如果您没有看到您的金融机构在列表中,则需要使用 GCKey 进行注册。 6park.com

输入您的银行登录信息,然后单击继续。 6park.com

阅读使用条款和条件,然后单击我接受。 6park.com

输入您的信息并按照步骤创建您的帐户。 6park.com

如果您不确定以哪种方式注册,请了解有关 GCKey 和登录合作伙伴的更多信息。 6park.com

https://clegc-gckey.gc.ca/j/eng/l?ReqID=s2daae2d3de6b8e3204d368d5076af7017f7c612ca 6park.com

Welcome to GCKey


Sign In


Sign In  6park.com

Simple Secure Access

A simple way to securely access Government of Canada online services.

One username.One password.

Sign Up

Your GCKey can be used to access multiple Government of Canada online Enabled Services. 6park.com


https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/register.html 6park.com

Register for an IRCC secure account


To access our immigration and citizenship online services, you need to create a secure account.

Your account lets you start an application, submit and pay for your application, get messages related to your application, check the status of your application and update your information.

How to register for an account




There are 2 ways you can register

Register with a GCKey
This is a simple way for anyone to access our online services.
You create a username and password.


Register with a Sign-In Partner
Use your online Canadian banking information to register for an account. You must have an online bank account with 1 of our Sign-In Partners.

Register with GCKey

A GCKey lets you securely access the Government of Canada’s online services.

It includes a username and password that you choose. You must also create security questions. These steps keep your data secure and let you recover your account.

To register with GCKey

Click Register with a GCKey below.Click Sign Up.Read the Terms and Conditions of Use and click I Accept.Create a username. Click Continue.Create a password. Click Continue.Create your security questions and responses. Click Continue.Click Continue to get to the Sign Up Complete page.Read the Terms and Conditions. Click I Accept.Enter your information and follow the steps to create your account. 6park.com


Register with GCKey

Register with a Sign-In Partner

This is a secure way for you to sign in to your online account using information you already have.

Sign-In Partners are groups such as banks and credit unions that partner with SecureKey Technologies (a company that provides online identity services). If you’re a customer of a bank or credit union, you can use the same sign-in that you use to access their services to access Government of Canada services.

To register with a Sign-in Partner

Click Register with a Partner Sign-In below.Choose your financial institution.If you don’t see your financial institution listed, you need to register with GCKey.Enter your banking sign-in information and click Continue.Read the Terms and Conditions of Use and click I Accept.Enter your information and follow the steps to create your account. 6park.com


Register with a Sign-In Partner

If you’re not sure which way to register, find out more about GCKey and Sign-In Partner.


Report a problem or mistake on this page 6park.com

Share this page 6park.com


https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada/permit/open-work-permit-hong-kong-recent-graduates.html 6park.com

How to apply

You must apply for the open work permit online. You can’t apply at a port of entry.


If you’re outside Canada

Due to current travel restrictions, you may not be able to travel to Canada at this time even if you’re approved for the open work permit. To travel to Canada you must

have a letter of introduction for your open work permithave a valid job offerbe able to work once you complete your 14-day quarantine in Canada

Find out more on how temporary workers are affected by the travel restrictions.

Step 1: Make sure you have what you need

To apply online, you need

a scanner or camera to create electronic copies of your documentsa valid credit or debit card

Step 2: Pay your fees

You’re exempt from paying the open work permit holder fee (CAN$100). Don’t pay this fee.

You must pay the

work permit processing fee (CAN$155)biometric fee, if you need to give biometrics

Because you’re exempt from paying one of the fees (open work permit holder fee), you need to pay your fees before you apply online.

Go to fees for temporary residence applications.Scroll down to the row for workers.Select Work permit (including extensions) – per person.Enter the number of applications you’re paying for.If you’re applying for just your own work permit, enter “1.”Find out if you need to give biometrics.If you need to give biometrics, scroll down to the row for biometrics.Enter the number of applications you’re paying for.If you’re applying for just yourself, enter “1.”If you’re applying for 2 or more people, choose Biometrics – per family and enter “1.”

The system will calculate the total amount you need to pay when you click Submit.

Keep your receipt

After you pay your fee, keep a copy of the receipt. You’ll need to upload it when you apply online for your work permit.

Step 3: Create your online account or sign in

You need an account to apply online. You can use your account to

submit your application formscheck your status

How to start your application

Once you sign in to your account, you need to

go to the Start your application section on the account welcome pageclick Apply to come to Canadaon the next page, scroll down to the I do not have a personal reference code secti0nclick on the Visitor visa, study and/or work permit buttonon the next page, select Work

Get your document checklist

You must answer some questions to create a personalized document checklist.

Make sure you answer these questions correctly
You would like to work temporarily—more than 6 monthsAnswer “Yes” to the question Will you be coming to Canada under an active public policy or special measure announced by IRCC?Select “A work permit under an active public policy or special measure announced by IRCC” as the type of work permit you want to apply for.Answer “Yes” to the question Have you visited or lived in any one of the designated countries for 6 consecutive months in the last year? if one of the following applies:You’re a resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.You’ve lived in any other designated country or territory for 6 months in the last year.Answer “No, I am exempt from paying fees for this application” to the question There are fees associated with this application. Will you be paying your fees or are you fee-exempt?You are exempt from paying only the open work permit holder fee. See Step 2: Pay your fees.

Read the instruction guide and complete the application

You should read the instruction guide before you complete your application. Once you get your document checklist, fill out the application form and supporting documents. The guide will explain how to complete each field on the form.

Special instructions for this public policy

When you fill out the work permit application form:

Select “Open Work Permit” as the type of work permit you’re applying for in the Details of Intended work in Canada section.Enter “HKPPTR” as the Job title.Enter “Hong Kong public policy – open work permit” in the Brief description of duties field.For Duration of expected employment, we need to know the start and end date for your work permit.Enter the date you expect to enter Canada as the Start date.You can ask for an End date that’s up to 3 years from the start date.You can’t ask for a date beyond the expiry date of your passport.
Upload the correct documents

Your documents must show that you’re eligible for the public policy. You must upload the completed application form and include the following documents with your application.

Required documentWhere to upload the file in your account
Copy of fees receiptProof of fee exemption
Copy of education credential, transcripts or proof of enrolment at a post-secondary educational institutionProof that you Meet the Requirements of the Job Being Offered
Copy of your Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or British National Overseas passport (all pages must be included)Passport
A copy of your work historyCV/résumé
Digital photoDigital photo
Family Information Form (IMM 5707)Family Information Form (IMM 5707)

Depending on your situation, you may also need to

give biometricsget a medical examResidents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region must get a medical exam.get a police certificateIf we ask you for a police certificate, there are special instructions to get one in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Upload a sheet of paper with the words “Not applicable” if you’re asked for the following documents:

employment reference letterletter from current employeremployment recordsemployment contractCreate an account or sign in 

If you’re in Canada

After you apply

Find out what to do and what happens after you apply for your work permit.

If you plan to apply for permanent residence

There is a Canadian work experience stream under the permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents. You can use the work experience you gain with this open work permit or any other work permit to meet the hours of work requirement for this pathway.

If you’re outside Canada when your work permit application is approved

We’ll issue you a letter of introduction with a deadline to enter Canada. If you delay your travel to Canada, you might not be able to get the work experience you need before the permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents close on August 31, 2026.


Report a problem or mistake on this page 6park.com

Share this page 6park.com

https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada/permit/open-work-permit-hong-kong-recent-graduates.html 6park.com

Public policy: Open work permits for Hong Kong recent graduates


As a Hong Kong recent graduate, you may be eligible to apply for an open work permit under a temporary public policy for Hong Kong residents.

The open work permit is valid for up to 3 years.

On this page

Who can applyEducation requirements for post-secondary studiesEducation requirements for graduate and post-graduate studiesIf you applied before May 17, 2021If you got your education abroadDesignated organizationsHow to applyIf you’re outside CanadaIf you’re in CanadaAfter you applyIf you plan to apply for permanent residenceIf you’re outside Canada when your work permit application is approved

Who can apply

To be eligible, you must

hold a valid passport issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the United Kingdom to a British National OverseasYour work permit will be valid for up to 3 years or until your passport expires, whichever comes first.For example, if your passport is valid for 6 months, then you will be issued an open work permit for 6 months.To maximize the duration of the open work permit, make sure your passport is valid for at least 3 years from the date of approval.Tell us how long you want your work permit to be valid.meet the education requirements for post-secondary, graduate or post-graduate studies (see below for details)

Education requirements for post-secondary studies

You must have graduated no more than 5 years before you apply for this open work permit, with one of the following:

a degree (for example, associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral) from a designated post-secondary learning institution in Canada or an institution abroada diploma for a minimum 2-year program from a designated post-secondary learning institution in Canada or an institution abroad

Education requirements for graduate and post-graduate studies Effective May 17, 2021

You must hold a graduate or post-graduate credential (for example, a post-graduate diploma) that you received no more than 5 years before you apply for this open work permit.

The credential must be for a program

that is a minimum of 1 yearthat requires a post-secondary degree or diploma, which you completed no more than 5 years before you started the post-graduate programat one of the following:a designated learning institution in Canadaan institution abroad

If you applied before May 17, 2021

You may still be eligible for this public policy if both of the following apply:

You hold an eligible graduate or post-graduate credential.We haven’t made a decision on your application.

If you got your education abroad

You don’t need an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) to apply if you got a degree (for example, associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral) outside Canada, but an officer may request one later.

If you got a post-secondary, graduate or post-graduate diploma outside Canada, you must provide an ECA.

The ECA must be from an organization or a professional body designated by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. They’ll give you a report that tells you what your education is equal to in Canada.

Processing times and costs vary by the organization or professional body.

Once you choose a designated organization or a professional body, they’ll tell you how to submit your documents to get your assessment.

Designated organizations

You must use one of these designated organizations:

Comparative Education Service – University of Toronto School of Continuing Studiesdesignated: April 17, 2013International Credential Assessment Service of Canadadesignated: April 17, 2013World Education Servicesdesignated: April 17, 2013International Qualifications Assessment Servicedesignated: August 6, 2015International Credential Evaluation Servicedesignated: August 6, 2015

How to apply

You must apply for the open work permit online. You can’t apply at a port of entry.


If you’re outside Canada


If you’re in Canada

After you apply

Find out what to do and what happens after you apply for your work permit.

If you plan to apply for permanent residence

There is a Canadian work experience stream under the permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents. You can use the work experience you gain with this open work permit or any other work permit to meet the hours of work requirement for this pathway.

If you’re outside Canada when your work permit application is approved

We’ll issue you a letter of introduction with a deadline to enter Canada. If you delay your travel to Canada, you might not be able to get the work experience you need before the permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents close on August 31, 2026. 6park.com


公共政策:香港应届毕业生开放工作许可 6park.com

作为香港应届毕业生,您可能有资格根据香港居民的临时公共政策申请开放式工签。 6park.com


开放式工作许可证的有效期最长为 3 年。 6park.com


在本页 6park.com

谁可以申请 6park.com

专上教育的教育要求 6park.com

研究生和研究生学习的教育要求 6park.com

如果您在 2021 年 5 月 17 日之前申请 6park.com

如果你在国外接受教育 6park.com

指定机构 6park.com

怎样申请 6park.com

如果您在加拿大境外 6park.com

如果你在加拿大 6park.com

申请后 6park.com

如果您打算申请永久居留 6park.com

如果您的工作许可申请获得批准时您在加拿大境外 6park.com

谁可以申请 6park.com

要符合资格,您必须 6park.com


持有香港特别行政区或英国发给海外英国国民的有效护照 6park.com

您的工作许可证的有效期最长为 3 年或直到您的护照到期,以先到者为准。 6park.com

例如,如果您的护照有效期为 6 个月,那么您将获得 6 个月的开放式工作许可证。 6park.com

为了最大限度地延长开放式工签的有效期,请确保您的护照自批准之日起至少有 3 年的有效期。 6park.com

告诉我们您希望您的工作许可证有效期多长。 6park.com

满足专上、研究生或研究生学习的教育要求(详情见下文) 6park.com

专上教育的教育要求 6park.com

在申请此开放式工签之前,您必须毕业不超过 5 年,并且具有以下条件之一: 6park.com



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