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安全有效的自然疗法 长期 Covid、疫苗损伤和脱落
送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2021-12-03 21:52 已读 829 次  


安全有效的自然疗法 6park.com

长期 Covid、疫苗损伤和脱落 6park.com

目录: 6park.com

介绍 ................................................. ...................................... 1 6park.com

什么是尖峰蛋白? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 6park.com

用治疗性酶中和尖峰蛋白…… 3 6park.com

其他治疗酶……………………………………………….. 5 6park.com

草药和草药疗法 ..................................... 6 6park.com

去除重金属和其他毒素 ..................... 15 6park.com

免疫系统和恢复支持…………………………. 19 6park.com

更多地缓解疲劳和脑雾………………………… 21 6park.com

妇女的健康问题………………………………………………………… 23 6park.com

男性健康问题……………………………………………………………… 24 6park.com

其他建议——一些基础知识…………………… 26 6park.com

购买指南 ..................................... ...................... 28 6park.com

更多治疗食谱…………………………………….……………………. 30 6park.com

. 6park.com

介绍 6park.com

本文件中包含治疗由后果引起的疾病的建议 6park.com

covid、covid 疫苗和疫苗传播(脱落)。 6park.com

每件物品都有简要说明、照片和用途说明。 对于认证为 6park.com

kosher,图片旁边有一张 kashrus 机构标志的图片。 6park.com

本文档的作者尽可能地尝试寻找制造这些产品的方法 6park.com

通过安排折扣价格更实惠。 详情请参阅购买指南 6park.com

信息。 6park.com

希望这份文件是完整的,因为您可以选择最好的 6park.com

为了您自己的健康状况。 请仔细阅读整个文档,以便您 6park.com

可以确定哪些产品最适合您的个人需求* 6park.com

什么是尖峰蛋白? 6park.com

尖峰蛋白是病毒的一部分,它允许病毒附着在我们的细胞上,并且是病毒的一部分 6park.com

使人们生病的病毒。正是这种蛋白质导致了大多数症状 6park.com

Covid-19,以及疫苗和脱落的许多不良副作用。长钉 6park.com

蛋白质会导致血栓、炎症、肌肉酸痛、肺炎和肺损伤, 6park.com

神经损伤、认知能力下降、“脑雾”、疲劳、生殖问题等等。 6park.com

此图显示了带有刺突蛋白的病毒的样子: 6park.com

带有刺突蛋白的病毒 6park.com

左边是正常人体细胞图,右边是人体细胞图 6park.com

已被 Covid-19“疫苗”改变,现在正在制造刺突蛋白: 6park.com

健康的人体细胞 6park.com

在 Covid-19“疫苗”之前 6park.com

混合人病毒细胞 6park.com

生产尖峰蛋白 6park.com

在 Covid-19“疫苗”之后 6park.com

重要的是要了解,一旦一个人注射了这些实验性物质中的任何一种 6park.com

被标记为“疫苗”的物质,人的细胞被编程为 6park.com

产生刺突蛋白,这是不可逆转的。希望有一些 6park.com

的影响不会是永久性的,因为身体的细胞在很大程度上更换自己 6park.com

7 到 10 年。换句话说,在这段时间内,旧细胞死亡并被新细胞取代。 6park.com

细胞更新过程在身体的某些部位发生得更快,但从头到脚 6park.com

恢复活力可能需要长达十年左右的时间。希望随着时间的推移,随着细胞死亡, 6park.com

替代细胞不会继续产生刺突蛋白,但是如果刺突蛋白 6park.com

导致疤痕组织生长(例如在卵巢或睾丸中)恢复可能是 6park.com

有问题的 6park.com

使用治疗性酶中和尖峰蛋白 6park.com

从刺突蛋白的影响中最直接的缓解是使用专门的 6park.com

能够溶解刺突蛋白的酶。这些产品可以提供 6park.com

最快缓解刺突蛋白症状。这些酶具有预防和预防 6park.com

溶解血栓和疤痕组织,对心脏有保护作用,还可以帮助修复 6park.com

受损的神经。它们是治疗与 covid-19 相关的任何事物的基础,包括 6park.com

“疫苗”和脱落。 6park.com

为了从本文档中的建议中获得最大收益,最好在 6park.com

极少的 Arthur Andrew Medical Neprinol AFD with Lumbrokinase。如果财务是 6park.com

问题,你只能买得起一个,这是作者的经验,Lumbrokinase 6park.com

是两者中更强大和更有效的。 6park.com

Arthur Andrew Medical Neprinol AFD 或 Doctor's Best Natto-Serra 6park.com

Neprinol AFD 含有平衡的物质组合 6park.com

安全清除血液中的毒素,包括刺突蛋白 6park.com

来自病毒、疫苗和疫苗脱落。脑啡肽也 6park.com

防止血凝块,溶解已经存在的血凝块和 6park.com

它们形成的疤痕组织,促进健康的关节功能, 6park.com

从而减少疲劳和身体不适。这也很好 6park.com

为挥之不去的呼吸问题。如果您找不到 Neprinol AFD, 6park.com

可以用纳豆塞拉代替。纳豆塞拉是一种有效的 6park.com

产品,但缺少许多有效成分 6park.com

脑啡肽 AFD。 6park.com

Arthur Andrew Medical Neprinol 已被成功使用 6park.com

怀孕和哺乳的母亲。不建议孕妇或哺乳期妇女使用 6park.com

纳豆塞拉。 6park.com

剂量: 6park.com

严重者每日3次,每次3粒 6park.com

对于中度病例,每天两次,每次 3 粒 6park.com

为了保护和保养,每天两次,每次 1 或 2 粒 6park.com

Neprinol 必须与一大杯水一起空腹服用。空的 6park.com

胃是指进食前不少于一小时,进食后两小时。 6park.com

Safe and Effective Natural Treatments for 6park.com

Long Covid, Vaccine Injury and Shedding 6park.com


Introduction ....................................................................... 1 6park.com

What are Spike Proteins? .................................................. 2 6park.com

Neutralizing Spike Proteins with Therapeutic Enzymes…… 3 6park.com

Other Therapeutic Enzymes …………………………………….…….. 5 6park.com

Herbs and Herbal Remedies .............................................. 6 6park.com

Removal of Heavy Metals and Other Toxins ..................... 15 6park.com

Immune System & Recovery Support ……………………………. 19 6park.com

More Relief from Fatigue and Brain Fog ……………………..… 21 6park.com

Women’s Health Issues …………………………………………………. 23 6park.com

Men’s Health Issues ………………………………………………………. 24 6park.com

Other Recommendations – Just a Few Basics ………………… 26 6park.com

Buying Guide ..................................................................... 28 6park.com

More Healing Recipes ……………………………….……………………. 30 6park.com

. 6park.com

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Introduction 6park.com

Contained within this document are suggestions for treating illnesses caused by the aftermath  6park.com

of covid, covid vaccines, and vaccine transmission (shedding). 6park.com

Each item has a brief description, photo, and explanation of purpose. For items certified as  6park.com

kosher, there is a picture of the kashrus agency’s logo next to the image. 6park.com

The authors of this document have tried, whenever possible, to find ways make these products  6park.com

more affordable by arranging for discount pricing. Refer to the buying guide for more  6park.com

information. 6park.com

It is hoped that this document is complete in that you are able to choose that which will be best  6park.com

for your own health situation. Please read through the entire document carefully so that you  6park.com

can determine what products would be best for your individual needs* 6park.com

. 6park.com

* DISCLAIMER: This document does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics,  6park.com

images, and other material contained in this document is for informational purposes only. No material in this document is  6park.com

intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or  6park.com

other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before  6park.com

undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of  6park.com

something that you have read in this document. 6park.com

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What are Spike Proteins? 6park.com

Spike proteins are the part of a virus that allows the virus to attach to our cells and are the part  6park.com

of the virus that makes people sick. It is this protein that causes the majority of the symptoms  6park.com

of Covid-19, and many of the adverse side effects of the vaccines and of shedding. Spike  6park.com

proteins cause blood clots, inflammation, muscular aches, pneumonia and lung damage,  6park.com

neurological damage, cognitive decline, ‘brain fog’, fatigue, reproductive problems and more.  6park.com

This drawing shows what a virus with spike proteins looks like:  6park.com

Virus with spike proteins 6park.com

On the left is a drawing of a normal human cell, and on the right is a drawing of a human cell  6park.com

that has been altered by the Covid-19 “Vaccines” and is now making spike proteins: 6park.com

Healthy Human Cell 6park.com

Before Covid-19 “Vaccine” 6park.com

Hybrid Human-Virus Cell  6park.com

Producing Spike Proteins  6park.com

after Covid-19 “Vaccine” 6park.com

It is important to understand that once a person is injected with any of these experimental  6park.com

substances that are being labelled as ‘vaccines’, the person’s cells become programmed to  6park.com

produce spike proteins, and this is not something that can be reversed. There is hope that some  6park.com

of the effects will not be permanent, because the body's cells largely replace themselves every  6park.com

7 to 10 years. In other words, old cells die and are replaced by new ones during this time span.  6park.com

The cell renewal process happens more quickly in certain parts of the body, but head-to-toe  6park.com

rejuvenation can take up to a decade or so. The hope is that over time as the cells die off, the  6park.com

replacement cells will not continue to produce spike proteins, however if the spike proteins  6park.com

have caused scar tissue to grow (for example in the ovaries or testes) recovery may be 6park.com

problematic. 6park.com

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Neutralizing Spike Proteins Using Therapeutic Enzymes 6park.com

The most immediate relief from the effects of spike proteins is from the use of specialized  6park.com

enzymes that have the ability to dissolve the spike proteins. These products can offer the  6park.com

fastest relief from spike protein symptoms. The enzymes have the ability to both prevent and  6park.com

dissolve blood clots and scar tissue, are cardio protective, and can also assist in the repair of  6park.com

damaged nerves. They are the foundation for treating anything related to covid-19 including 6park.com

the “vaccines” and shedding. 6park.com

To get the greatest benefit from the recommendations in this document, it is best to use, at the  6park.com

very minimum Arthur Andrew Medical Neprinol AFD with Lumbrokinase. If finances are an  6park.com

issue, and you can only afford one or the other, it is the author’s experience, that Lumbrokinase  6park.com

is the stronger and more effective of the two.  6park.com

Arthur Andrew Medical Neprinol AFD or Doctor’s Best Natto-Serra  6park.com

Neprinol AFD contains a balanced combination of substances that  6park.com

safely clear toxins from the blood stream, including spike proteins  6park.com

from viruses, vaccines, and vaccine shedding. Neprinol also  6park.com

prevents blood clots, dissolves already existing blood clots and  6park.com

the scar tissue that they form, promotes healthy joint function,  6park.com

thereby reducing fatigue and physical discomfort. It is also good  6park.com

for lingering respiratory issues. If you cannot find Neprinol AFD,  6park.com

Natto-Serra may be substituted. Natto-Serra is an effective  6park.com

product, but is missing many of the effective ingredients found in  6park.com

Neprinol AFD. 6park.com

Arthur Andrew Medical Neprinol has been used successfully by  6park.com

pregnant and nursing mothers. It is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women to use  6park.com

Natto-Serra.  6park.com

Dosage:  6park.com

For severe cases, 3 capsules three times a day  6park.com

For moderate cases, 3 capsules twice a day 6park.com

For protection and maintenance, 1 or 2 capsules two times a day 6park.com

Neprinol must be taken with a large glass of water on an empty stomach. Empty  6park.com

stomach means not less than one hour before, and two hours after eating.  6park.com

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Lumbrokinase  6park.com

Lumbrokinase (20 mg) – Doctor’s Best is a proven brand. The authors of this document have no  6park.com

experience with other brands, but you can try any brand as long as it comes in a vegan capsule.  6park.com

There are no brands of Lumbrokinase that are certified kosher. The poskim and Rabbonim that  6park.com

the authors have spoken to in Israel say that there is no problem with using this product as a  6park.com

medicine for healing, as long as it is not in a gelatine capsule, and as long as a  6park.com

person does not open the capsule and ingest the contents directly. The authors are  6park.com

not poskim, and anyone with kashrus concerns should consult a qualified Rav.  6park.com

Lumbrokinase has been proven effective in treating inflammatory disease, blood  6park.com

diseases, nerve diseases, and oxidative stress diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s  6park.com

disease, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, cardiovascular conditions such as high blood  6park.com

pressure, atherosclerosis, and stroke, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, and  6park.com

more. It also has antimicrobial, antiviral, and anticancer properties. Lumbrokinase  6park.com

is able to dissolve and prevent blood clots by dissolving excess fibrin, and unlike pharmaceutical  6park.com

blood thinners which can cause excessive bleeding, lumbrokinase does not. It is also used to  6park.com

strengthen and heal the nervous system which can be damaged by viruses, vaccines and  6park.com

shedding, eliminating much of the discomfort and pain. It is the strongest, most effective  6park.com

proteolytic enzyme in use, with the widest range of healing properties. Lumbrokinase is a  6park.com

natural product made from dried and powdered earthworms, and has been used in Asia for  6park.com

thousands of years.  6park.com

Dosage:  6park.com

For severe cases, 2 capsules twice a day 6park.com

For moderate cases, 1 capsule twice a day 6park.com

For maintenance after recovery, 1 capsule once a day 6park.com

Lumbrokinase must be taken with a large glass of water on an empty stomach. Empty  6park.com

stomach means not less than one hour before, and two hours after eating, and can be  6park.com

taken at the same time as Neprinol AFD.  6park.com

Lumbrokinase can be taken at the same time as the Neprinol AFD and Natto-Serra. It is  6park.com

recommended to take Lumbrokinase especially if you are having neurological symptoms  6park.com

such as heavy limbs, shooting pains, headaches, tingling in the hands and/or feet, visual  6park.com

or hearing disturbances among others.  6park.com

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Other Therapeutic Enzymes 6park.com

Enzymedica MucoStop 6park.com

If you are experiencing excess mucus, this is a safe way to clear your sinuses  6park.com

and your lungs. MucoStop contains Mucolase, which is a high-potency  6park.com

mucolytic enzyme, meaning it targets and dissolves excess mucus,  6park.com

eliminating excess mucus in the sinus and nasal passages as well as the  6park.com

lungs. It is highly effective and brings fast relief.  6park.com

Dosage: 2 capsules three times daily on an empty stomach, one hour  6park.com

before and two hours after a meal. More may be taken as needed. 6park.com

Enzymedica Digest 6park.com

If your symptoms include digestive disturbances, this is an excellent product to  6park.com

consider. Enzymes are naturally occurring proteins that speed up reactions.  6park.com

Digestive enzymes act like tiny scissors, cutting up the food we’ve eaten into  6park.com

smaller components which helps our body more easily and fully absorb nutrients.  6park.com

Without enough enzymes, our body can struggle to break down troublesome foods,  6park.com

leading to nutritional deficiencies, occasional gas, bloating, indigestion and  6park.com

irregularity. With all-natural enzyme supplementation, your body gets an extra  6park.com

boost to the digestive process, helping maximize energy and contributing to wholebody health. 6park.com

Dosage: 1 – 2 capsules with meals 6park.com

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Herbs and Herbal Remedies 6park.com

Herbs High in Shikimic Acid 6park.com

There has been a lot of talk about shikimic acid, which is the active ingredient in the drug  6park.com

Tamiflu, a pharmaceutical product used to treat the flu. Herbs high in shikimic acid have been  6park.com

found to relieve symptoms associated with corona, the covid injections, and shedding. The  6park.com

table below shows some common plants that are high in shikimic acid. 6park.com

Star Anise – Star anise from China and Vietnam are non-toxic, but Japanese  6park.com

star anise is highly toxic. There are reports that some sellers are adding small  6park.com

amounts of the poisonous Japanese variety in order to lower their prices 6park.com

and/or increase their profit margins. Only buy from a reputable source.  6park.com

Tea: Place 1 or 2 star anise pods in a cup of boiling water and steep for 10-15  6park.com

minutes. 6park.com

Pine Needles – Again, there are safe pine trees, and toxic pine  6park.com

trees. The White Pine in Eastern North America (shown at right) 6park.com

and the Aleppo pine tree in Israel (shown on the left) are safe and  6park.com

highly nutritious as well as medicinal. However, if you have access  6park.com

to a Ponderosa Pine, beware! It is highly toxic and can easily cause  6park.com

poisoning. If you have access to a  6park.com

beneficial variety of pine tree, the best  6park.com

time to pick the leaves is in the early  6park.com

morning. If picked in the morning, they  6park.com

will have a delicious citrusy flavor. If  6park.com

picked after noon, it will taste like pine  6park.com

soap. Tea: Steep 2 tablespoons pine  6park.com

needles in a cup of water for 5 – 7 minutes. 6park.com

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Fennel Seeds – This is a great choice as the fennel seeds are always  6park.com

safe, delicious and full of many other benefits, and have antioxidant,  6park.com

antimicrobial, antihypertensive, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory,  6park.com

properties. Fennel seeds are good for digestive disorders, upper and  6park.com

lower respiratory infections, and visual problems. Fennel seeds may  6park.com

improve fertility, cure morning sickness, relieve bloating during  6park.com

pregnancy, and provide relief from menstrual cramps. Pregnant women  6park.com

should be aware that large amounts of fennel seeds can bring on labor,  6park.com

so it is best to restrict your amounts to only one teaspoon per day if eating the seeds in food, or  6park.com

three cups of tea. Tea: Crush 1 teaspoon fennel seeds and steep in hot water for 5 to 7 minutes.  6park.com

Houttuynia cordata – Also known as chameleon plant or fish  6park.com

mint, it is a medicinal and edible herb with an aromatic smell that  6park.com

has long been used in Asia to treat pneumonia, hypertension,  6park.com

constipation, and diabetes. It is also anti-cancer, anaphylactic  6park.com

inhibitory (lessens severe allergic reactions), anti-mutagenic, antiinflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-oxidative, anti-viral, antibacterial, and anti-obesity. This herb is not as easy to find as the  6park.com

others, but it is one that the author highly recommends as  6park.com

something to add you your protocol. NOTE: Diabetics should be  6park.com

very careful to check their sugar when using Houttuynia cordata, as it has been found to be as  6park.com

effective as Metformin in reducing high blood sugar, but without the side effects commonly  6park.com

found by Metformin users.  6park.com

Other Beneficial Herbs  6park.com

Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) – Eleuthero is particularly valuable for  6park.com

people who are experiencing chronic fatigue. It also reduces insulin  6park.com

resistance, improves memory and cognitive function, reduces brain fog,  6park.com

boosts the immune system and aids in detoxification, reduces  6park.com

inflammation, is anti-cancer, reduces osteoporosis, is antiviral, improves  6park.com

athletic performance, repairs nerve damage, and reduces stress.  6park.com

Dosage: Take as directed on the label for 10 days and then stop for 4  6park.com

days. Keep repeating this pattern until symptoms subside. There are  6park.com

many different types of ginseng, each having different medicinal  6park.com

properties. Eleuthero has been found very effective for treating the fatigue associated with  6park.com

corona. 6park.com

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Nigella sativa - also known as black seed, black cumin, black caraway, black fennel, nigella or  6park.com

kalonji is useful in treating many conditions including 6park.com

digestive tract conditions, gas, colic, diarrhea, dysentery,  6park.com

constipation, and hemorrhoids. It is also used for respiratory  6park.com

conditions including asthma, allergies, cough, bronchitis,  6park.com

emphysema, flu, swine flu, and congestion. Other uses  6park.com

include antihypertensive, liver tonic, diuretic, appetite  6park.com

stimulant, analgesic, anti-bacterial, skin disorders,  6park.com

inflammation, hay fever, eczema, stomach ulcers, metabolic  6park.com

syndrome, Hepatitis C, seizures, birth control, increasing  6park.com

breast milk flow, and menstrual disorders and more. It has  6park.com

been found to contain a substantial amount of vegetable  6park.com

protein, fiber and minerals, and vitamins including significant levels of iron, copper, zinc,  6park.com

phosphorus, calcium, thiamine, niacin, pyridoxine, and folic acid.  6park.com

How to use - You can purchase nigella sativa in capsules or whole. Whole seeds are very  6park.com

inexpensive compared to the capsules.  6park.com

Nigella Sativa, Fennel, Star Anise Seed & Honey – This mixture, loaded with Shikimic  6park.com

acid and the other healing benefits of the herbs and honey, is a wonderful remedy worth trying.  6park.com

It has been found to bring fast relief for all things related to covid. 6park.com

Ingredients:  6park.com

½ cup Nigella Sativa seeds 6park.com

½ cup Fennel seeds 6park.com

½ cup star anise seeds (removed from the pods – 6park.com

save the pods for tea) 6park.com

1 cup raw (unheated) honey  6park.com

Instructions:  6park.com

Place the three types of seeds into a seed grinder and grind to a powder. 6park.com

Place 1-1/2 cup honey into a bowl and add the powdered herbs and mix well.  6park.com

Store in a covered jar in the refrigerator.  6park.com

Dosage: 1 to 2 teaspoons as needed, or can be used as tea - 1 to 2 teaspoons in a  6park.com

cup of hot water as needed 6park.com

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Elecampane has may beneficial properties, but it is especially effective in its ability to heal  6park.com

the lungs during and after illness, and has the ability to increase the lung’s ability to exchange  6park.com

gasses thereby increasing a person’s oxygen  6park.com

saturation. It is also known as an antiseptic (kills  6park.com

unwanted microbes), antiviral (kills viruses),  6park.com

antibacterial (good for bacterial infections), antiamoebic (treats dysentery) , diaphoretic (helps a  6park.com

person detoxify through perspiration), antitussive 6park.com

(relieves a cough), expectorant (helps bring the mucus  6park.com

up and out of the lungs), demulcent (relieves irritation  6park.com

of the mucus membranes) , nutritive (is nutritious),  6park.com

carminative (relieves gas), anthelmintic (gets rid of worms), emmenagogue (increases  6park.com

menstrual flow), diuretic (helps the body get rid of excess water), anesthetic (pain killing), and  6park.com

cholagogue (helps to release bile). Can be used as a tea, or can be made into a tincture. To  6park.com

make a tincture, simply fill a jar ½ full with the herb, and then fill the jar the rest of the way with  6park.com

apple cider vinegar with the mother (the vinegar will have sediment on the bottom, which is  6park.com

called the ‘mother’). Cover, shake well and allow to sit for at least one month before using.  6park.com

Strain well and store in a tightly covered container at room temperature. A recipe for  6park.com

elecampane cough syrup can be found in the Healing Recipe section at the back.  6park.com

Dandelion The roots, leaves and flowers of the dandelion  6park.com

plant are highly nutritious, high in antioxidants, fight  6park.com

inflammation, help with blood sugar control, and are good for  6park.com

the liver and for digestion. Additionally, dandelion has been  6park.com

found to block the ability of spike proteins to adhere to the  6park.com

ACE-2 receptors in cells, making it a good choice for  6park.com

preventing and treating anything to do with Covid-19.  6park.com

Studies have also shown various dandelion preparations to be  6park.com

anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic (stops tumors from growing blood vessels, which is one way  6park.com

to impede tumor growth), antinociceptive (reduces sensitivity to pain), antitumor,  6park.com

antiproliferative (prevents or retards cell growth), antioxidant, antiviral, antiretroviral,  6park.com

prebiotic, antimicrobial,54,59 and antibacterial.60,61 It has also been found to stimulate the  6park.com

secretion of insulin, induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in dysfunctional cells (e.g.,  6park.com

tumor cells), and inhibits lipid and triglyceride accumulation. 6park.com

If you plan on picking your own dandelion greens, be sure that you do not pick any growing on  6park.com

someone's lawn. Chances are that the lawn has been treated with bug or weed killer, and that  6park.com

is something that you don't want to end up eating. Dandelion leaves are best picked when they  6park.com

are young and tender, but big enough to make it worth your time. Once the plant flowers, the  6park.com

leaves become tough and bitter. 6park.com

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Fresh (not dried) Ginger – Fresh ginger has strong antiviral properties. Ginger prevents the  6park.com

viruses from being able to replicate themselves by preventing  6park.com

the spike proteins from attaching to the cells. Fresh ginger  6park.com

must be heated in order to get the most benefit from the  6park.com

antiviral properties. From the time the ginger is ingested, it  6park.com

takes about ½ hour for it to enter the blood stream, and then  6park.com

stays there for only two hours. Therefore, it is important to  6park.com

continue to take ginger every 3 hours. The author has seen people recover from the Flu very  6park.com

quickly by drinking ginger juice or ginger honey in hot water as tea every 3 hours. Ginger is also  6park.com

an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, anti-carcinogenic, cardiovascular protection,  6park.com

disease prevention, anti-viral and more. Use only fresh ginger - dried does not have significant  6park.com

anti-viral properties. 6park.com

Suggestions on how to use fresh ginger as medicine: 6park.com

Juice: If you have an auger juicer*, you can make ginger juice and put a few tablespoons of the  6park.com

juice into a cup of hot water, and sweeten with raw honey. It is also beneficial to add some  6park.com

fresh lemon or lime juice, and if you can, a bit of cayenne pepper. For colds, flu and corona,  6park.com

drink one cup every three hours. It is also a good tonic to drink once or twice a day.  6park.com

*Ginger is very fibrous and most centrifugal juicers cannot do a good job without causing damage to the  6park.com

juicer 6park.com

Ginger Fermented in Honey: This is the easiest, tastiest way to use fresh ginger, and it has  6park.com

the added advantage of the medicinal properties of honey.  6park.com

Ingredients:  6park.com

About ½ kg (1 lb) fresh ginger – make sure to choose plump roots  6park.com

without any wrinkles or mold.  6park.com

About ½ kg (1lb) raw, uncooked honey. Here is the tricky part – the  6park.com

word ‘raw’ has two meanings when it comes to food. The raw that  6park.com

we are looking for is uncooked, not the second meaning which means  6park.com

minimally processed. Since cooking honey is considered a minimally  6park.com

processed procedure often referred to as pasteurization, American  6park.com

companies are allowed to sell their boiled honey and state on the  6park.com

label that they are ‘raw’. If you live in the United States, your best bet  6park.com

is to get Rorie’s Real and Raw Honey (Kosher for Pesach) which the  6park.com

author knows is truly raw and possibly the most delicious honey a  6park.com

person can find. It is not as difficult to find raw honey in Israel  6park.com

because it will say that it is not cooked on the label.  6park.com

Instructions: 6park.com

Peel the ginger. It is easy to do by scraping the ginger with the edge of a spoon. Place  6park.com

the ginger and the honey into a Vitamix, food processer, or a blender. Grind it all  6park.com

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together and store in a covered glass jar. It may be left on the counter for a week or  6park.com

two, and then place in the refrigerator for storage. You may use it right away if you need  6park.com

to.  6park.com

Dosage: Place two tablespoons of the mixture (or to taste) into a cup of hot water and  6park.com

let steep for a few minutes. You can add fresh squeezed lemon or lime. Drink every  6park.com

three hours. It is also a good tonic to drink once or twice a day.  6park.com

About Honey: Honey is rich with nutrients and medicinal components, and is 6park.com

antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, emollient, wound healing, demulcent,  6park.com

immune enhancing and much, much more.  6park.com

Fresh Garlic: The best way to eat garlic for its health benefits is if  6park.com

it is raw or close to raw. Always let garlic sit for at least 15 minutes  6park.com

after chopping, cutting or pressing in order to give the enzymes  6park.com

within the garlic a chance to build up the beneficial healing  6park.com

properties. Garlic is also good for atherosclerosis (hardening of the  6park.com

arteries), high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, hypertension,  6park.com

prevention of lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, stomach  6park.com

cancer, rectal cancer, and colon cancer, bronchitis, hypertension  6park.com

(high blood pressure), TB (tuberculosis), liver disorders, dysentery, flatulence, colic, intestinal  6park.com

worms, rheumatism, diabetes, and fevers, respiratory problems, parasites, poor digestion, and  6park.com

fatigue. PRECAUTION: Garlic lowers blood pressure: people with low blood pressure should not  6park.com

eat a lot of garlic. 6park.com

The authors of this document have tremendous gratitude to the herbalists at Edna Nature 6park.com

(www.edna-nature.com) for sharing their simple but valuable garlic recipe with us. 6park.com

Ingredients:  6park.com

1 head of garlic, peeled 6park.com

1 fresh lemon or lime 6park.com

Instructions: 6park.com

Chop garlic into small pieces and let it sit for ½ hour.  6park.com

After the ½ hour has passed, squeeze fresh lemon or lime  6park.com

on the garlic to bring out additional medicinal goodness.  6park.com

Can be added to salad dressings, or to your favorite foods. If adding to cooked foods, it  6park.com

is best to add it to the warm food after it has finished cooking and has been removed  6park.com

from the heat. 6park.com

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Spanish Mojito Sauce – combines all of the benefits of garlic with the detoxifying properties of  6park.com

fresh cilantro, an herb that helps the body to rid itself of excess mercury. 6park.com

Ingredients: 6park.com

1 head of garlic, peeled 6park.com

1/3 cup fresh lemon or lime juice 6park.com

1 cup fresh cilantro leaves without the stems, chopped 6park.com

1/2 cup chopped onion 6park.com

1 cup warm olive oil  6park.com

Salt to taste 6park.com

Instructions: 6park.com

Finely chop the garlic and let rest for 1/2 hour. 6park.com

Combine all of the ingredients and stir well. 6park.com

Serve as a sauce for avocado, hot potatoes, cauliflower, or any other vegetable that you  6park.com

desire. It is also delicious served over chicken and grilled meats. 6park.com

Artemisia Judaica – ( יהודה לענת - (is a rare plant that grows  6park.com

In Israel along the Paaran wadi and in the Aravah valley. 6park.com

Artemisia judaica does not have the usual toxic properties  6park.com

associated with other artemisia varieties, and can be taken long  6park.com

term without harm.  6park.com

The most remarkable  6park.com

property of the Artemisia judaica is the way that it  6park.com

normalizes blood clotting. For people with bleeding  6park.com

problems, it helps the blood to clot normally. For  6park.com

people who are prone to blood clots, it prevents the  6park.com

clots from forming. This herb has been found to be  6park.com

extremely successful for treatment of people who,  6park.com

post injection, suffer from heavy limbs.  6park.com

Artemisia has numerous uses in medicine. An extract  6park.com

of artemisia has been found to reduce malaria  6park.com

mortality by 70%. Chinese researcher Toyo Yu, who  6park.com

led the research team that led to the discovery of the  6park.com

effects of artemisia on malaria won the Nobel Prize  6park.com

(2015) for developing a drug from artemisia that saved  6park.com

the lives of millions of people. Artemisia judaica can 6park.com

also be used to successfully treat schistosomiasis - the  6park.com

second most common parasite after malaria. It also  6park.com

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has antiviral and anti-cancer activity. It has been studied and found to be effective against  6park.com

herpes, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Epstein-Barr virus (the cause of 'Mono'). Locals use it for  6park.com

parasites in the digestive system, gastrointestinal disorders, snake bites, scorpion stings, ear  6park.com

infections, coughing and wound care. 6park.com

Uses, Dosage and Precautions: 6park.com

The active part of the plant is stored in our body for a relatively  6park.com

short time before being excreted through the liver and kidneys,  6park.com

so it is recommended to take the preparation several times  6park.com

throughout the day. 6park.com

2 capsules should be taken 3-4 times a day, for 5 days (or  6park.com

as long as there are severe symptoms). Then, for 3 more  6park.com

days - 2 capsules twice a day, and then continue for a  6park.com

month in a dose of 1 capsule twice a day.  6park.com

Viruses and various infections- Flu, mono, herpes viruses,  6park.com

infections, and diseases in the digestive system: 3-5 capsules daily until symptoms  6park.com

subside and then continue with 3 capsules a day for another week.  6park.com

For digestive disturbances such as slow digestion, low acid, reflux, gas - 2 capsules  6park.com

before a meal. It is best for someone with a sensitive stomach to take it after the meal.  6park.com

PRECAUTIONS: Should not be taken by pregnant or nursing mothers. It is not 6park.com

recommended to take within one hour of bedtime. 6park.com

Immune Modulating Tea - This tea has been found to be extremely helpful for lessening  6park.com

the symptoms of corona and long corona, it has helped many people regain their sense of taste  6park.com

and smell, and has stopped or lessened vaccine reactions. It is also good protection against  6park.com

viruses and shedding.  6park.com

Ingredients: 6park.com

2 Tablespoons Astragalus root - immune-modulating, anti-aging, antiinflammatory and more 6park.com

2 Tablespoons Fennel Seed 6park.com

4 Bay Leaves - wound healing, antioxidant, antibacterial,  6park.com

antiviral, immune-stimulant, anticholinergic, antifungal,  6park.com

anticonvulsant, anti-mutagenic, and analgesic and antiinflammatory and more 6park.com

1 Teaspoon Licorice Root – prevents spike proteins from invading  6park.com

the cells (should not be taken alone, only in mixture with other  6park.com

herbs) 6park.com

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¼ cup dried Stinging Nettle Leaves – antihistamine, blood cleansing, flushes out toxins,  6park.com

immune modulating, relieves joint pain, anti-inflammatory and cardio protective 6park.com

¼ cup Tulsi Leaves - also known as holy basil combats respiratory ailments, asthma,  6park.com

bronchitis, colds, congestion, coughs, flu, sinusitis, sore throat,  6park.com

and similar ailments, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress,  6park.com

treats gastrointestinal disorders, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic  6park.com

and more. 6park.com

100g (3.5 oz) Fresh Ginger – (not dried)  6park.com

Instructions:  6park.com

Put all of the ingredients into a pot and cover with 1 liter (1 quart) of filtered water and  6park.com

soak overnight. Cover the pot with a lid.  6park.com

Place the covered pot on low heat and allow to simmer gently for 3 to 4 hours.  6park.com

While the herbs are simmering, juice or grind the ginger in a food processor. Add this to  6park.com

the hot herb mixture 5 minutes before you remove the pot from the heat. It is  6park.com

important that the ginger is heated to bring out the oils that contain many healing and  6park.com

anti viral properties.  6park.com

Strain first through a coarse strainer to remove all of the large pieces, and then through  6park.com

a fine tea strainer.  6park.com

Store in the refrigerator for up to 4 days, or in the freezer for up to a year.  6park.com

Dosage: 1 to 2 tablespoons in a cup of water every 2 or 3 hours until symptoms  6park.com

subside.  6park.com

To buy the Immune Modulating tea ready made, contact one of the special women who make  6park.com

it for immediate use (it is sold as a frozen liquid and cannot be shipped). All of these ladies have  6park.com

WhatsApp if you prefer to contact them that way.  6park.com

• New York: Gittle Barber - 1 (917) 873-2599 6park.com

• New Jersey: Rivky Eisenberg - 1 (732) 278-8627 6park.com

• Florida: Karen Harrold - 1 (305) 345-8298  6park.com

• Florida: Tamar Greenberg 1 (305) 632-772 (also has Neprinol AFD) 6park.com

• Jerusalem: Leah Diamond – 058-432-8885  6park.com

Immune Modulating Tincture – Using the ingredients in the recipe above, place all 6park.com

ingredients into a liter or quart sized jar. Fill the jar with organic apple cider vinegar with the  6park.com

mother (the vinegar will have sediment on the bottom, which is called the ‘mother’). Cover  6park.com

tightly and shake well. Leave in a dark place for at least one week. It gets stronger the longer it  6park.com

sits, so be aware that dosing will vary with the ‘age’ of the tincture. It is best to leave it for a few  6park.com

months, but if it is needed before hand, simply strain out what you need. Start with ½ teaspoon  6park.com

in a cup of water every 2 or 3 hours or as needed. You can increase the dosage as needed. Can  6park.com

be sweetened with honey. The strained tincture can be stored tightly closed at room  6park.com

temperature. 6park.com

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Removing Heavy Metals & Other Toxins 6park.com

There is a big difference between detox and drainage. Detox is grabbing onto harmful chemicals  6park.com

and pulling them out of the body. Drainage refers to the pathways that the toxins have to travel  6park.com

in order to leave the body. In order to detox, the drainage pathways need to be clear.  6park.com

Drainage pathways include the colon (bowel movements), the liver and bile ducts, the  6park.com

lymphatic system, glymphatic (brain drainage to the lymphatic system), kidneys (urine), and  6park.com

skin (sweating).  6park.com

It is extremely important to prepare for detoxification by clearing the body’s drainage pathways  6park.com

so that the toxins are able to leave your body rather than back up into your system creating 6park.com

further harm.  6park.com

Cellcore 4-4-4 Kit – Opens the Drainage Pathways 6park.com

The 4-4-4 Kit refers to taking four capsules each of Cellcore's  6park.com

Advanced TUDCA, LymphActiv, and KL Support twice a day.  6park.com

This will open the drainage pathways of the liver,  6park.com

gallbladder, kidneys, and lymphatic system and prepare the  6park.com

body for deeper immune support, pathogen removal, and  6park.com

detoxification. 6park.com

Dosage:  6park.com

Day 1: one capsule of each product two times a day without food. 6park.com

Day 2: two capsules of each product two times a day without food. 6park.com

Day 3: three capsules of each product two times a day without food.  6park.com

Day 4: Four capsules of each product two times a day without food.  6park.com

Continue with four capsules two times a day until the bottles are empty. If you experience  6park.com

discomfort at the higher dose, lessen the number of pills until the treatment is well tolerated.  6park.com

At the lower dose, continue taking until you have run out of pills.  6park.com

Make sure to drink at least 2 liters (2 quarts) of water each day while completing this kit. 6park.com

NOTE: If you do not have at least one regular bowel movement each day, or  6park.com

you tend towards constipation, please use Bowel Mover, which is a blend of  6park.com

ingredients in the proper ratio designed to provide non-habit-forming, safe,  6park.com

effective digestive support and healthy bowel function. 6park.com

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Cellcore ViRadChem Binder – Removes the Toxins 6park.com

ViRadChem Binder is designed to get to the source of symptoms by targeting  6park.com

viruses, retroviruses, radiation, and chemical toxins. This product strips viruses  6park.com

off membranes, binds to retroviruses and mold, and as it binds and removes  6park.com

radiation, and helps the body detox from chemical contaminants, pesticides  6park.com

and herbicides like glyphosate.  6park.com

Charcoal products, also used for detoxification, cannot create energy that the  6park.com

cells need to heal after the toxins have been removed because they are spent  6park.com

carbons. The BioActive Carbons contained in this product have the energy to  6park.com

bind and remove the toxins, while also providing the cell with enough energy  6park.com

to heal. 6park.com

The ingredients in ViRadChem Binder include: 6park.com

• Bioactive Carbon (Extracts of Humic and Fulvic Acid) - attaches to the toxins in the body and  6park.com

pulls them out; it also protects and restores the cells.  6park.com

• Zeolite clinoptilolite (ZCm) is a natural mineral that has strong absorptive properties. ZCm has a  6park.com

negative chemical charge, something rarely found in a mineral. It can attract and trap heavy  6park.com

metals and other positively-charged toxins. ZCm is a natural detoxifier, binding to heavy metals,  6park.com

pollutants, and microbes to expedite their elimination from the body. It can also support the  6park.com

immune system, balance the gut flora, and combat oxidative stress. 6park.com

• Broccoli sprout extract - contains a potent anti-oxidant and is anti-microbial and anticarcinogenic, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, reduces cognitive impairment, and  6park.com

aides in the detoxification of “highly reactive carcinogens.” 6park.com

• Mulberry - helps to support liver function, increase blood flow, combat fatigue, and regulate  6park.com

blood sugar levels. 6park.com

• Artichoke leaf - reduces inflammation, boosts energy, and improves digestive health. 6park.com

• Blueberries - helps to feed good gut bacteria, promotes liver health, helps the immune system,  6park.com

and improves endurance. 6park.com

• Wheatgrass - helps to enhance liver health and immune function.  6park.com

• Bromelain - can help combat inflammation during detoxification, and aids and supports healthy  6park.com

immune responses 6park.com

• Acai - this berry contains what scientists think may be the most powerful antioxidant ever  6park.com

studied, velutin. It may help to protect from toxins and prevent mitochondrial dysfunction. 6park.com

• Olive leaf - promotes heart health and stimulates the cells to make more mitochondria. It also  6park.com

inhibits harmful bacteria and may help prevent DNA damage. 6park.com

• Citrulline - supports a healthy immune system and stamina. 6park.com

• Pomegranate - contains ellagic acid, which may help to lower gut inflammation and heal  6park.com

wounds. Ellagic acid may also help break up biofilm and guard against cancer. 6park.com

• Astaxanthin - helps to protect the brain against inflammation, and protects the mitochondria  6park.com

and DNA. 6park.com

Dosage: 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening 6park.com

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Cellcore Advanced TUDCA 6park.com

Tauroursodeoxycholic acid, or TUDCA for short, is a natural component of your  6park.com

bile that boasts a long list of potential health benefits all by itself. But combine  6park.com

it with other synergistic compounds, and its perks are multiplied. Cellcore's  6park.com

TUDCA is made from non-animal sources and is vegan. 6park.com

The combination of TUDCA, melatonin, and NAC in this product, help increase  6park.com

the flow of bile so toxins aren’t remaining stagnant in the liver to cause  6park.com

damage. They assist in protecting liver cells and combat mitochondrial stress.  6park.com

It can help prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver. 6park.com

Together, these ingredients also help to lower systemic inflammation and prevent free radical  6park.com

damage by encouraging your body to produce more glutathione and other “in-house”  6park.com

antioxidants. 6park.com

The ingredients also work to enhance your digestive and microbiome health by helping protect  6park.com

the gut wall from damage and aid in reducing “leaky gut” syndrome. It can help regulate gut  6park.com

motility and calm inflammation in the GI tract. 6park.com

These components are backed by BioActive Carbon to help protect the constituents through  6park.com

the digestive process so they are fully active as they reach the intestines. BioActive Carbons also  6park.com

work to bind and aid in the removal of toxins that your bile is trying to purge. 6park.com

This product could be used instead of NAC to increase glutathione levels to rid the body of  6park.com

graphene oxide. 6park.com

Dosage: One capsule twice daily OR two capsules twice daily for those who are in need of  6park.com

additional support. It may be taken with or without food. If you do not have a gall bladder, take  6park.com

with food to aid in the digestive process. 6park.com

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) 600 and Glutathione 500mg rotation  6park.com

schedule 6park.com

Graphene Oxide (GO) is a toxic substance that is found in all of the covid vaccines. It has also  6park.com

been found in rainwater and beach sand around the globe. It is a manmade material and it is  6park.com

not found in nature. Symptoms of GO poisoning include but are not limited to: a metallic taste  6park.com

in the mouth; loss of taste and smell; fatigue; fever; chills; blood clots; pneumonia; lung  6park.com

damage that prevents the normal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide; and more. (Do these  6park.com

symptoms sound familiar?)  6park.com

NAC is a substance that our bodies need to make a very precious substance called glutathione.  6park.com

Glutathione is involved in tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins needed in  6park.com

the body, and in immune system function. It is an important anti-oxidant, and has been found  6park.com

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to be able to break down graphene oxide, which is a serious health concern. Unfortunately, oral  6park.com

glutathione is not easily absorbed by the body, which is why we take NAC to stimulate the body  6park.com

to produce glutathione instead. However, taking NAC long term can cause unintended side  6park.com

effects, so for best results rotate the use of NAC with Glutathione every two weeks.  6park.com

In the hospital, NAC is used in the intravenous and oral form to protect and restore the body  6park.com

before and after it has been exposed to certain chemicals, including radioactive dyes used to  6park.com

illuminate parts of the body during an MRI, and in the case of acetaminophen (Tylenol, Acamol,  6park.com

etc.) overdose. It’s also used sometimes to help cancer patients overcome the adverse events  6park.com

that may be associated with chemo drugs. 6park.com

While many people can tolerate higher doses of NAC, some people find that oral doses of NAC  6park.com

above 1200 mg per day can result in headache, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation,  6park.com

and diarrhea. 6park.com

People who take nitroglycerine should not take NAC unless supervised by a physician since it  6park.com

can cause the nitroglycerine to work more intensely and cause an unsafe drop in blood  6park.com

pressure. 6park.com

Dosage: NAC 600mg once a day for two weeks and stop. Then take Glutathione 500mg  6park.com

for another two weeks and stop. Keep alternating two weeks with NAC and two weeks  6park.com

with Glutathione.  6park.com

Detox Bath  6park.com

This bath has a dual purpose – to both detoxify and to nourish. The body  6park.com

needs magnesium to maintain the health of muscles, including the heart.  6park.com

Magnesium deficiency can increase a person's risk of cardiovascular  6park.com

problems, and can also cause symptoms such as tremor, poor coordination,  6park.com

muscle spasms, loss of appetite, personality changes, and nystagmus (an  6park.com

involuntary rhythmic side-to-side, up and down or circular motion of the  6park.com

eyes). Stress and illness both deplete the body of magnesium, and one of the  6park.com

first signs is fatigue. The fatigue may be accompanied by muscle spasms, or  6park.com

muscle weakness or stiffness or those symptoms may come later. A loss of appetite and nausea  6park.com

are other common early symptoms of magnesium deficiency.  6park.com

Sulfur is another mineral that is depleted with stress and illness. It aids in the detoxification of  6park.com

drugs, food additives, and toxic metals. It also prevents blood from coagulating during transit  6park.com

through capillaries, and it also helps to maintain optimal neurological health. 6park.com

The body has a very difficult time absorbing magnesium from supplements, but is easily  6park.com

absorbed through the skin (transdermal). To make a detox bath, you will need either Epsom  6park.com

salt or Dead Sea Salt. Both are high in both magnesium and sulfates. By dissolving these mineral  6park.com

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salts in your bathwater, the magnesium and sulfates to be readily absorbed into skin, and can  6park.com

at the same time draw out toxins from the body.  6park.com

FIRST BATH: Detoxification through the skin can have some uncomfortable side effects if done  6park.com

too quickly. It is recommended that for your first bath you use just one cup of either Epsom  6park.com

salts or Dead Sea salt in your bathwater. Make the water as warm as you can without being  6park.com

uncomfortable and soak for 15-20 minutes. Some people find that the salts are drying to the  6park.com

skin, so to combat that, it is recommended that you also add an equal amount of baking soda. It  6park.com

is best to take this bath right before a nap or bed to give your body a chance to heal while you  6park.com

sleep.  6park.com

SECOND AND ALL OTHER BATHS: Use two cups of either Epsom Salt or Dead Sea Salt in your  6park.com

bathwater, and try to soak for ½ hour. Many people report that they begin sweating after 20  6park.com

minutes, and this is a sign that the body is releasing toxins.  6park.com

Oaktree Magnesium Spray with Aloe Vera 6park.com

Even with proper nutrition, it is sometimes difficult to supplement the required  6park.com

daily amount of Magnesium. The most effective way to supplement it is by  6park.com

spraying the skin with magnesium oil, which allows the body to absorb exactly  6park.com

what it needs. 6park.com

Our bodies use Magnesium in many ways: 6park.com

Magnesium helps us absorb calcium 6park.com

It allows the proper functioning of muscles, nerves and bones, along with  6park.com

calcium 6park.com

Stabilizes energy levels 6park.com

Healthy pregnancy and breastfeeding support 6park.com

Helps with constipation 6park.com

Immune System and Recovery Support 6park.com

Z-Stack  6park.com

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who has provided counsel to White House personnel,  6park.com

governments on four different continents, hospitals, physicians, and nursing  6park.com

homes, has put together an all-natural formula design for supporting the  6park.com

natural defense system of the body. This formula is highly recommended for  6park.com

both recovery and protection. This is an excellent product with proven  6park.com

effectiveness, in a convenient, easy to take capsule. 6park.com

Dosage: 2 capsules a day. 6park.com

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Vitamins D & C, Zinc and Quercetin This combination of Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin,  6park.com

and Vitamin C costs more than Z-Stack, but the authors believe that for someone who can  6park.com

afford it, the added benefits outweigh the cost.  6park.com

Arthur Andrew Medical KD Ultra: KD Ultra combines vegan-sourced Vitamin  6park.com

D3, a full-spectrum blend of Vitamin K, and the enzyme lipase to support  6park.com

strong bones, cardiovascular health and immune function. Vitamins D and K  6park.com

are fat-soluble (meaning they dissolve in fat), so the company added the  6park.com

enzyme lipase to help your body to absorb the D and K efficiently.  6park.com

Dosage: 1 to 2 capsules per day. 6park.com

Pure Synergy Zinc Complex or MegaFood Zinc - Our bodies were created with an innate  6park.com

intelligence that allows us to function, heal, energize, metabolize, and absorb  6park.com

nutrients from the foods that we eat. If the body needs nutrients such  6park.com

as zinc, foods high in zinc enable our bodies to access an appropriate  6park.com

amount of this vital nutrient, and if there is more zinc in the food than  6park.com

what is needed, the body will expel the rest. This is not the case when  6park.com

taking most supplements, because the body was not created to know  6park.com

what to do with isolated vitamins and minerals. Both the Pure  6park.com

Synergy company and the MegaFood company use real food to make  6park.com

their products and are therefore better for your health. Pure Synergy  6park.com

Zinc Complex combines fermented zinc with an organic food complex  6park.com

of immune-supporting shiitake mushrooms, vitamin C-rich camu camu berries, and wholesome  6park.com

green vegetables and sprouts. MegaFood Zinc contains natural source of phytonutrients &  6park.com

additional nourishment for overall health. Choose from one. 6park.com

Dosage: 1 tablet per day with or without food.  6park.com

Pure Synergy Pure Radiance C – Pure Radiance C® is made from organic camu  6park.com

camu extract and organic acerola cherry extract with 9 antioxidant-rich organic  6park.com

berries and fruits, and is a 100% natural form of vitamin C free of any synthetic  6park.com

or corn derived ascorbic acid. It contains valuable flavonoid cofactors &  6park.com

antioxidants for a healthy heart & optimal cellular function and is easy on the  6park.com

stomach with lower acidity compared to ascorbic acid. It is made with organic  6park.com

ingredients, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, and Vegan. Pure Radiance C comes either in  6park.com

capsules or powder. Your goal is to take 2,000mg per day until symptoms  6park.com

subside, then for maintenance take 500mg per day. Since this is a natural, easy  6park.com

to absorb product, there is no need to mega dose.  6park.com

Quercetin – The author does not recommend any specific brand. Dosage: 500mg per day 6park.com

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More Relief from Fatigue and Brain Fog 6park.com

Proper Nutrition is the main key to recovery. The following products have been found to help  6park.com

people to regain their strength during and after illness.  6park.com

Pure Synergy, Organic Superfood – contains a balance of deeply  6park.com

restorative herbs and mushrooms with regenerating supergreens and  6park.com

fruits to nourish and balance your body and mind. It is excellent in  6park.com

restoring mental clarity and focus, vibrant energy, healthy immune  6park.com

response, and assists in detoxification. This product comes in either  6park.com

capsules or as a powder that you can add to your smoothies.  6park.com

Dosage: Follow directions on the label 6park.com

Pure Synergy, Organic Super B-Complex provides the perfect balance of all  6park.com

eight essential B vitamins plus three important cofactors in a potent,  6park.com

energizing formula. Made with organic veggies & fruits, then activated with  6park.com

enzymes & probiotics through fermentation, for enhanced bioavailability. 6park.com

Excellent support for enhanced energy, stress relief & a healthy nervous  6park.com

system. 6park.com

Dosage: 1 capsule per day 6park.com

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Iodine, Sulfur Plus Essential & Trace Minerals from Sea Vegetables  6park.com

Sea vegetables are a true ‘superfood’, and the best dietary source of  6park.com

iodine. Iodine is essential for a healthy thyroid gland, which produces  6park.com

hormones that regulate the body's metabolic rate controlling heart,  6park.com

muscle and digestive function, brain development and bone  6park.com

maintenance. Sea Vegetables also contains other vitamins and minerals,  6park.com

such as vitamin K, B vitamins, zinc and iron, along with antioxidants that  6park.com

help protect cells from damage. The best sea vegetables to add to your  6park.com

diet are arame, kombu and wakame. Alternatively, Edna has a wonderful  6park.com

supplement with these three seaweeds in it, in an easy to swallow  6park.com

capsule.  6park.com

Iodine is very helpful in treating thyroid problems, both in deficiency and  6park.com

in excess. It also helps to heal when there are problems with the ovaries and prostate, diabetes,  6park.com

hypertension, cancer, depression, brain fog, psoriasis, rheumatism, and more. In addition,  6park.com

iodine removes toxins from the body: mercury, lead, cadmium, bromine, aluminum, and  6park.com

arsenic. A 2013 study found a link between low iodine intake in women in early pregnancy and  6park.com

impaired cognitive development of their children. Sulfur is required for the body to produce  6park.com

glutathione, essential for the treatment of oxidative damage. A sulfur deficiency can lead to  6park.com

premature aging and severe degenerative diseases. 6park.com

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WOMEN: Pregnant and Nursing Mothers, and women with reproductive issues.  6park.com

In addition to the enzymes and the sea vegetables, the following supplements give women the  6park.com

basics that they need for female wellness. Women who chose to take one of these supplements  6park.com

do not need to consider taking an additional B-complex supplement, as these products have a  6park.com

full spectrum of B vitamins. If you are having any issues relating to or from Covid-19 or any of  6park.com

the ‘vaccines’, it is important to take the enzymes to remove the main cause of  6park.com

the problem which is the spike proteins.  6park.com

MegaFood Baby and Me 2 Prenatal Multivitamin – this is an excellent product  6park.com

with proven results for women and girls between the ages of 12 and 55. The  6park.com

tablets are a bit large, so if you have trouble swallowing a tablet, you may want to  6park.com

use Pure Synergy PureNatal instead.  6park.com

Pure Synergy PureNatal - Perfect for you and your baby - Wholesome vitamins  6park.com

and minerals, made with organic veggies and fruits, are deeply nourishing, and  6park.com

gentle on your stomach. This formula, with its blend of organic sprouts, berries,  6park.com

and herbal extracts provides comprehensive nourishment, balance and support. 6park.com

This formula is good for all women and girls who are between 12 and 55. 6park.com

MegaFood Multi for Women 55+ is formulated by award-winning integrative  6park.com

medical physician, Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., and contains a blend of vitamins,  6park.com

minerals and green tea leaf extract to support a mature woman's unique  6park.com

nutritional needs. Vitamin D is included to support healthy bones. B vitamins  6park.com

support healthy energy function and nervous system health. 6park.com

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Pure Synergy, Vita-Min-Herb, Women's Multivitamin is made with organic  6park.com

vegetables, fruits and our comprehensive blend of targeted SuperPure® herbal  6park.com

extracts - Vita-Min-Herb® for Women is so much more than a multivitamin.  6park.com

This supremely nourishing and harmonizing formula offers women of all ages  6park.com

complete core nutrients and herbal support for hormonal balance, heart,  6park.com

brain, immune and digestive systems. 6park.com

MEN: For a healthy foundation and to treat male reproduction issues.  6park.com

These supplements give men the basics that they need for basic wellness. Men who chose to  6park.com

take one of these supplements do not need to consider taking an additional B-complex  6park.com

supplement, as these products have a full spectrum of B vitamins. If you are having any issues  6park.com

relating to or from Covid-19 or any of the ‘vaccines’, it is important to take the  6park.com

enzymes to remove the main cause of the problem which is the spike proteins.  6park.com

Pure Synergy, Vita·Min·Herb, Men's Multivitamin is made with organic  6park.com

vegetables, fruits and our comprehensive blend of SuperPure® herbal extracts  6park.com

- Vita-Min-Herb® for Men is so much more than a multivitamin. No matter  6park.com

your age, our all-in-one formula offers complete core nutrients and targeted  6park.com

herbal support for vitality, heart, brain, digestive and immune systems. 6park.com

MegaFood Multi for Men is formulated by award-winning integrative medical  6park.com

physician, Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., and contains a host of supportive nutrients,  6park.com

including B vitamins to support healthy energy function and nervous system  6park.com

health, plus choline, to support healthy cognitive function. 6park.com

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MegaFood Multi for Men 55+ is formulated by award-winning integrative  6park.com

medical physician, Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., and contains a blend of nutrients  6park.com

including vitamin D to support healthy bones, and choline to help maintain  6park.com

normal cognitive function. Pumpkin seed and zinc are included to nourish a  6park.com

healthy prostate. 6park.com

Bishvilo – Is designed to strengthening male function, and, along with  6park.com

taking Lumbrokinase, has even returned normal function to some  6park.com

men even after it was completely lost after ‘vaccination’. The formula  6park.com

contains herbs that increase the internal energy, affect the balance of  6park.com

hormones in the body, help with nervous balance, improves mood, and  6park.com

raises physical ability. Athletes benefit as it also improves physical fitness  6park.com

and muscular development. There are no known side effects. 6park.com

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Other Recommendations – A Few Basics 6park.com

Sleep - The body heals while we are asleep, and a lack of sleep has been linked to a higher risk  6park.com

for certain diseases and medical conditions such as obesity, type  6park.com

2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, poor  6park.com

mental health, and early death. 6park.com

Sleep is an essential function that allows your body and mind to  6park.com

recharge, leaving you refreshed and alert when you wake up.  6park.com

Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly. This  6park.com

can impair your abilities to concentrate, think clearly, and process memories. Most adults  6park.com

require between seven and nine hours of nightly sleep. Children and teenagers need  6park.com

substantially more sleep, particularly if they are younger than five years of age. 6park.com

Studies have shown sleep deprivation leaves people vulnerable to attention lapses, reduced  6park.com

cognition, delayed reactions, and mood shifts. It’s also been found that people can develop a  6park.com

sort of tolerance to chronic sleep deprivation. Even though their brains and bodies struggle due  6park.com

to lack of sleep, they may not be aware of their own deficiencies because less sleep feels  6park.com

normal to them, and this makes them vulnerable to disease. Some diseases linked to long term  6park.com

sleep deprivation include high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, weight gain and obesity,  6park.com

depression and anxiety, diabetes, memory loss, immune system deficiency, psychiatric disorder,&
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